ICD-10 classifies diffuse changes in the pancreas as a symptom that accompanies the pathological processes that are observed in the activity or in diseases of this organ. This is the interpenetration of sick and healthy cells, which occurred under the influence of endogenous or exogenous factors. This phenomenon is detected in the study of pancreas by ultrasound.
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Signs and symptoms of diffuse pancreatic changes
Diffuse changes in the pancreas, expressed in a change in the natural structure of the organ, is a process in which diseased cells mix with healthy ones under the influence of certain negative factors. The process is started by diseases of the organ and is its symptom. The signs are general in nature, and differentiate, depending on the stage of development of the pathology, and its pathogenic factors. General and common signs of the onset of change are manifested in the form of blurry signs that initially may cause the doctor to suspect a disease of any digestive organ. Fatigue, digestive upsets, dyspeptic symptoms and disturbances in the normal process of bowel movement will not tell even a gastroenterologist without additional research.
The negative process that provoked diffuse changes in the parenchyma (divided into segments by the connective epithelium of specific pancreatic tissue) is manifested by complex symptoms, which forces the doctor to refer the patient to the study of a vital organ. Features of the parenchymal tissue, and its specificity consists in the fulfillment of the functional purpose: the release of hormones and enzymes, urgently needed by the human body. Transformations occurring in parenchymal cells can start under the influence of variable factors embedded in its metabolic processes or external influences on the gland. If we are talking about focal changes, degeneration affected only some segments, but when it comes to diffuse ones, they affect the entire organ, and pathological modification affected the entire endocrine gland.
The replacement of cells in the natural state with connective and lipid cells, and the gradual interpenetration of degenerated and physiological cells of the parenchymal halo, suggests that pathological changes have begun in the organ under study, the main sign of which is digestive disorders. The presence of negative changes in the pancreas is clearly demonstrated by:
- echogenicity, which shows the study of ultrasound (the degree of reflection of ultrasound from various types of tissue), which is higher, the more modified, dense cells;
- the absorption coefficient of radiation, (it is higher in malignant neoplasms, and can give an idea of the nature of the transformations);
- blurry outlines of the organ itself, which is not clearly displayed on the screen;
- hemorrhage and fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity;
- pain symptoms that occur with the rapid passage of the disease process.
Signs of diffuse changes in the pancreas detected by ultrasound examination and indicated in its results are not an independent diagnosis, but only a statement of the fact that such a process is present.
Changes in the parenchyma could occur for various reasons and as a result of diseases of the gland itself or other organs of the digestive, hepatobiliary system (hepatomegaly, stones in the bile ducts), an unhealthy lifestyle, age-related degradation, and the presence of a systemic disease.
Diagnostic measures
The main diagnostic method to establish the presence of diffuse changes is ultrasound. The data obtained with the help of ultrasound is a reason for the initial conclusions about the presence of a pathological process. To confirm the assumptions, a number of diagnostic measures are carried out in which laboratory and hardware diagnostic methods are used. Pancreatic endoscopy, gastrointestinal endoscopy, computed tomography, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, without which a complete study of the hepatobiliary system is impossible, are referred to hardware methods. To obtain other objective data, it is necessary to conduct a blood test (general and biochemical), feces and urine. The main goal of the complex of diagnostic measures is to determine the amount of enzymes and glucose in the blood, and to make the main diagnosis, which led to tissue modifications in the organ.
How to cure diffuse pancreatic changes?
The treatment of changes in the pancreas and liver is determined by the nature of the pathology, which led to the progression of cell degeneration and the stage of development of the main provoking factor.
Medical tactics are determined on the basis of the diagnosis and objective data obtained, which serve as the basis for a reliable diagnosis. The main diseases that cause modifications of the parenchyma are considered:
- acute pancreatitis;
- chronic pancreatitis;
- spasmodic smooth muscle of the ducts of the gland;
- sclerosis of the pancreatic parenchyma;
- pancreatic fibrosis;
- lipomatosis.
Each individual pathological process has its own principles of therapeutic management and surgical elimination of negative signs.
Acute pancreatitis
There is a whole range of measures to eliminate the pain syndrome, to launch the natural mechanisms of self-healing and removal of the functional load. Drug treatment is used (correction of homeostasis, taking antibiotics, the introduction of inhibitors and painkillers), diet therapy. In certain cases, surgical intervention is also indicated, for which there must be prerequisites: the presence of calculi in the bile ducts, necrotic areas or abscesses, abnormal accumulation of fluid. Conservative therapy and inpatient treatment allow you to bring the disease into remission, but the final healing does not occur.
Chronic pancreatitis
A strict diet is prescribed for the patient, through the administration of drugs, permanent pain syndrome is eliminated, the level of enzymes rises and the inflammatory process is stopped. Restoring normal digestion and starting regeneration of affected tissues depends on the stage of development of chronic pancreatitis.
Spasmodic smooth muscle of the ducts of the gland
For treatment, moderate antispasmodic drugs like no-shpa, atropine to reduce the level of reproduction of enzymes, cryotherapy (applying cold at the site of the onset of pain) are used.
Sclerosis of the pancreatic parenchyma
The main therapeutic method is the normalization of metabolism, which is carried out by the appointment of enzymes, the correction of the diet and the introduction of certain components necessary to restore functionality. The etiological factors that caused the pathology are eliminated.
Pancreatic fibrosis
Protein production is stimulated and carbohydrate intake is limited, excluding the causes that contributed to the progression of fibrosis (alcoholism, papillostenosis, blocking of the biliary tract or bladder with calculi).
A significant proportion of medical measures are used to treat the underlying disease, which may be diabetes, hepatitis, or thyroid disease. Refusal of bad habits, weight correction, transition to a proper diet and treatment of digestive organs are recommended.
Diet for pancreatic diseases
Allowed products include dairy and sour-milk, low-fat varieties of meat and fish, vegetable dishes, cereal dishes. Alcohol, sour, spicy, fried, smoked, containing preservatives and stabilizers should simply be forgotten. Diet is the only way to not only maintain the body in good condition, but also a way to extend life.
Folk remedies
To alleviate and stabilize the state, recipes from natural plant components, restriction of the diet, restorative procedures, specific recommendations using non-traditional means are used.