Dimexide gel is an effective local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory. Thanks to this drug, many patients forget about their pain, can lead a full-fledged lifestyle.

The composition of the drug

The main active ingredient is dimethyl sulfoxide. Dosage 250 and 500 mg, respectively, the drug can be 25 or 50%.

Note: the higher the concentration of the active component, the more pronounced therapeutic effect.

Additional components: carbomer, triethanolamine, menthol, purified water.

pharmachologic effect

Dimexide is an anti-inflammatory gel that is also used as an antimicrobial, antiallergic, fibrinolytic, analgesic and antiseptic agent. Suitable for outdoor use only.

Dimexide has a local effect, acts at the site of damage to the skin. Its peculiarity is that it enhances the infiltration of drugs, overcomes the barrier of the mucous membrane and skin, penetrates the joint cavity. The gel improves the microcirculation of the skin, accelerates the healing and restoration of damaged cells.

It increases sensitivity to antimicrobials, so antibiotic treatment becomes more effective. The medication is moderately toxic, but absolutely safe if the doctor's recommendations are followed.

The active substance during application is detected in blood serum after 8-10 minutes.in insignificant amounts, and the maximum concentration level is noted after 2-8 hours and lasts for 36-48 hours.

Dimethyl sulfoxide is excreted along with urine and feces, a small amount of the substance is excreted during breathing.

What is Dimexidum gel prescribed for?

Gel Dimexide is popular among doctors for the treatment of lesions of soft tissues, joints, the treatment of pain sensations of traumatic origin, as well as for various infectious and inflammatory processes. It is prescribed in the following cases:

  • radiculitis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthrosis;
  • Ankylosing spondylitis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • eczema, erythema nodosum, organic scleroderma;
  • damage to the trigeminal nerve;
  • injuries (bruises, sprains);
  • skin lesions of a traumatic nature (injuries, thermal burns);
  • vascular diseases (venous insufficiency of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis);
  • infiltrates of various origin;
  • inflammatory and purulent skin lesions (pyoderma, erysipelas, acne, carbunculosis, furunculosis);
  • heel spur;

It is widely used in surgery for the healing of skin lesions in the postoperative period. It is used to make dressings on damaged areas until the skin is restored.

It is also in demand in the maxillofacial profile of odontology. It is prescribed for sialadenitis, osteoarthritis of the jaw joints, as well as for inflammatory diseases of the teeth and gums.

The medication is especially popular in cosmetology. It is often used to improve the structure of hair, enhance their growth, and also to restore the condition of the skin of the face.

Instructions for use for children and adults

Dimexide gel or solution should be used according to the instructions for use, following a specific algorithm.

The choice of drug concentration depends on the severity of the patient's condition. In advanced cases, use Dimexidum gel 50%. It copes with pain relief with severe pain. It is also actively used for applications in dermatological pathologies, such as eczema, scleroderma.

Gel Dimexidum 25% is applied to the face and hypersensitive areas of the body, as well as to the mucous membranes. Apply a thin layer to the damaged area and rub lightly.

Note: external agent can be used under a bandage.

The duration of the course of treatment depends on the prescription of the doctor, but on average is 10-14 days. After 10 days off, you can repeat the therapy.

Before starting the course of treatment, it is necessary to conduct a test for sensitivity to the components. Testing is as follows: with a thin layer of gel, lubricate the elbow area, wait a while and evaluate the reaction. If irritation, redness or itching appeared on the test site, this indicates an allergic reaction to Dimexide. The use of the drug is stopped and antihistamines are prescribed to get rid of allergies.

Do not allow the gel to get into the eyes. If the product gets on the mucous membrane, rinse with plenty of running water and urgently contact a medical institution. Do not forget that non-compliance with the instructions is harmful to health.

Can I use it during pregnancy and lactation?

Obstetricians and gynecologists prohibit the use of the drug for these groups of patients. The main reason for the ban is the lack of clinical studies on the safety of this drug.

Drug interaction

The active substance Dimexide stimulates the reabsorption of ethanol, insulin, acetylsalicylic acid, nitroglycerin. In addition to increasing the absorption of medicinal components, the medication is able to increase the toxic properties of certain drugs.

Dimexide is compatible with many groups of drugs. The effectiveness of the comprehensive treatment of diseases using Dimexidum is enhanced.For the treatment of thrombophlebitis, it should be combined with heparin ointment, glucocorticosteroids for eczema.

The gel enhances the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs in a number of skin diseases that are accompanied by an infectious and inflammatory process. For the systematic treatment of pathology of the musculoskeletal system, the gel should be combined with NSAIDs. For local anesthesia, Dimexidum applications with analgesics are used.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • increased susceptibility to dimethyl sulfoxide or individual intolerance to other components in the composition;
  • chronic pathological processes of the liver and kidneys;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • acute cerebrovascular accident;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • cataract;
  • coma syndrome.

Use in the presence of contraindications is not possible. The tool is not used by pregnant, lactating and children under 12 years of age.

Side effects are manifested in the form of contact dermatitis, which are accompanied by itching, as well as allergic reactions - urticaria. Erythematous rash, dryness and burning of the skin, increased pigmentation, garlic breath are also possible. In rare cases, dyspeptic manifestations such as nausea and vomiting are observed. In especially severe cases, bronchospasm is diagnosed.

If you have the above complaints or any other side effects, you should seek qualified help from your doctor.

Analogs of Dimexidum gel


Today, the following analogues of Dimexide exist:

  1. Biofreeze is a gel that is used for various sports injuries. It has a local cooling effect.
  2. Finalgon gel - used to relieve inflammation and pain in the affected area. During use, a warming effect occurs.
  3. Remisid gel is an effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic that helps with joint and muscle pain.
  4. Alorom ointment is a herbal preparation with local anesthetic effect.
  5. Viprosal ointment - used for joint and muscle pain.
  6. Ungapiven ointment is an external drug for radiculitis, arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia, myalgia, myositis.
  7. Turpentine ointment is a herbal anti-inflammatory agent. It is used for muscle and joint pain.
  8. Capsicam ointment is a combined drug for pain in muscles and joints. Used by athletes as a warming agent.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also be used to relieve pain, but they do not have such a versatile spectrum of action as Dimexide.