Cystitis is an inflammatory disease in which the walls of the bladder become inflamed as a result of exposure to pathogenic bacteria. This can occur due to a decrease in immunity due to stressful situations, hypothermia or hormonal disruptions. A diet with cystitis in parallel with a medication prescribed by a doctor will be the key to a speedy recovery and help to avoid complications.

Principles and features of nutrition

Compliance with the principles of dietary nutrition is important to observe both during periods of the acute phase of the disease and in chronic cystitis.

Experts distinguish the following features of the preparation of the diet and diet:

  1. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of fractional nutrition - the number of meals should not be less than 4-6 per day. Large portions should not be, it is very important to observe moderation.
  2. The distribution of calories is important - the most dense should be meals in the morning - high-calorie breakfast, nutritious lunch. For dinner, it is best to eat light foods such as vegetables or dairy products.
  3. Sparing diet - foods are excluded from the diet, due to which irritation of the mucous membranes or walls of the bladder can occur.
  4. Maintaining fluid balance and proper drinking regimen - it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid you drink: this has a beneficial effect on the course of the disease and helps to recover faster.
  5. Salt restriction - during exacerbations, it is better to switch to a salt-free diet, and in chronic cystitis it is recommended to reduce salt intake as much as possible. It has the property of retaining fluid in the body, which does not contribute to recovery.
  6. Avoid foods that can trigger constipation.

A correctly selected diet for cystitis in women and men will help relieve symptoms caused by intoxication of the body, minimize irritation of the mucous membranes and can enhance the effect of drugs.

List of allowed and prohibited products

In case of exacerbation of cystitis or the transition of the disease to the chronic phase, it is recommended that you carefully review your diet and select products based on relevant recommendations.

Allowed products for cystitis:

  1. Fresh and steamed, as well as boiled vegetables. The priorities are cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots.
  2. Fruits - pears, apples, watermelon. Eating large amounts of fruit prevents a complication such as the development of stones in the bladder. Watermelon has a good diuretic effect and removes toxins from the body.
  3. Low fat fish and meat. Steaming or baking is recommended. It is allowed not to consume animal proteins 1-2 days a week, arranging vegetarian fasting days.
  4. Dairy products with a small percentage of fat - fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir. Cheese can be consumed in moderation, but it should not have a high salt content.
  5. Soups on vegetable broth.
  6. Bakery products are best chosen from whole grain varieties of flour or with a high content of bran.

There are also recommendations for drinking:

  1. It is better to stop at such drinks as pure water, fruit drinks, decoctions of herbs.
  2. It is recommended to use special herbal teas with a leaf of lingonberry, horsetail field and corn stigmas. You can brew the kidney fees purchased at the pharmacy.
  3. You can also drink mineral water, green tea, vegetable juices. For example, juice from pumpkin has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the urinary system.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the list of products that it is forbidden to use with inflammation of the bladder.

  1. Fried, salted and pickled foods should be excluded or limited, and spices should not be consumed.
  2. The fat content in food should also be minimized.
  3. Exclude spicy vegetables containing a large number of substances that can negatively affect the mucous membrane - radish, radish, chili pepper, etc.
  4. Do not eat sour fruits, citrus fruits and juices from them.
  5. The use of alcohol and energy drinks is categorically excluded - in addition to obvious harm, they cause a serious burden on the urinary system.
  6. Butter baking, sugar and fast carbohydrates should be limited as much as possible.
  7. It is not allowed to use sauces and marinades containing vinegar.
  8. The diet for cystitis implies an emphasis on healthy food, so you need to temporarily or permanently remove fast food and dishes containing a large number of preservatives and artificial flavoring additives from the diet.

These recommendations should be followed at the time of exacerbation of the disease, as well as at least 2-3 weeks after the acute symptoms subside and urine tests return to normal. If cystitis occurs in a chronic form with frequent exacerbations, such a nutrition system must be observed constantly.

Diet for acute cystitis

As a rule, the acute phase of cystitis rarely lasts more than a week, so at this time you need to adhere to the most stringent nutritional rules. The main task is to spare the organs of the urinary system.

Read also:cystitis in women

With exacerbation, the daily volume of fluid consumed should be at least two liters. You can drink not only water, but also fruit drinks and herbal preparations.

Absolutely all products are excluded from the list above.Also, for a period of acute inflammation, it is better to completely exclude dairy products. As an exception, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese or drink skim milk.

A vegetarian diet will be beneficial - a large number of vegetables prevents the development of constipation and regulates the proper functioning of the intestines. Preference should be given to dishes of cabbage.

Instead of sugar, it is better to consume honey in small quantities. Salt is completely excluded. In chronic cystitis, salt can be added to dishes, but in very moderate amounts.

Sample menu for inflammation of the bladder in children

Children with cystitis are shown especially sparing nutrition. A large number of vegetables, preferably steamed, it is best to prepare dishes of pumpkin, cabbage, carrots.

The menu will be useful to include cereals on the water (millet, oat, buckwheat). Ideally, it is better to give preference to liquid cereals and broths than dry food. Millet porridge cooked without oil and salt will be useful.

An abundant warm drink, fruit drinks and herbal preparations with the addition of honey are recommended.

Diet for disease in adults

The diet for cystitis in men and women will be practically no different. It is necessary to adhere to a diet that minimally affects the mucous membranes, spares the gastrointestinal tract and supports the proper functioning of the intestine.

An example menu might be:

  1. For breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, liquid porridge on the water, crackers or whole grain breads.
  2. Lunch: for the first - soup on a vegetable broth or mashed soup made from pumpkin or zucchini. On the second - steamed meat, meatballs or meatballs with a side dish of boiled vegetables or cereals.
  3. Snack: skim dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir) or fruit.
  4. Dinner: cereal or cottage cheese casseroles, light vegetable dishes, stewed cabbage. It is advisable not to eat food earlier than three to four hours before bedtime. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of milk or kefir.

Light snacks are allowed - cereal bread, fruits, not containing a large amount of salt, cheese. You can combine allowed products in different ways to diversify your menu.

Proper drinking regimen

The diet for cystitis should include a sufficient amount of fluid (at least two liters per day). It is evenly distributed throughout the day.

It is better not to drink too much liquid at night.

  1. One of the preferred drinks is fruit juice with diuretic properties. These are cranberries, viburnum, lingonberries and others.
  2. You can use infusions and decoctions of currant leaves, sea buckthorn and rose hips.
  3. Purchased packaged juices are not recommended - it is better to replace them with freshly squeezed.
  4. You can also drink special pharmacy diuretic fees.
  5. The diet should have a sufficient amount of liquid food, such as soups, broths, liquid cereals.
  6. It is better to replace black tea with green, and completely exclude coffee.

Drinking regimen for inflammation of the urinary tract should be aimed at eliminating pathogens, respectively, drinking should be frequent and plentiful.

Useful recipes

So that the diet does not seem boring, we give examples of several interesting recipes that will help diversify the menu.

Baking cheesecakes stuffed with vegetables.

We will need:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 700 g;
  • flour - 120 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 4-5 pcs.;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

How to cook:

  1. Rub the cottage cheese with flour, add eggs and sugar, mix, season with vanilla.
  2. Add the grated carrots to the resulting mass and mix again.
  3. Form cheese cakes, put on a baking sheet covered with foil and bake for about 20 minutes.

Turkey cutlets


  • minced turkey breast - 300 g;
  • rye flour bread - 100 g;
  • skim milk or water - 70 ml.

Cooking Method:

  1. Soak the bread in milk or water, squeeze and mix with minced turkey.It is better to prepare the mince yourself by turning the breast through a meat grinder.
  2. You can salt a little, then mold the cutlets and put them on the grill of a double boiler or slow cooker. If this is not possible, bake the patties in the oven. The cooking process takes about 30 minutes.

You can serve boiled buckwheat, pumpkin puree or steamed vegetables for a side dish to such cutlets.

Pumpkin porridge

A very simple dish, which will be very useful for everyone who adheres to a diet.

It will be required:

  • pumpkin - 500 g;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 1 tsp.


  1. Peel the pumpkin, finely chop the pulp and add water.
  2. Boil for 20-30 minutes. Then drain the water, grind the pumpkin with a blender, season the finished porridge with sugar and honey.
  3. You can add a little sunflower oil. Such porridge can be served as an independent dish, or as a side dish.

Following a diet with cystitis will help you recover faster, do not neglect the advice on proper nutrition. Before returning to a normal diet, consult your doctor. He will select the optimal diet and help competently end the diet.