The diet of Osama Hamdiy is considered effective for losing weight by several tens of kg without a destructive effect on the physiology and psychology of a person. This approach to nutrition is considered one of the most stringent. Before you start a diet, you should make sure that each product is available and be patient.

The basic principles and rules of the diet of Osama Hamdiy

Some rigidity of this approach is manifested not only in limitations, but also in the exact observance of its principles. If a person breaks down, he resumes the diet from the first point.

Diet Rules:

  1. The maximum number of diet courses per year is 2.
  2. If the volume of use of the product is not indicated, it is eaten until saturated (feelings of heaviness, overcrowding of the stomach should not be allowed).
  3. It is impossible to change, adjust points - this will affect the result. Each product should be consumed on a specific day, time.
  4. As with most diets, you need to spend time on cardio activity.
  5. You should drink clean water.
  6. You can “cheat” hunger with unsweetened liquid or cucumber.
  7. Dishes should be raw, baked or boiled. Diet is discarded from any fats for a month.
  8. Allowed drinks with zero caffeine, sugar.
  9. The diet lasts exactly 4 weeks, so it is more convenient if Monday becomes the first day.
  10. The diet should have breaks of 2 hours.
  11. Food should not be taken at bedtime at least 2 hours in advance.
  12. Before starting a daily diet, it is worth weighing, recording changes in the numbers on the scales in a notebook.

Recommended and Prohibited Products

Chemical diet provides for the complete rejection of prohibited products. Disruption is an occasion to end a diet or return to its starting point. But it is worth remembering that the course should not greatly exceed the specified number of days.


  • citrus fruits, plums, melons, pears, watermelons, pineapples, peaches, apples, kiwi;
  • cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, beans, cabbage, eggplant, peas, bell pepper, zucchini;
  • any greens;
  • cottage cheese (fat limit - 15%);
  • eggs
  • meat of fish, poultry, animals (only low-fat): chicken, tuna, turkey, sea bass, beef;
  • shrimp.


  • sweet fruits (mango, figs, bananas, dates, grapes);
  • potatoes;
  • any fatty meat (fish, animals, poultry);
  • semi-finished products;
  • sugar products, flour;
  • pickled products, smoked meats;
  • any fats (vegetable, animal);
  • soda;
  • fast food food;
  • alcohol.

Detailed chemical diet menu

The egg diet (or another name - cottage cheese) is based on the protein of cottage cheese and eggs, which is processed as much as possible by the body, spending a lot of energy. Adipose tissue becomes “fuel”. The features of chemical metabolism during such a diet determined its name - “chemical”.

Read also: cottage cheeseMaggie's diet

Full effect will be achieved after 4 weeks. If desired, take an abbreviated course - 2 weeks. Breakfast is the same all month - 2 eggs, 0.5 large citrus (1 small). The remaining tricks are different.

2 weeks menu

A weekDayDinnerDinner
1Monday1 kind of fruitLean meat
TuesdayChicken fillet (remove the skin)Salad of allowed ingredients, citrus, eggs (pair)
Wednesdaytomatoes, toast (small), cottage cheesemeat
Thursdayfruit (until saturated, 1 type)meat, salad (green)
Fridayvegetables, a couple of eggsgreen salad, 1 kind of seafood, citrus
Saturdayany quantities of fruitmeat, greens
Sundaycitrus, tomato, boiled vegetables, meat filletboiled assorted vegetables
2Mondaya pair of eggs, any amount of salada pair of eggs, citruses
Tuesdaylean meat with fresh saladgrapefruit and eggs (several)
Wednesdaymeat, fresh cucumbersorange cooked eggs
Thursdaycottage cheese, raw or cooked vegetables, eggseggs (2)
Fridayshrimp (can be replaced with fish from the list)eggs (no more than a pair)
Saturdaytomato, orange, meatassorted fruits (fresh)
Sundayrepeats saturday breakfastsame

4 weeks diet

The menu for 4 weeks consists of a diet (for 2 weeks) from the previous subsection. Next, stick to the new menu, which is described below. The peculiarity of this stage: to use all the products indicated for the whole day, in portions, combining them according to your preferences.

A weekDayAll day (portioned)
Tuesdayvegetables (cooked or without heat treatment)
Wednesdayvegetable, fruit platter (in any form)
Thursdayseafood (from acceptable), vegetables
Fridayany meat (except fish), vegetables
Saturdayfruit salads
Sundaythe Sabbath diet is repeated
2Mondayfish, cucumber, poultry, orange, tomato (each product - 200 g) + 1 toast
Tuesdayrepeats Monday (excluding fish)
Wednesday300 g of cucumber-tomato fresh salad + 200 g of various boiled vegetables, toast, citrus, 25 g of cottage cheese
Thursdaythe previous menu is repeated (without boiled vegetables and cottage cheese) + half a chicken
Fridaytomatoes, eggs (2 each), leaf lettuce - unlimited, orange
Saturdaytoast, yogurt, 2 tomatoes, a couple of breasts, cottage cheese (130 g), orange, 2 cucumbers
SundayWednesday menu + 200 g of tuna

Original cooking recipes

According to the menu of the original diet of Osama Hamdiy (in the original source), only breakfast is presented, presented in one of the phases of the course. For the rest of the receptions, you can cook full-fledged different dishes (without fats). By changing the method of heat treatment of products using minced meat, slices or whole meat carcasses, they achieve a variety of shapes and tastes.You can add any spices (they are allowed).



  • tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers - 1 each;
  • green salad - several leaves;
  • lemon - 0.5 fruit;
  • garlic, salt.


  1. Grind (squeeze) garlic.
  2. Cut vegetables.
  3. Pounded garlic, salt, citrus juice are mixed in them.

Garlic breast


  • poultry meat;
  • lemon juice;
  • spices;
  • garlic.


  1. Pierce clean breasts (not right through).
  2. In each "pocket" put garlic, salt.
  3. Sprinkle breasts with spices.
  4. After 40 minutes assess readiness (this is usually enough).
  5. Make a light appetizing crust: pour the surface of the meat with lemon, cooking in the oven (enough for 2 minutes).

Foil Chicken


  • chicken;
  • spice;
  • onions, garlic (fresh).


  1. Inside and outside the chicken is covered with garlic mashed potatoes.
  2. Salted onion mugs are placed inside the carcass, which is placed on the foil.
  3. Chicken in paper is carefully "sealed", baked.
  4. Main baking - 40 min. (220 degrees).
  5. For a crust, a “bag” of foil is opened from above, the baking sheet is returned back (for 10 minutes).

Minced meat


  • water (for stewing);
  • lean meat;
  • herbs, spices.


  1. Put minced meat on a heated non-stick pan, stir it.
  2. After 2 minutes, the remaining products are introduced.
  3. Stew the mixture at a very low boil.

Vegetable stew


  • equal portions of tomatoes, zucchini and cabbage;
  • spices;
  • a couple of tablespoons of water.


  1. Zucchini and tomatoes get rid of the skin. In tomatoes, the top layer is removed after scalding. In zucchini, strips of skin are peeled with a knife.
  2. All vegetables are chopped (the same).
  3. First, cabbage with spices is poured into the dishes with water at the bottom, the composition is boiled.
  4. After 15 minutes pieces of zucchini fall asleep.
  5. When the water boils, they introduce tomatoes and salt.
  6. After 15 minutes the stew is cooked.

Exit from the diet of Osama Hamdiy

The curd diet is known not only for the specifics of food. It has other important features - stable and irreversible weight loss.

In order to return to a free diet without stress, they do it thoughtfully.

Add small portions of 1-2 “new” foods per day. Returning to fried with a crust is not worth it right away. Fats are introduced little by little. To keep the result for years, they continue to eat until lightly full, with breaks for a couple of hours. Refuse all harmful.

How many kilograms of excess weight you can lose

Usually "burns" more than 28 kg (per kilogram every day). Much more than 30 kg cannot be removed. Loss in excess of the given amount of kg is fraught with impaired health. The diet is aimed at the most complete people - from 100 kg. It is impossible to build on its basis its permanent regime.

Among the other positive effects of the diet are noted: strong nails, shiny hair, healthier skin, increased immunity. The amino acids that recommended foods supply the body with during a diet help cells renew themselves. Vitamin A and calcium take care of bones.

To whom such a diet is contraindicated

This diet can harm if:

  • pregnancy
  • impaired cholesterol metabolism;
  • oncology;
  • gastrointestinal tract disorders;
  • allergies to essential diet products;
  • mental disorders.

Age restrictions of a chemical diet: 18-50 years. Everyone else should take into account the opinion of their treating specialist.

This is one of the diets tested and approved by doctors, which work gradually and give a stable result. With all the necessary products and too much weight (100 kg +), you can always turn to a chemical diet.