Dracaena edged or marginata, one of the most common species. She has graceful, drooping leaves with a light stripe of burgundy color along the edge. This is an indispensable plant for beginners and those who do not have much time to care for flowers.
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Description and tips for growing
Dracaena marginata can grow up to 3 meters in height. This plant is sensitive to air temperature, the optimal value is in the range from 18 to 23 ° C. In appearance, the dracaena resembles a palm tree; it has narrow, long leaves; in indoor conditions, it blooms very rarely.
It is not difficult to create a favorable living environment for the plant in the apartment, three main factors must be taken into account - lighting, humidity and air temperature. We must not forget about top dressing, disease prevention and leaf care. From dust, leaves need to be wiped 1 time in 3 months, each leaf with a damp cotton pad so that the plant breathes and does not lose its decorative appearance.
Home Care
Simple rules of competent care will help the dracaena not just exist in the apartment, but grow a strong, beautiful flower that pleases the eye.
Basic requirements for growing:
- Dracaena marginata (Dracaena marginata) loves bright, diffused light or light partial shade, grows remarkably under artificial lighting.
- Fertilize the plant from March to November, every 2-3 weeks or 1 time per month. You can use ordinary fertilizer for ornamental foliage plants or special - for dracaena.
- Watering should be done twice a week in summer, and much less often in winter, about 3 times a month.
- If the air in the apartment is dry, spray on the leaves at least 1 time per week.
- Frequently inspect the flower, carry out disease prevention (pour phytosporin, arrange a warm shower).
- Take out to fresh air in the warm season, choosing a place protected from direct sunlight and strong winds.
It is important to remember that dracaena is a thermophilic plant, in winter the temperature in the room where it grows should not fall below 16 ° C.
How to transplant a plant
Dracaena transplantation is usually done every three years, when the roots occupy the entire space of the pot, it is best to do this in March or April.
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Frequent transplantation of dracaena does not require, it can be in the same volume of the pot for a sufficiently long time. The disadvantage of rare transplants is that having exhausted all the nutrients in the soil, the plant will begin to shed its lower leaves.
The pot is taken 5 cm more in diameter, drainage is poured on the bottom. The earth can be used universal for decorative foliage plants. It is undesirable to transplant dracaena into an oversized pot; its roots can rot.
Propagation of dracaena bordered
Over time, dracaena marginata is extended, and the lower part of the trunk is exposed. Anti-aging pruning can help.
Cut apical shoots with leaves are easily rooted in water or light soil. The second option is preferable, because the stalk in the soil does not exactly rot. You can process the slices with Kornevin and make a mini-greenhouse for the seedling, covering it with a bag or a cut plastic bottle. It is advisable to water the soil before planting with a fungicide solution.
Problems that flower growers may encounter
With inaccurate watering, the dracaena can rot. Between watering, it is desirable that the earth dries out on 2 or 3 phalanges of the finger. The root system of the plant is not very powerful, so moisture is consumed little, especially you need to be careful in the winter.
It is not necessary to fertilize dracaena in winter. With a lack of light in the winter, it begins to stretch. If you feed her at this time, then the stem will grow incorrectly.
If the ends of the leaves begin to dry, then the dracaena does not have enough humidity. This is especially noticeable in winter, when the air is very dry due to central heating. You can help Dracaena by spraying her with water or having a shower several times a week.
Pests, diseases and methods of dealing with them
Pathogens are pathogenic bacteria or fungi. Insect pests fly in the summer from the street or can get into the apartment with new flowers bought in the store.
Dracaena diseases, signs and treatment:
- Heterosporosis - beige spots with a reddish rim and grayish bloom are visible on the leaves, for treatment they wipe the leaves with a solution of colloidal sulfur, the soil and the plant are treated with Oksikhom or Kuprozan several times with an interval of 10 days;
- Bacteriosis - brown watery spots on the leaves and trunk, a diseased plant is destroyed, there is no effective treatment.
- Fusarium - the leaves turn yellow, the top of the plant withers, the trunk becomes thinner, the affected leaves are cut off for treatment, the dracaena is treated with Fundazol, Benomil or Vectra; for prevention, watered with a solution of Fitosporin.
- Powdery mildew - a white coating on the leaves, which eventually acquires a brown color, for treatment, the plant is washed with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, powdered with colloidal sulfur, treated with any fungicide with an interval of 10 days.
Dracaena pests, signs of damage and treatment:
- Spider mite - yellow dots on the back of the leaf, a web between the leaves, acaricides are used to fight;
- Aphid - colonies of small insects that hide on the inside of the leaves, forming a sticky coating, wash off the insects with soapy water, treat the dracaena with Confidor-Maxi, Biotlin;
- Shield - brown convex points on the leaves, a yellow-red border is formed around them, the plant is treated with Actara, Fufanon;
- Thrips - the leaves lose their color, black dots and beige strokes are visible on them, the dracaena is sprayed with Fitoverm or Aktellik.
For treatment to be successful, it is best to start it as soon as possible. Do not miss an important point will help daily inspection of plants.
Plant Related Features
Beautiful, well-groomed dracaena will decorate any home, create an atmosphere of comfort and prosperity. Folk signs about this flower are mostly favorable. A houseplant is endowed with the positive qualities of a peacemaker in the house.
It’s especially useful to have a dracaena for lonely people, it helps bring a soul mate into the house, a person who will become a reliable friend. If a tree grows with a married couple, then by the abundance of leaves you can determine how well the relationship is developing. When there are a lot of leaves, they are green, dracaena grows rapidly, which means that you are in the house of happy people, where peace and love reign.
The wilting and death of a flower in the house is of negative value. According to legend, it bodes illness and serious trouble. You need to take care of the purchased flower well so as not to incur trouble. Particularly impressionable and negligent gardeners it is better not to start a dracaena.