A diet for constipation can significantly improve a person’s condition and establish a normal digestion process. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations made.
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The essence of the diet "Table No. 3" for constipation
The main rule: the basis of the diet should be those foods and dishes that enhance intestinal motility. At the same time, all food that enhances the processes of decay and fermentation should be completely excluded from the daily menu.
The main element of the whole diet is fiber, since the full functioning of the digestive system depends on it.
At the same time, its greatest amount is contained in the skin, leaves and peel, so if possible vegetables and fruits should be consumed together with the peel. Fiber absorbs water, so be sure to drink a lot. This increases the volume and reduces the viscosity of feces, facilitating their movement through the intestines.
Basic nutrition rules for Pevzner
Pevzner's therapeutic diet is prescribed for chronic bowel diseases and constipation. Duration is determined by the doctor.
The rules are pretty simple:
- It is advisable to cook food only for a couple, cook or bake.
- You need to eat in small portions, but often (at least 4 times a day). Meals should be scheduled by the hour, with a clear interval between them.
- It is impossible to grind products too much, it is better to serve them in slices.
- Cooked meals should be warm.In hot or cold form, food is poorly processed by enzymes and enters the intestine in a semi-processed form, and this provokes bloating, cramping and slowing down the movement of feces.
- Fruits and vegetables should be eaten raw to the maximum.
- Observe drinking regimen (at least one and a half liters of clean water, but not during meals).
It is necessary to limit the consumption of animal protein, since its excess often provokes constipation.
Allowed and Prohibited Products
Table 3 is based on the use of such products:
- meat and fish of nonfat varieties in boiled or baked form no more than 4 times a week;
- seafood;
- eggs - a maximum of a couple per day (only soft-boiled or as an omelet);
- yesterday's yeast-free bread made from wheat flour, crackers, biscuit cookies;
- milk and cottage cheese;
- fresh greens;
- all vegetables (except potatoes), beets are especially useful;
- cabbage only stewed or boiled (fresh or pickled can cause bloating);
- loose cereal porridge (buckwheat, millet, wheat);
- fruits (except grapes and bananas);
- berries (except blueberries).
It is better to drink tea with milk, herbal decoctions, dried fruit compotes - prunes and dried apricots. Prunes are an indispensable element of any diet for constipation, since there is a lot of fiber and sorbitol in it, which has a pronounced laxative effect. It is very useful in the evening to soak 3-4 in water, and eat them in the morning.
Prohibited Products:
- fatty meat and fish, offal;
- yeast bread, muffin;
- potatoes;
- mushrooms;
- bananas, grapes;
- sticky cereals (barley, oatmeal, semolina, rice);
- pasta;
- legumes;
- horseradish, mustard, hot sauces.
From drinks and sweets, soda, kvass, cocoa, strong teas, and chocolate should be excluded.
Daily menu
Creating a menu is not so difficult, the main thing is to take into account the age and individual taste preferences of each person.
For children
With constipation in children, it is very important to adjust their diet. This is not easy to do, as many children are very conservative in food and do not want to eat something new, so parents have to make a lot of effort. But still, most babies eagerly eat many fruits and vegetables raw. This is what needs to be emphasized in nutrition. For example, instead of the usual sandwich, it is better for the student to give him a couple of apples or a dozen plums.
It is better to cook vegetable or cereal soups by simply adding slices of lean meat - turkey, chicken, rabbit, veal. If a child eagerly eats milk sausages or sausage, you should not refuse him this food, but buy these products only of the highest grade. Many babies readily eat potatoes, but in this case it can only be given in baked form and in small quantities.
On the side dish you can serve any crumbly cereals just in water with butter, in milk or in the form of casseroles. Of sweets, limited quantities of marmalade, marshmallows, honey, jams and preserves are allowed. But dried fruits soaked in water can be eaten plenty.
An example menu might look like this:
- In the morning - buckwheat, a little cottage cheese with sour cream, chicory with honey.
- Snack - fruit salad with nuts.
- For lunch - lean vegetable soup, a piece of baked fish, tomato juice.
- Snack - a handful of prunes.
- In the evening - vegetable cabbage rolls, a piece of boiled veal, compote.
After waking up, the child immediately needs to offer a glass of lukewarm water with a little honey or a little diluted beet juice. This will help relax the intestines and prepare it for daytime work. Before going to bed, you must give kefir.
For adults
The diet for constipation in women and men may look like this:
- In the morning - vegetable salad with tuna, for dessert - a little cottage cheese with jam, slightly brewed tea.
- Snack - a salad of fruits or berries (it is better to use seasonal).
- For lunch - shrimp soup, steam omelet with tomatoes and peppers, dried apricots compote.
- Snack - weak green tea with a slice of marshmallow.
- In the evening - friable buckwheat seasoned with butter, baked fish.
Before going to bed, it is advisable to drink 200 ml of fat-free kefir (but no later than three hours before the end of the day).
There are a lot of options for dishes:
- Borsch with sour cream;
- the vinaigrette;
- baked pumpkin with honey sauce;
- a variety of omelets with vegetable ingredients;
- buckwheat, millet, vegetables casseroles;
- cheesecakes;
- lean cabbage soup;
- beetroot soup;
- steamed meat cutlets;
- vegetable stews;
- vegetarian stuffed cabbage.
Food can be very varied and delicious. The main thing is not to be lazy and choose the most suitable recipes for yourself.
Diet for the elderly
Such problems are not uncommon in the elderly, since intestinal motility gradually worsens as the body ages. For colitis with constipation in elderly people, it is necessary to provide them with food prescribed by a doctor. This will help maintain the normal functioning of the digestive tract for a long time.
Sample menu for the day:
- the first meal - a couple of soft-boiled eggs, dairy sausages of the highest grade;
- snack - baked apples;
- at lunch - borsch with sour cream and a slice of meat, a slice of yesterday’s bread, a little buckwheat with a salad;
- afternoon tea - tea with milk, drying;
- for dinner - vegetable salad, steam cutlets from a rabbit.
Any menu can be adjusted to your needs, the main thing is not to go beyond the assigned diet.
Pros and cons of treatment table No. 3
The medical diet has the following advantages:
- providing the body with all the necessary substances;
- elimination of constipation;
- normalization of the digestive tract;
- improving overall well-being.
In general, we can say that this diet is a complete and balanced nutrition system, which includes all the components necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In addition, in order to eat deliciously, you do not need to violate the rules of the diet, just replenish the piggy bank of culinary recipes.
Of the minuses, we can only mention the fact that you need to adhere to such a diet for a long time. But it’s better to limit yourself a little in nutrition than to constantly suffer from constipation. Also, many do not like the fact that it often takes a lot of time to prepare diet food or you have to cook yourself separately from the rest of the family. But this is all the little things.
Pevzner diet contraindications
It is not worth prescribing such a diet for yourself, it is better to consult a doctor, as there may be contraindications. For people with digestive disorders and a tendency to diarrhea, such nutrition will only do harm. Also, some people are allergic to certain products, so in such cases, allergens will have to be completely excluded from the menu.
Proper nutrition for constipation is an indispensable component of the success of complex treatment. Without it, restoring the intestines and fixing the effect, even when using modern medicines, is almost impossible. Everything should complement each other: nutrition, physical activity, medication, and normalization of work and rest.