Dracaena is a beautiful indoor flower, characterized by unusual, fleshy leaves. The process of growing and breeding dracaena at home is quite simple. The plant lives from 5 to 15 years, reaching a height of up to 3 m.
Dracaena cleans the air of formaldehydes, ammonia, toluene and other harmful substances emitted by low-quality building materials. That is why the plant can often be observed in child care facilities, hospitals, offices and apartments.
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Dracaena: description of species and varieties
In nature, there are more than 150 varieties of dracaena. The name of the plant means "female dragon." Outwardly, dracaena resembles a small palm tree.
The most popular species that can be grown at home are the following:
- Bent Dracaena. A distinctive feature of the plant is the leaves, which are strongly inclined downward. The stalk is quite thin, branches almost from the root. The leaves are bright green, with a pronounced yellow stripe in the middle. Such a dracaena looks good in any interior, ennobles the room;
- Derema Dracaena. This variety has a powerful trunk and unusual leaves that reach up to half a meter in length. The color of the leaves is dark green, with multi-colored stripes (white, yellow, olive). Such a dracaena will bloom only in the wild. To see at home her white flowers, outwardly similar to chestnut inflorescences, will not succeed;
- Dracaena Surculosa. The plant has a bushy shape. Leaves are dark green, with small light or golden dots;
- Marginata. One of the most unpretentious types of dracaena in leaving. The plant was first discovered in Madagascar. In the wild, the height of the dracaena reached 5 meters. Breeders managed to work on this.The height of the room Marginata does not exceed 1.5 m. This palm tree not only looks beautiful in the interior of the room, but also cleans the air. That is why it is recommended to keep the plant to people whose apartments and houses are in close proximity to plants and factories;
- Dracaena Fragrant. The plant reaches a height of 2.5-3 m. The leaves are large, wavy, bright green. A distinctive feature is beautiful pink inflorescences that emit a pleasant aroma.
Each of the above types of dracaena is beautiful and unusual in its own way.
The nuances of growing plants
Dracaena is not whimsical to care for. But often inexperienced gardeners may be faced with the fact that the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and dry.
To avoid this, you need to know the nuances of growing dracaena at home:
- Do not flood the plant. Watering should be done 2-3 times a week, not more often. In winter, once will be enough;
- Dracaena does not like the sun, so it is advisable to protect it from direct sunlight. Ideal artificial lighting;
- The soil should be fed periodically so that the plant receives the necessary nutritional components;
- Humidity in the apartment should be high 60-70%. If this condition is not met, most likely your plant will not take root.
It is important! As you can see, there are no special nuances in the cultivation of dracaena at home. It is important to properly organize watering, ensure air humidity, remove the flower pot from the sun, and remember to feed the soil on time.
Dracaena propagation in reliable and easy ways
There are only 3 ways to breed dracaena.
We will talk about them below:
- The most laborious is seed germination. You can purchase plant seeds in a flower shop by following the instructions to plant the plant. In order to grow a full-fledged flower, it will take you at least 2 years. In the end, dracaena will have leaves with a solid color. But for variegated varieties, you will need to use the vegetative method;
- The next method is the propagation of dracaena by cuttings. To do this, the upper part of the stem, about 3-7 cm, is cut from the plant. Its lower part is treated with a special solution that stimulates root formation (a similar tool can be purchased at a flower store). After that, the stem is planted in the prepared soil, which contains all the nutrients. The shank is covered with a film and cleaned in a dark place. Every day, the film needs to be opened and aired for 20-30 minutes. In this case, you will avoid rotting the cuttings. While the plant has not taken root, it is better not to water it, but spray it abundantly;
- Reproduction by means of air outlets. Cut a branch of the plant (with leaves or buds), put it in filtered water. To disinfect water, experts advise additionally using an activated carbon tablet or a pinch of ash. Within a month, the twig should take root. After that, it is planted in the ground.
It is important! Air outlets are the most reliable and easiest way to breed dracaena. It is suitable even for beginner gardeners. If everything is done correctly, then the cuttings will take root in about a month.
Home Care for Dracaena
General requirements for caring for dracaena are as follows:
- Comfortable room temperature. In winter, no lower than 15 degrees, in summer no higher than 25 degrees;
- The plant does not like the sun, therefore it is better to have a pot of dracaena in the eastern or western part of the room;
- The root system will not withstand excess moisture. It is better to water a flower 2-3 times a week. If you notice that the topsoil is still wet, watering should be postponed;
- Feeding is carried out from March to September. Due to the fact that the plant during this period is actively growing. Feeding is carried out once every 2 weeks with special preparations;
- In order for the leaves to have enough moisture, in the summer they need to be sprayed once a week with warm water from the spray gun.
By following these simple recommendations, you can grow a beautiful dracaena yourself.
Pests, diseases and methods of dealing with them
Dracaena, like any other plant, can be attacked by pests. On bright leaves, they are not at all difficult to detect. If measures are not taken in time, the flower will die.
The main pests:
- Shield. On the back of the leaf, you can find small brown, convex spots. At the initial stage, a regular soap solution will help. They need to thoroughly wipe the leaves of dracaena. If this method does not work, you need to use a tool like Actellic;
- Spider mite. Yellowed leaves are the first sign that a pest has wound up. There is a spider mite due to insufficient air humidity. The drug "Fufan" will help;
- Miniature insects such as thrips. The first signs are small silver stripes on the leaves, which increase in diameter over time. First aid - wash the leaves of dracaena with a soap solution. If this method does not work, you will have to make traps, placing containers with water in the immediate vicinity of the plant.
Dracaena is a beautiful houseplant. Despite the fact that it blooms quite rarely, a decorative effect is achieved due to unusual leaves. It’s easy to take care of dracaena, you just need to moisten the air in the room, maintain the desired temperature regime, and feed the soil.
The plant propagates in several ways. The simplest and most reliable is reproduction by means of bends. Rooting cuttings occurs within a month.