For several decades in a row, Dichlorvos from bugs has been actively used. Interestingly, the modern tool in its composition and effect has nothing to do with the Soviet version. The principles of production of the drug in recent years have changed dramatically.

Does Dichlorvos help from bugs

An urgent question for modern users - does Dichlorvos help from bugs? The composition of the drug includes cypermethrin and permethrin. These substances have proven themselves in the destruction of these pests. They lead bugs to death in a few hours, paralyzing their nervous system.

The components work together exclusively for local application. After spraying, their effect remains for some time.

How Dichlorvos Varan acts on bed parasites
This version of the tool has been popular on the market for more than 30 years. During this time, the manufacturer has repeatedly improved the composition of its drug, making it more effective and safer for humans.

The composition is not addictive. Its effect lasts no longer than 3 weeks. As a result, even those pests in the house that did not fall under the initial processing die. As soon as the insect touches the place covered with Varan, the process of its destruction begins. In no more than 5 minutes, it dies.

The tool consists of several components at once. The most active among them was dimethyl dichorvinyl phosphate. It is this ingredient that kills pests. Auxiliary plant components only paralyze bed and other bugs for several hours.

The mechanism of action of Dichlorvos Neo on insects

Understanding how Dichlorvos acts on bedbugs, you must first pay attention to the composition of the product. The option marked "Neo" is one of the most effective among the drugs under discussion. It includes a combination of substances of the pyrethroid group, which block the functioning of the nervous system of harmful insects.

Active components disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses in their body. As a result, pest organs and systems begin to malfunction. After some time, insects die.

This odorless dichlorvos acts comprehensively. Its main active ingredients affect parasites immediately through the respiratory tract and through the digestive system. The drug enters the body of harmful insects when it comes into contact with spray-treated surfaces.

Is it harmful to humans?

In the current aerosol cans discussed, the main active ingredients are pyrethroids, which are deadly to most insects. They can harm a person only in exceptional cases, since as a result of the liver, the components from the composition of the agent break down to metabolites that are safe for people.

However, there is still a slight chance of poisoning.

This can happen in several ways:

  • by inhalation of the vapors of Dichlorvos;
  • when its components enter the digestive tract;
  • when aerosol components get on human skin.

The tool poses the greatest danger to young children and pets (especially cats). Also at risk are people who are prone to allergic reactions.

If a person has inhaled harmful vapors of a drug, soon his body temperature may rise, cough, dizziness, severe sensitivity of the facial skin, headache, and vomiting may appear. If the toxin gets into the eyes, they begin to hurt, they blush. The lacrimation increases. If it comes into contact with the skin, swelling, burning, and tingling are possible.

Such symptoms should be completely eliminated in 3 days if a new portion of the harmful substance does not enter the human body. With prolonged intoxication, the patient's condition can seriously deteriorate. Severe dichlorvos poisoning leads to repeated vomiting, increased pressure and cardiac activity, the appearance of internal cramps, seizures.

If a harmful substance enters the human body, you need to take care of the influx of fresh air, organize a mouth rinse with clean water or a weak solution of baking soda. It also requires washing the open areas of the face and body, as well as dressing in clean clothes. If toxic components are in the eyes, they require multiple washing out, if in the stomach - washing.

You need to see a doctor only in case of severe poisoning or if Dichlorvos has entered the body of a baby under 1 year old.

How to use dichlorvos from bedbugs

Before processing the premises, remove pets and children from it. Remove pet accessories, close the aquarium with the inhabitants, protect dishes, product, personal care products and textiles.

Spray aerosol should be in clothing with long sleeves in rubber gloves, plastic glasses and a respirator.

First of all, you need to shake the spray can with the drug and direct a stream of the product to the area where pests were noticed. It is important to keep the can away from yourself so that its vapors do not hit the face. They need to process walls, skirting boards, cabinets, corners, furniture, window sills, the area around the sink and the bin. Be sure to spray the drug on the back of carpets, paintings, lagging wallpaper, on the legs and backs of furniture, especially one that is close to the walls.

Leave the room immediately after treatment. After 10 minutes, start airing the room.

Return to the room should be no earlier than one hour.Expectant mothers, children, allergy sufferers, people weakened after illness, and pets can be allowed into the treated room after 4 hours. But the best option for everyone is to wait 24 hours. After airing the room, it is necessary to conduct a thorough wet cleaning using an aqueous solution of soap and soda.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The modern drug has its pros and cons.


  • Low price. A standard bottle of the drug can be purchased on average yes 110 rubles.
  • Ease of use. The product is easy to spray and evenly penetrates even hard-to-reach places.
  • Low toxicity. You can return to the room an hour after the treatment.
  • Minimal aroma of fragrances or complete absence of smell (as in the “Neo” version).


  • The effectiveness of the drug is only in direct contact with parasites. This means that you will have to process almost all surfaces in the house.
  • In aerosols, the concentration of active active substances is much lower than in gels and liquid products.
  • When processing mattresses and upholstered furniture in the fight against bed bugs, a slight unpleasant odor will remain for some time. It can cause discomfort for allergy sufferers and people with an acute sense of smell.

What to do if Dichlorvos does not help

If you start to deal with the problem in its infancy, when parasites just appeared in the house, it is quite possible to cope with it with the help of Dichlorvos. If the infection of the premises has already turned out to be serious and neglected, then the discussed tool will not help. In addition, the aerosol does not have a lethal effect on the bug eggs.

If Dichlorvos did not help, it is worth paying attention to prolonged-acting insecticides. They are more expensive, but much more effective than the usual budget spray. For example, the liquid preparation GET, whose action is aimed at bedbugs and their offspring. The effect of the drug persists for six months.