Modern beauties know that the use of dimexide for hair has a beneficial effect on the condition of curls and works better than the most expensive branded cosmetics. The main thing is to use formulations prepared at home correctly.
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The benefits of Dimexidum for hair
Interestingly, the drug in question is generally intended not for our hair, but for the skin. But this is not the first year that cosmetologists and trichologists have included it in their personal active arsenal.
Experts note that when choosing the right dosage of the drug, you can use dimexide for hair growth, as well as to combat loss. If you add the product to various ready-made masks and other caring mixtures, it enhances the effect of the latter. For example, it improves the penetration of beneficial components of the mass into the skin and directly into the bulb, favorably affects the nutrition of follicles.
Dimexide for curls is simultaneously used as:
- a solution to relieve inflammation and an antiseptic;
- metabolic accelerator on problem areas, and, therefore, as a “healer”;
- antimicrobial drug.
After the first use, the product improves blood circulation and helps to accelerate the renewal of the skin. And after a few procedures strengthens the roots and rods of the hairs, improves the condition of the cut ends, gives the hair a beautiful shine.
How to apply for hair loss and hair growth
If you decide to use the presented hair care product, it is important to do it in accordance with all the rules. Otherwise, you can harm your health. In the package with dimexide, you can find detailed instructions for using the product. It contains all the important information about the drug and the features of its use.
To improve the condition of curls, special masks with the addition of dimexide are prepared. In addition to such a tool, a lot of additional ingredients are sent to the mixture. These are all kinds of oils, fruit juices, vitamins, plant extracts, eggs, honey, panthenol, gelatin granules and other useful components.
Dimexide is always used in a diluted state. It is strictly forbidden to pour the concentrate in its pure form onto the scalp or hair!
Rules for applying masks at home
Before starting the preparation of the mask, dimexide is diluted with pure non-hot water. It is important to carefully dissolve the therapeutic drops in the liquid. After vigorous stirring, the composition is attached to the other components of the mask. The resulting solution is immediately applied to the curls and skin. You can not leave it to insist, as well as cool or warm.
A slight burning sensation after applying the mask is a normal reaction. But, if it is so strong that it hurts a person and severe discomfort, it is forbidden to continue the procedure. Rinse immediately with plenty of clean water. In the future, you will have to completely abandon the use of the discussed means or significantly reduce the dosage.
There are several important rules for the preparation and application of masks with dimexide:
- The composition is distributed exclusively on a previously washed head. It should not be forgotten that the therapeutic agent improves the penetration of various substances deep into the skin. It is impossible that they remain dirt and all kinds of "harmful". It is advisable to just use the usual shampoo and abandon the balm.
- Before the first procedure with dimexide, it is recommended to conduct a special text on the occurrence of allergic reactions. A small portion of the finished mixture must be distributed on the inside of the forearm. Then wait about a quarter of an hour. If no negative reaction follows, you can safely continue to use the composition.
- Most favorable on the condition of the hair is affected by warm mixtures. But dimexide is strictly forbidden to heat. Therefore, the main composition of the mask is first warmed up, after which the solution is poured.
- In the process of applying the product (mask) to the hair, it must be periodically mixed, since imexidum quickly settles.
The treatment of curls with special masks must be carried out in thin rubber gloves. This precaution will help protect delicate skin on your hands. If itching is felt on the scalp after the procedure, then you should refuse to use the selected mixture.
It must be remembered that strong hair loss after the first mask is the absolute norm. After 2-3 procedures, this should pass. If the reaction persists, you need to abandon it in the future and replace the solution with other caring compounds.
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Homemade Dimexide Mask Recipes
A variety of hair masks with dimexide are easy to prepare at home. Famous popular formulations are based on the simplest recipes.
How to dilute Dimexidum for hair
In order not to harm the hair and the body as a whole, you need to properly prepare a solution of dimexide. Only 10% version of it can be applied to curls.
The product is diluted immediately in two ways. If you plan to combine it with vitamins (oil), then Dimexide is diluted with high-quality oil. If with herbal extracts, honey, eggs and other similar ingredients, it combines with water. The ratio in both cases is 1: 3. Thus, at 1 tbsp. l of the drug in question, 3 such tablespoons of water or oil are taken.
Gelatin Loss Recipe
The mask for hair loss with Dimexidum women called "magic." In addition to the aqueous solution of the drug, additional ingredients are added to it.
The exact composition:
- Dimexide - 2 dessert spoons;
- high-quality gelatin - 2 tbsp. l .;
- panthenol (foam) - 2 tbsp. l .;
- egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
- vitamins A and E - 20-25 drops;
- essential oil (any one will do) - 2 drops;
- decoction of herbs - 1 tbsp. (from burdock root, nettle leaves or chamomile flowers).
- Cool pre-obtained from plants plants. Dilute gelatin in it. Leave on for 50-55 minutes.
- The resulting "jelly" slightly warm in a water bath.
- Add to it all other ingredients. Essential oil is poured in order to interrupt the specific smell of the main ingredient.
- Mix everything.
Such a mask is applied shortly after bath procedures. Curls need only be blotted with a dry cloth. The composition first smears the skin on the head, and then the strands along the length. After the manipulations, cover the hair with a warm hat.
After half an hour, remove the composition by pouring hot water on the head. Rinse the curls with a herbal decoction (supplemented with a minimum amount of lime / lemon juice). But even without such tricks, the result will be amazing.
Mask with onion and cognac for hair growth
And also to improve the condition of the hair, a mask option with the addition of cognac and onion is used. Take one head of vegetable, 2 tbsp. l healing solution, any oil and alcoholic drink. Everything is mixed up. In this case, the peeled onion must be finely rubbed and squeezed juice.
It takes about half an hour to keep the treatment mixture. You can increase the procedure time to 40-45 minutes. The full course of therapy is 20-25 days. A mask is done in every hair wash.
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With sea buckthorn oil
- oil (coke and sea buckthorn) - 2 tbsp. l .;
- a solution of dimexide and olive oil - 2 tbsp. l
- Cooking:
- Combine the ingredients indicated in the recipe.
- Oils must be used warm to improve the absorption of the composition.
- Apply a mask, cover the hair with cling film.
You can wash off the composition after about 40 minutes.
Vitamin A and E supplemented
- oil (burdock and castor) - 60 ml each;
- dimexide - 15 ml;
- liquid vitamins A and E - 15 ml each.
- Warm the oil well in a steam bath.
- Add vitamins and dimexide to already warm fats.
- Stir the composition, apply to the scalp, distribute to the strands.
Wearing a hat, keep the mask for up to an hour. Rinse should be the usual shampoo.
Application in cosmetology for hair treatment
In cosmetology, a variety of agents with dimexide are often used to treat scalp. For example, if there is seborrhea, wounds, any injuries, sutures (recently applied) and other injuries. Improvement by similar means and hair: their cross section, alopecia, excessive dryness are eliminated, the work of the sebaceous glands is brought back to normal. Dimixide not only externally “repairs” the hairs, but also fully treats them from the inside.
If masks with the discussed additive are used for prophylaxis, you need to apply the mixture 1 time per week. Use as a medicine - 2-3 times a week. First you need a consultation with a cosmetologist and / or trichologist. A full course of treatment is 10-12 masks. Procedures are repeated only after 30 days.
Precautionary measures
At home, masks with dimexide must be used with extreme caution. They have a large list of contraindications. For example, people with kidney and liver diseases, with angina pectoris, who recently had myocardial infarction, will have to completely abandon such funds. It is forbidden to use Dimexidum in any form to pregnant women and nursing mothers.
When using the product, manifestations of unpleasant side effects are possible: vomiting and nausea, itching and burning, irritation on the scalp. If such phenomena are noticed, the use of masks will have to be abandoned.
Dimexide can solve many hair problems. But still this is not an ordinary component of a home mask, but a serious pharmacy drug, which should be used with the necessary care.