"Furnace gold" is called wood ash for its beneficial properties. After all, there are a lot of them. Properly using wood ash as a fertilizer, you can significantly increase the productivity of vegetable and garden crops, save the site from pests.
Material Content:
Composition and useful properties of wood ash
Wood ash has gained popularity due to its unique composition. More than 30 minerals are present in the fertilizer; each of them can be used for plants. The composition of wood ash allows its use in different cultures.
100 g of wood ash contains the following elements:
- calcium carbonate - 17 g;
- sodium phosphate - 15 g.
- calcium sulfate - 14 g;
- potassium orthophosphate - 13 g;
- calcium chloride - 12 g;
- calcium silicate - 10.5 g;
- magnesium carbonate - 4 g;
- magnesium silicate - 4 g;
- magnesium sulfate - 4 g;
- sodium chloride - 0.5 g.
This is a unique organic fertilizer that must be correctly applied.
Beneficial features:
- nourishes with important elements;
- reduces soil acidity;
- accelerates the rooting of seedlings;
- helps decompose organic waste;
- repels pests;
- positively affects the structure of the earth;
- used to treat diseases.
It must be remembered that there is no need to abuse quantity. Wood ash is a good fertilizer for the garden.
There is a norm for the use of wood ash. It is recommended to fertilize the soil at the rate of 1 cup per 1 square meter of land.
Methods for producing fertilizer
How can I get valuable fertilizer for the garden? The easiest way is to use the ash from the burned firewood. Care must be taken to ensure that it enters the oven.
Gardeners use a variety of devices in which they burn wood residues. Suitable for this metal box, barrel. For safety, take care of the cover. In addition, holes and a special tray should be located in the lower part of the device. Ash and ash will gradually pour out, which makes it possible to gradually collect fertilizer.
In addition to wood, you can take the following waste for burning:
- hay;
- cereal residues;
- tops of corn, sunflower.
Important! Not all ash can be useful.
Do not use the ash obtained after burning the following materials:
- film;
- rubber;
- various polymeric materials;
- household waste;
- painted wood products;
- newspapers magazines.
In addition, it is not recommended to use fertilizer obtained from plants that grew along highways. Heavy metals accumulate in them, which only pollute the site.
The use of ash for indoor and garden plants
Wood ash is useful for indoor plants, it saves from diseases.
Ways of application:
- infusion;
- solution;
- decoction.
Garden plants are recommended to be fed in the spring. Garden crops are fertilized with ash at the rate of 2-4 kg per 10 square meters.
The use of the drug has a positive effect on plants during periods of budding, flowering. To obtain a good result, top dressing should be done at the stage of bud formation.
The recipe for the infusion:
- Dissolve 3 tablespoons of ash in 1 liter of water.
- Insist a week, mixing it daily.
On a note! 100 ml of infusion is enough to fertilize one flower.
When transplanting houseplants, it is recommended to add wood ash in the calculation of 2 tablespoons per 1 kg of soil mixture to the new soil. Small coals will also be useful for green pets. They absorb excess moisture, cleanse the earth from harmful toxins.
Wood ash as a fertilizer will be useful for plants, if certain rules are followed:
- during storage use closed containers;
- do not apply simultaneously with mullein;
- on sandy soils to be embedded in the soil in spring;
- Do not feed seedlings until the third leaf appears;
- if the soil is clayey, loamy, then you need to fertilize in the fall;
- it is recommended when making digging;
- if added to the well, the fertilizer should be mixed with the soil;
- do not apply simultaneously with slurry.
With proper storage, the fertilizer can be used for several years.
In which cases it is not necessary to use ash
The use of wood ash is not always beneficial to "green pets."
No need to apply this fertilizer for such plants:
- watermelon;
- sorrel;
- azalea;
- heather;
- hydrangea;
- bloodroot;
- rhododendron;
- blueberry;
- coniferous.
Wood ash acts depressingly on these plants, which will negatively affect their condition and productivity.
When dealing with pests, one must remember that wood ash can not only deter insects, but also affect the quality of the crop. It is not recommended to bring wood ash under the following crops:
- turnip;
- radish;
- radish.
These root vegetables can give a flower arrow, grow coarse, tasteless.
Fertilizer against diseases, pests
Wood ash can be a remedy for plants. It can be used to scare away pests. Many recipes are universal, save from a variety of insects dangerous to the garden.
Pests against which wood ash works effectively:
- mites affecting the kidneys;
- Cherry Sawmill;
- aphid;
- glass;
- Colorado beetle;
- slugs;
- cabbage fly;
- caterpillars.
Wood ash is suitable for the prevention and treatment of plant diseases. The tool helps with such problems:
- gray rot of wild strawberry;
- powdery mildew;
- cucumber rot.
The recipe for a remedy against garden pests:
- Mix 1 glass of ash, tobacco dust.
- Powder plants on top.
Cabbage fly, cruciferous fleas and other garden pests are afraid of such a mixture. To save potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle, wet leaves are dusted with ash. The pest avoids sitting on such a plant.
To save from aphids, leaf-eating insects use spraying.
The recipe for the preparation of the solution:
- Dilute the ingredients in 6 l of water: 55 g of ash, 10 g of urea, 55 g of laundry soap.
- Insist 48 hours.
- Process only on calm, dry days.
When transplanting plants, sometimes you need to divide the root. Wood ash is used to dust sections, this preventive measure saves from a number of diseases.
Cucumbers bear fruit better, are less sick if, when planting in a greenhouse, open ground use wood ash. The product should be poured directly into the hole.
Useful gardening tips
For centuries, the roots of trees were burned out to clear forest areas. As a result, yields were much higher. And now, gardeners are effectively using wood ash.
Recommendations of experienced gardeners:
- you can save strawberry beds from slugs by sprinkling bushes with wood ash;
- spraying will save the currant, gooseberry from aphids, sawfly, and glass;
- when planting fruit plants, it is recommended to fertilize the prepared pits: 500 g per bush, 1 kg per tree;
- grapes grow better if 1 kg of ash is dissolved in 3 liters of water, sprayed 2-3 times during the summer.
On one plot of land it is enough to fertilize with wood ash every 3-4 years.
Wood ash is an environmentally friendly fertilizer for green pets. When used properly, the crop will be significantly higher, and crops will suffer much less from diseases and pests.