Most of the people in the pursuit of happiness and a long life are looking for ways to restore and maintain their health. In part, this contributes to normal body weight and the percentage of subcutaneous fat of a person’s total weight. Scientists and doctors all over the world are developing new concepts every day to reveal the capabilities of the human body, avoid obesity and consolidate the result. In the article we will consider the features of the diet for blood type 2 positive.
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Blood type 2 diet principles
Thirty years ago, Dr. Peter D’Adamo, who specializes in naturopathy, put forward a theory according to which humanity is divided into categories corresponding to blood groups. Their representatives need to follow certain eating habits in order to maintain their health for as long as possible. This assumption was formed during the long-term observations of practitioners who noted the relationship of pathologies and belonging to blood groups.
The goal of Peter D’Adamo’s theory is the comprehensive recovery of patients, including weight stabilization. According to the assumption, the inherited blood group automatically classifies it into one of the categories into which the ancient society of people was divided: hunters, farmers, nomads, new people. He believed that the type of activity of primitive man in many respects influenced his genetics and formed a blood group.
The initial method of obtaining food - hunting - formed the first blood group, for carriers of which it is preferable mainly protein food. Further evolution pushed people to agriculture. So the second group appeared, which corresponds to a diet with a predominance of plant components. Nomads, on the other hand, became the owners of the third blood group, and their descendants now need to observe a mixed type of nutrition to improve their health. The smallest group, new people, corresponds to the fourth, for which Peter D’Adamo developed a detailed list of products with many limitations.
If we are talking about the second blood group, then Peter D’Adamo considered its owners the descendants of cultivators of the earth, and therefore developed a vegetarian diet for them to lose weight by blood group. He described this category of humanity as patients with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract, with strong adaptive abilities to external and internal changes, and the effective functioning of the immune system in conditions of refusal of meat.
Among the weaknesses of the "farmers" are lability of the nervous system, a tendency to infectious lesions, an increased risk of anemia, diabetes mellitus, the occurrence of tumors, pathologies of the hepatobiliary system, and the circulatory system.
The main rules of the power system for D’Adamo:
- exclusion of meat ingredients;
- exclusion of animal products;
- consumption of only natural plant foods;
- regular sports activity.
For all patients, without exception, Peter D’Adamo considered regular exercise to be a prerequisite. Moreover, they also correlate with the blood group.
So, "farmers", according to the theory of a specialist, are hardy, but not strong enough, so they are ideally suited:
- cardio loads;
- static loads: yoga, qigong;
- water aerobics;
- mountaineering;
- aerobics, step, dance classes.
Advantages and disadvantages
Despite the controversy and lack of evidence, this diet still has a number of undeniable advantages:
- The goal of the diet for the 2 rhesus group is positive - the overall improvement of the human body.
- The diet consists of 5-6 meals, which is optimal for healthy digestion.
- The diet is selected in such a way as to satisfy a person's daily need for basic nutrients: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins.
- Recommended methods of heat treatment of food - stewing, cooking, steaming. All this contribute to the most physiological digestion.
- Most vegetables and fruits must be eaten in an unprocessed state, which contributes to the optimal absorption of the necessary macronutrients.
- The absence of restrictions on the amount of food consumed, as well as a huge selection of various foods help to adhere to this regime for a long time, which forms good habits and proper eating behavior.
- Recommended physical activity has a beneficial effect on human health and helps to find and maintain optimal body weight.
- The diet takes into account all the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle.
Disadvantages of the diet:
- The contradiction of the basic theory of modern knowledge.
- The lack of reliable evidence of a relationship between pathological conditions, blood type and diet.
- Refusal to take into account the individual characteristics of each person, as well as the lack of dietary correction for any pathological conditions.
- Replenishment of the missing substances with biologically active additives, which indicates the inferiority and ill-conceived diet.
Table of allowed and prohibited products
Each diet developed by Peter D’Adamo is based on three categories of foods. Most of the diet is made up of components from the allowed list. Neutral products are allowed to be used periodically, but they will not have a positive or negative effect.The forbidden list includes ingredients that undermine the metabolic balance, causing negative changes.
The following food table will help you make a ration.
Categories | Allowed Products | Neutral products | Prohibited Products |
Meat and poultry | Are absent | Chicken, boiled turkey, eggs | Beef, pork, lamb, sausages, offal |
Dairy products | Are absent | Goat milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, sheep and goat cheese | Whole cow's milk, cream, ice cream, cow's milk cheese |
Seafood and fish | Carp, salmon, herring, pike, halibut, mackerel, cod, trout | Are absent | Are absent |
Cereal | Buckwheat, rye, rye flour, buckwheat, oat | Corn, millet, barley, rice, oat, rice, corn flakes | Are absent |
Legumes | Chickpeas, soybeans, mung bean, lentils, spotted beans | White beans, green and peas, green beans | Are absent |
Vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, oils | Carrots, almonds | Zucchini and zucchini, daikon, Brussels sprouts, radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, radish, beets, celery, chanterelles, margarine, sunflower oil, soybean, sesame oil, hazelnuts, walnuts, poppy seeds | Are absent |
Fruits, berries | Cherry, pineapple, grapefruit, cherry plum, apples, figs, cranberries, prunes, plums, lemon, blueberries | Grapes, watermelon | Are absent |
D’Adamo Slimming Weekly Menu
The main condition is the exclusion of salt and eggs. Among the permitted seasonings are fresh parsley and dill, coriander.
Instead of sugar, it is best to use honey, and replace ordinary tea with herbal.
The exclusion of alcohol-containing cocktails is also recommended.
The following table shows the menu for 2 blood groups.
The first day | Breakfast: sliced raw vegetables, a slice of whole grain bread, herbal tea. Lunch: vegetarian cream soup with beans. Snack: yogurt with berries, herbal tea. Dinner: allowed steam fish, fruit and berry compote. |
Second day | Breakfast: boiled cereals, a decoction of berries and fruits. Lunch: baked vegetable stew. Snack: whole grain breads, herbal tea. Dinner: mushrooms baked with herbs and goat cheese, beans, tea. |
Day three | Breakfast: porridge on the water, tea. Lunch: fish and vegetable soup, whole grain bread. Snack: fruit, tea. Dinner: steam fish cakes, vegetable stew. |
Day four | Breakfast: fruit salad, dried whole grain bread, tea. Lunch: vegetable cream soup, whole grain bread. Snack: homemade sheep cottage cheese, fresh fruit. Dinner: cereal with mushrooms, tea. |
Fifth day | Breakfast: vegetable salad with tofu, whole grain breads, a decoction of berries and fruits. Lunch: boiled beans, steam fish. Snack: fresh berries and fruits, yogurt. Dinner: steamed vegetables, tea. |
Sixth day | Breakfast: boiled cereals, fruits and nuts. Lunch: vegetable stew, whole grain bread. Snack: fresh fruit, rice pudding, tea. Dinner: steam fish, beans. |
Seventh day | Breakfast: vegetable pate, whole grain breads, tea. Lunch: baked vegetables, goat curd. Snack: fresh fruit, a decoction of berries. Dinner: sliced vegetables, fish stew. |
Diet for 10 days
The system of D’Adamo is quite multifaceted. Self-selection of ingredients does not cause difficulties. Below is a sample list of options to lose weight.
- vegetable and fruit dishes;
- fish;
- neutral dairy products;
- eggs
- soy products;
- permitted fermented milk products;
- turkey, chicken.
- vegetable protein products;
- Beans
- mushrooms (not more than four days a week);
- cereals (no more than six days out of seven);
- cereals, cereals;
- whole wheat bread.
- vegetable dishes, soups;
- whole grain bread, bread rolls;
- cereals;
- allowed steamed fish;
- recommended oils.
The minimum time before bedtime when eating is no longer recommended is four hours.
How to get out of a diet
The diet of Dr. Peter D’Adamo is meant as a lifelong diet designed to heal the human body. The menu is extremely diverse, which allows you to combine the ingredients and create for yourself an optimal and balanced menu.
If, for some reason, such a diet did not fit, it is worth gradually adding 2-3 products that have not been consumed before.
Features for women, men
There are no fundamental differences in the diet of men and women with this diet. A general recommendation by nutritionists is to increase a woman’s fat intake to maintain her reproductive function. Men are advised to increase the proportion of protein in dishes, subject to frequent feelings of hunger.
Any person with a chronic disease, including the digestive, endocrine, skeletal system, should first consult a specialist, as some products may be contraindicated in certain conditions.
In general, this diet is quite useful and effective. Try to follow the instructions and then everything will work out.