The human body produces so much cholesterol, which is enough for the normal functioning of all systems and organs. But with an improperly organized food system, the substance in question is in excess in the blood. A special diet with high cholesterol will help to cope with this problem and protect your body from dangerous consequences.
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Why is excess cholesterol dangerous for women?
An excess of this substance enters the walls of the vessels and begins to actively accumulate on them. Over time, such deposits turn into a dense "plaque", which does not allow normal blood circulation. This is a very dangerous phenomenon, which can lead to the death of the tissue of an important organ and, accordingly, to a stroke or heart attack.
In the body, a young woman produces enough hormones that can control healthy cholesterol. This is especially true for the period of pregnancy and lactation. With age, the hormonal background of the fair sex can be disturbed. Menopause is getting worse. To avoid a heart attack and / or stroke, you need to adhere to a special nutrition system.
Features and rules of the hypocholesterol diet
The main feature of the diet under discussion is a decrease in the number of foods high in fat in the daily diet (and in some cases their complete elimination is required). To correctly compose your menu, you need to study the tables of cholesterol in different dishes. For example, in 100 g of smoked sausage - this is immediately 100 mg of a dangerous substance, and in 100 g of mayonnaise - all 480 mg.The egg yolk was also the leader in cholesterol content - 300 mg of the substance in 100 g of the product.
With a hypocholesterol diet, you will need to follow other rules:
- Meat products should be consumed in an amount of not more than 100-120 g per day.
- Frying any dishes using oil is excluded. This method of heat treatment of products is replaced by cooking, baking, stewing, steaming.
- Every day you will need to consume large quantities of fruits, berries, raw vegetables, cereals, fresh herbs.
- It is advisable to include pectin in the menu. This unique substance is able to bind bad cholesterol. It is found in citrus fruits, carrots, pumpkins, watermelons.
Tables: allowed and prohibited products
A special table of products that are allowed and forbidden for a diet with a low cholesterol content will help with the preparation of the right menu.
Allowed Products | Prohibited Products |
Vegetable oils (linseed, cedar, grape) | Butter |
Red salmon fish and any other marine, rabbit, skinless bird | Fatty meat, fish, shrimp, red caviar |
All legumes (including soy and soy protein) | Fast food, chips, crackers |
Any raw vegetables, fruits, berries (fresh or frozen) | Semi-finished products (including sausages, sausages, bacon) |
Egg white | Egg yolk |
Honey | Cakes, chocolates |
Tea, herbal decoctions, stewed fruits, berries and dried fruits without sugar | Alcoholic beverages (especially beer), coffee |
Low fat dairy products | Cream and cream cheese |
Porridge from various cereals | Muffin, cupcakes, ice cream |
Ketchup, mustard, horseradish | Trans fats, lard |
Nuts, seeds - in moderation.
Diet for high cholesterol in women after 50 years
The nutrition system for patients older than 50 years has its own characteristics. First of all, they relate to dinner. This meal should take place no later than 19 hours. In order to feel good, in addition to diet, a woman should have a lot of rest, so it is advisable to go to bed about 3 hours after dinner and not stay up late.
In addition to water, between meals, it is also allowed to drink vegetable and fruit juices, green and / or herbal tea, low-fat kefir and yogurt, compote from fresh or dried fruits.
All salads are allowed to be filled exclusively with oil. Suitable not only sunflower and olive, but also flaxseed, grape, sesame and others. They can be used simultaneously for facial skin care.
Women after 50 years of age, the discussed diet must be combined with light physical exertion. You can choose any sport. The main thing is that he does not give a strong load on the heart.
How much water to drink with a diet?
The recommended amount of fluid per day will depend on the individual characteristics of the body. If there are no obvious problems with the urinary system, you can drink up to 2 liters per day. It should be pure still water.
Patients with hypertension and kidney ailments need to reduce this figure to 1.5 liters per day. In both cases, the amount of salt consumed is reduced, which traps excess fluid in the body. You need to know that many convenience foods and finished products, including bread, contain a lot of salt.
It is interesting: the norm of cholesterol in men by age in the table
Weekly menu option
In general, the diet with the diet in question can be made independently. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the table of allowed and prohibited products. To facilitate your task, you should take the option drawn up by an experienced nutritionist as the basis of the menu. It is designed for 7 days.
On Monday, breakfast will be an omelet (exclusively from chicken egg proteins) and freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice. For lunch you can eat any vegetable soup, veal soufflé, stewed zucchini. For dinner - boiled fish casserole. Snacks are made from vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil, bread and a rosehip broth.
On Tuesday, buckwheat without milk and butter is consumed. For lunch - cereal soup with tomato juice, veal cutlet and vegetable stew. For dinner - baked potato with peeled chicken breast, fresh cucumber. Snacks: baked apples, low-fat kefir.
On Wednesday morning, you can eat oatmeal with fresh or frozen berries. For lunch - a soup of vegetables, buckwheat with stewed fish. For dinner - stewed eggplant and veal meatballs. Snacks: nuts, low-fat cottage cheese with a banana.
On Thursday, oatmeal with milk (with a minimum fat content) is prepared for breakfast. For lunch - pumpkin soup with millet, chicken breast baked in foil. For dinner - cheesecakes for a couple. Snacks: natural yogurt without sugar and other additives, rye and rice bread.
On Friday, you can start the morning with cottage cheese whipped casseroles (from low-fat cottage cheese). For lunch, eat fish soup with pearl barley and stewed vegetables. For dinner - buckwheat with a steam bird cutlet. Snacks: fruit salad, nuts.
On Saturday, a breakfast of pumpkin salad with carrots and apples, chicken meatballs is prepared. For lunch - lentil soup and stewed sea fish. For dinner - boiled rice with veal souffle. Snacks: steam cheesecakes, rye or rice bread.
Sunday begins with rice porridge with freshly made fruit jam. Vegetable soup and steamed fish cakes are served for lunch. For dinner - a large portion of vegetable salad with herbs, boiled poultry fillet. Snacks: banana, unsweetened yogurt.
Simple and delicious recipes
Fresh Garlic Vegetable Soup
Ingredients: a pound of tomatoes, fresh cucumber, sweet red or yellow pepper, a pair of garlic cloves, a bunch of greens, salt, spices, a little olive oil, a slice of dried rye bread.
- Tomatoes get rid of the peel and are transferred to a deep plate. Large cut cucumber without skin, garlic, pepper without seeds.
- A slice of bread is soaked in warm water.
- All prepared components are blended into mashed potatoes. It remains to add salt, spices, oil and chopped herbs to them.
If desired, you can slightly warm such a soup or serve it cold.
Turkey steak
Ingredients: 170 g of bird fillet, a little freshly squeezed lemon juice, aromatic herbs.
- Turkey fillet smeared with lemon juice and then spices. In this form, it is left for pickling.
- Grilled meat is cooked until cooked.
Served steaks with mixed vegetables.
Berry smoothie
Ingredients: 130 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1/3 tbsp. unsweetened yogurt, 8 pcs. blackcurrant and strawberry, bee honey to taste.
- In one bowl, a blender chopped strawberries with honey.
- In the other, dairy products and currants.
- In the dessert cup, first the curd mass is laid out, and then the strawberry mass.
Fresh mint dessert is decorated.
- Darina