People with an unusual appearance have always attracted attention. In some societies, they were considered the focus of the forces of good. Others perceived the features of their appearance. But anyway, they never went unnoticed. Now the time of prejudice has passed. What once seemed strange and unacceptable is now perceived as a rare and special beauty.
We have compiled a collection of such unusual photographs that prove: compliance with generally accepted canons of beauty is not required at all in order to be truly attractive.
Even serious skin imperfections can be turned into universal beauty.
They say that there are no black people who would have a bright color of the iris. But practice shows that still this happens - albeit very rarely. This phenomenon in science is called Waardenburg syndrome. Theoretically, the presence of blue eyes in blacks is considered a gene abnormality. But this mutation looks very beautiful.
Beautiful people of any nationality and religion.
It is extremely rare to meet black people with blond hair. Most of them live in the territory Melanesia Anthropologists believe that this gene was inherited by the Melanesians from their ancestors, many of whom were Europeans.
No doubt long hair is a special sign of beauty. Upon reaching a certain length, caring for them turns into a difficult job. But such beauty is worth the effort to preserve it.
Why hide the feature of appearance, if you can make it your "highlight"?
Color look, or heterochromia - a part that will not leave a person unnoticed. Heterochromia does not harm eyesight, but such people look very unusual. This phenomenon also occurs due to genetic mutations.
The disappearance of pigmentation in certain areas of the skin is called vitiligo. The causes of this feature are not yet known to scientists. Different people have different perceptions of the appearance of vitiligo on the body. Some are depressed. Others believe that this makes them unusual, distinguishes them from the rest.
In some cases, pigmentation leaves very small areas of the body, making the appearance unusual. For example, the girl’s eyebrow and eyelashes in the following photo are covered with snow on one side.
Another little-known phenomenon found among people and animals - albinism. It occurs due to a lack of skin pigment - melanin.
Queen of the winter By the way, in science it is believed that on 17,000 people encountered just one case of albinism. In the Middle Ages, albinos were unfairly considered fans of the dark forces. But now the times of ignorance are over. Many of the carriers of this rare genetic trait are now successfully self-actualizing in society. And often the model business is becoming the sphere of their activity.
Freckles - Another rare feature of the appearance, which is undeservedly regarded by many as a disadvantage. Note to the owners of freckles of the fair sex: 75% of men find girls with freckles very attractive.