Vaginal dysbiosis is a problem that many women face. Unfortunately, not all of them turn to the gynecologist on time, and this is fraught with serious consequences.
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What is bacterial vaginosis?
Every female infant is born with a sterile vaginal environment. At about 6-7 days, anaerobic flora begins to colonize the mucous membrane. The neutral environment persists almost until the onset of puberty, then begins to become acidic. Lactic acid bacilli appear and multiply in large numbers on the mucosa, resulting in the formation of a mobile ecosystem in which more than 300 species of bacteria coexist.
Ideally, normal microflora should mainly consist of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Only 1% of opportunistic microorganisms are allowed. Dederlein sticks and lactic acid bacteria control the number of pathogenic elements, producing special substances and creating a special slightly acidic environment, and do not allow them to multiply more than the norm. Only in this ratio can microflora cope with infections on its own. According to statistics, only 25% of women can boast of a normal state of vaginal microflora.
Vaginal dysbiosis is characterized by a sharp increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria, resulting in many diseases of the female reproductive system.
It must be said that opportunistic flora is always on the mucous membrane and only awaits a convenient moment to begin to multiply actively. For example, gardnerellosis in women develops due to a sharp increase in the number of gardnerellles. This is one of the most common forms of dysbiosis.
Causes of the disease
It was previously believed that dysbiosis is transmitted sexually, but this is not so.
Among the causes of violations can be identified as follows:
- excessive use of antibiotics;
- any malfunctions in the hormonal system (both physiological, caused by pregnancy, childbirth or menopause, and others due to abortion, improper use of contraceptives and other diseases);
- decreased immunity for various reasons;
- avitaminosis;
- various deformations of the entrance to the vagina after natural delivery due to ruptures, improperly sutured joints, surgical intervention;
- inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
- intestinal dysbiosis;
- commonplace non-observance of personal hygiene rules (a rare change of pads or tampons during menstruation, as well as abuse of daily pads);
- hypothermia;
- constant stress;
- abuse of douching (these procedures wash out the normal microflora, which immediately begins to be replaced by opportunistic);
- frequent change of sexual partners and promiscuous sexual life;
- a sharp change in climate.
In rare cases, the cause of dysbiosis can be diseases of the circulatory system, obesity, diabetes.
Not only women of childbearing age (the main risk group), but also girls can suffer from vaginal dysbiosis. This is often associated with anatomical features, the formation of the cycle, the instability of the hormonal background, the use of antibiotics, and the wearing of synthetic underwear. Also, such a problem is often encountered by patients after 50 in the postmenopausal period due to the sharp alkalization of the vaginal environment.
Symptoms and signs of the disease
Unfortunately, with vaginal dysbiosis, symptoms do not appear immediately. A slight change in the color and smell of vaginal discharge often goes unnoticed. At first, the disease is asymptomatic and is detected by chance during a planned visit to a gynecologist.
Symptoms of a problem may include:
- general deterioration in well-being;
- pain during proximity;
- itching, discomfort and burning in the intimate area;
- specific grayish or yellowish discharge;
- unpleasant and persistent smell (something reminiscent of spoiled fish).
It is worth noting that the symptoms almost always intensify after sexual intercourse or the end of menstruation.
With further progression, the condition worsens, the discharge becomes purulent, when urinating, cutting pains appear, the temperature may rise. It is dangerous to ignore the problem, as it can develop into a chronic form, which is characterized by the alternation of acute periods and remissions.
Diagnosis of bacvinosis
Most often, the problem is detected by accident. But sometimes patients themselves come to the doctor with certain complaints. The gynecologist will certainly conduct an examination and take a smear to check the composition of the microflora and the pH of the environment. Microbiological examination of the smear, bacteriosis and other necessary tests help to quickly diagnose and begin treatment.
Drug treatment
Treatment of vaginal dysbiosis consists of several stages. First, it is necessary to suppress the pathogenic microflora using local antiseptic and antimicrobial agents in the form of vaginal tablets or suppositories. Often used candles Acylact, Neo-Penotran, as well as Metrogil. The first stage takes a week and a half. Even if the unpleasant symptoms have disappeared, in no case can you arbitrarily stop treatment before the specified time, otherwise you can provoke the development of chronic dysbiosis.They do not recommend using antibiotics, since they destroy both beneficial and pathogenic bacteria, so there is no question of normalizing microflora.
Only then can you start taking local and general probiotics, which will help normalize the normal microflora (Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin) and prevent the likelihood of developing other diseases and the appearance of complications. The result of treatment is necessarily checked and recorded.
The doctor also recommends a diet based on an increase in the amount of fermented milk products consumed. Spicy, sour dishes, alcohol, yeast pastries must be excluded from the menu. Be sure to take measures to increase immunity - to temper, take vitamins, exercise physical therapy.
Treatment with folk remedies
Folk remedies are very diverse. Of course, achieving a decent result with them is difficult, but they can always be used as additional treatment methods.
Good reviews gathered a decoction of cherry flowers. 1 tbsp. l The raw materials must be poured with water and boiled over low heat for about 15 minutes.
Often used sea buckthorn oil, aloe juice, oak bark, honey.
Popular recipes:
- Pour with water 1 tbsp. oak bark for three hours. Boil and pour the filtered infusion into the bath. Do once every 3 days.
- 2 tbsp. l pour honey 2 tbsp. water, add to the bath. Take a bath every day for 20 minutes.
- 2 tbsp. l dry fruits of bird cherry pour 5 tbsp. boiling water. Warm and strained broth to use for washing. The course of treatment is at least a week.
Douching and deep washing should not be done, as they often only aggravate the condition.
Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy
Pregnancy is a kind of risk factor, which very often provokes an exacerbation of dysbiosis. Dysbacteriosis during the period of bearing a child poses a considerable danger to both the health of the mother and the unborn baby. Unfortunately, about 70% of expectant mothers face this unpleasant phenomenon for various reasons. But most often this happens due to serious hormonal changes in the body, which directly affects the state of immunity.
The disease must be treated, but only a doctor can prescribe drugs and select a dosage. Most medicines are used locally and do not affect fetal development. The main task of the attending physician is to eliminate the symptoms and prepare the woman for childbirth. Therapy is aimed at normalizing the situation and can be carried out repeatedly.
Forecast and Risks
If bacterial vaginosis is not treated, it can even lead to very serious consequences - infertility, cervical diseases, miscarriages and premature births in case of pregnancy. Often, the infection enters the urethra, leading to urethritis, cystitis, and pyelonephritis.
Preventative measures
Prevention is very simple and consists in careful attention to your own health.
Every woman needs:
- visit a gynecologist in a timely manner, even when nothing bothers;
- timely treat emerging diseases of the reproductive system and intestinal infections;
- eat right (must include fermented milk products and vegetable fiber in the diet), lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress;
- observe the basic rules of personal hygiene (especially for the period of menstruation), properly and regularly wash with the use of special means for intimate hygiene with a suitable pH (from 3.8 to 4.4), the presence of lactic acid and plant extracts of chamomile, sage, moisturizing the mucosa;
- Do not abuse the use of daily pads;
- Wear comfortable underwear made from natural materials that does not constrain movements and allows the skin to breathe. Synthetic underwear causes the electrification of cells, because of which they are not removed with mucous secretions in a natural way, but stick to the walls of the vagina.
When strange symptoms appear, there is no need to panic. It is better to see a doctor in the near future. Early treatment helps to quickly eliminate the problem and forget about all the troubles associated with it.