The diet on kefir and apples is one of those that are classified as rather strict, since the diet will have to be limited to only two products. At the same time, this diet is variable, it allows you to change the sequence of eating products and is not too strict in their quantity. For 3-9 days, practitioners manage to lose 3-5 kg, which is considered a good result for short-term diets.

The basic principles of the diet on kefir and apples

Kefir-apple diet is based on simple principles that are easy to remember. First of all, it is necessary to observe a strict dietary restriction. During the diet, losing weight can not include in the menu anything but two products: kefir and apples. The amount of kefir consumed can reach 1.5 liters per day, and apples - up to 1.5 kg. The diet should not cause acute discomfort, therefore, the amount of consumed products can be selected individually, without going far beyond the set standards.

The duration of the diet, losing weight can also be selected according to their capabilities and health status. For the first time, it is advisable to choose a 3-day diet. If this period passes successfully, then the next time you can limit the diet to 5 or 7 days. If, while on a diet, a person feels a strong deterioration in health, it is necessary to abandon it.

Note! You can only go on a kefir-apple diet for those who do not have serious health problems. Those who have any chronic illnesses need to consult a doctor about the advisability of being on a diet.

While observing food restrictions, you need to drink enough water and not neglect physical activity. Compliance with these conditions will help to lose maximum weight in a short period. But it should be borne in mind that while on a low-calorie diet (and kefir-apple refers to these), the body should not experience severe physical overload and stress. Physical activity and emotional stress during this period should be moderate.

Entry into and exit from the diet should be smooth. A few days before the diet, fatty, heavy, spicy foods are excluded from the diet. It is necessary to avoid products with too bright and saturated taste. This will make it easier to survive the transition to a diet limited to simple, natural foods. Exit from the diet is also made gradual. A few days following a period of severe dietary restriction should not be accompanied by excessive stress on the stomach.

Recommended and Prohibited Products

Regarding permitted and prohibited products, the recommendations here are simple. You can eat apples of sweet and sour-sweet varieties, drink kefir or yogurt with a fat content of 1-1.5%. It is acceptable to use spices (cloves, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom) and a small amount of honey (they can sweeten apples or kefir). The amount of honey should not exceed 1-2 tsp. in a day. All other products, including any other fruits and dairy products, are prohibited, as they may interfere with weight loss.

Advantages and disadvantages of a diet

A short-term diet on apples and kefir is usually well tolerated by losing weight. It allows you to quickly lose a few pounds before an important event. Fiber contained in apples improves intestinal function, and lactic acid bacteria in kefir accelerate peristalsis. Thus, losing weight quickly gets rid of unnecessary substances in the body, lightness and vigor appears in the body. Due to the abundance of micronutrients in apples, the diet helps to saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, which affects the condition of the skin, hair, mucous membranes, and also positively affects the emotional background.

At the same time, a long restriction of the diet can lead to the opposite result. Due to the lack of calories, a person begins to feel lethargy, weakness, apathy. Apples and lactic acid products contain a lot of acids, so those who are diagnosed with chronic gastrointestinal diseases (especially those with high acidity) may experience exacerbation symptoms (flatulence, weakness, pain in the stomach and intestines, reflux and heartburn).

Detailed menu for 3, 7 and 14 days

There are various variations of the kefir-apple diet for 3 days. One of them suggests using the recommended foods separately. On the first day you need to drink only kefir, on the second day you can only eat apples, and on the third day again only kefir. If, while taking a sour-milk drink, a person losing weight feels a lack of fluid (thirsty), you can drink water or unsweetened tea without any restrictions.

The second option provides the ability to alternate both products throughout the day, dividing the diet into 5-6 meals. The total amount of kefir remains the same (1.5 liters). The number of apples is 1-1.5 kg per day. Between taking kefir and eating fruit, it is advisable to take a break of 1.5-2 hours. This is especially true for those whose intestines are prone to frequent disorders and flatulence.

Note! To avoid flatulence and discomfort in the stomach will help a drink made from a mixture of herbs. For 1 cup (350 ml), you need to take 0.5 tsp. dry herbs pharmacy chamomile and mint. The raw material is poured with boiling water and insisted for 30-40 minutes. Use 3 times a day for a while before meals.

The menu for 7 days is practically no different from the diet for 3 days. The daily norm of kefir is 1.5 l, apples - 1-2 kg.To avoid excessive load on the digestive tract, which has to process an increased amount of fiber, it is therefore recommended to diversify the menu with baked apples. Such a product is digested much easier. If the diet is given to losing weight with great difficulty, you can enter into the diet a small amount of boiled vegetables. It is permissible to eat a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese without sugar and sour cream for breakfast.

The 14-day diet on apples and kefir can be called extreme. Such tough and long-term restrictions are far from being able to withstand. You can only go on such a diet after consulting a doctor. Against the background of a two-week diet, it is necessary to take vitamins and mineral complexes, and, if necessary, other nutritional supplements prescribed by a doctor.

Important! Doctors and nutritionists do not recommend consuming low-fat dairy products for a long time. They are absorbed by the body worse than usual and with prolonged use can be harmful to health.

The diet consists of the same diet as the shorter-term options, but the fat content of kefir can be raised to 2.5-3.2%. Apples and kefir are taken in quantities of 1.5 kg and 1.5 liters per day, respectively. Products can be broken down by day, or you can eat them on the same day, making small time intervals between meals. It is permissible to introduce boiled or baked vegetables, honey and low-fat cottage cheese into the diet. This will help to avoid a painful feeling of hunger.

An example is the following menu for 1 day:


  • kefir - 300 ml;
  • baked apples - 350 g;
  • honey - 1 tsp


  • apples - 300 g.


  • cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • kefir - 300 ml.

Daily snack:

  • apples - 300 g


  • kefir - 300 ml.


  • baked celery - 250 g;
  • kefir 300 ml.

Evening snack:

  • kefir - 300 ml;
  • Baked apples - 350 g.

For a change, you can alternate different vegetables. Carrots, fennel, celery, turnips, eggplant, bell peppers are suitable. Cooking oil is not allowed. It is best to cook steamed vegetables or in a small amount of liquid. Salt must be used very sparingly. Those who find it very difficult to stay on a diet for 2 weeks can reduce it to 9 days.

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Cooking recipes

One of the main dishes of the diet are baked or raw apples. With the use of raw fruits, everything is unambiguous, but you can bake them according to a certain recipe that will make the products taste better.

For cooking you will need:

  • apples - 3-4 pcs.;
  • honey - 2 tsp;
  • ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • ground cloves - on the tip of a knife;
  • ground cardamom - on the tip of a knife.

Order of preparation:

  1. They wash the apples, cut a recess in the form of a cone from the top of the fruit with a sharp knife.
  2. The recess is filled with honey.
  3. Fruit sprinkled with a mixture of ground spices.
  4. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Important! To prevent apples from losing a lot of moisture, they can be covered with foil or placed in a baking sleeve.

An interesting and tasty drink is obtained if baked apples are mixed with fresh kefir.

You will need the following products:

  • baked apples - 300 g;
  • kefir - 600 g;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp

Order of preparation:

  1. Baked apples without the addition of honey and spices.
  2. Remove the pulp from the fruit with a spoon, leaving the core, peel and bones.
  3. The pulp is mixed with kefir.
  4. Add honey and spices.

Such a drink can be consumed for an afternoon snack or evening snack. Due to the addition of honey, the dish turns out to be slightly sweet and helps the slimming person survive the absence of the usual high-calorie sweets in the diet.

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Way out of diet

During the observance of strict restrictions, the body is weaned from the load on the digestive system, so a sharp increase in the amount of food can lead to disruptions in the digestive tract.To avoid trouble, the calorie content of food, its amount and the content of fat in the diet should be increased gradually.

The first 3 days after the diet are allowed to eat kefir with oatmeal, boiled buckwheat and rice. From the third day you can enter in the menu half the usual portion of meat products. Soups, raw and boiled vegetables, cottage cheese and other dairy products are allowed.

Such fruits as pears, grapefruits, oranges are gradually introduced into the diet. Bananas and grapes are best avoided. Spicy dishes can be gradually introduced into the menu no earlier than on the 5-7th day of leaving the diet. They try to exclude fatty foods from the diet for another week. It must be remembered that if, after the termination of the diet, a person begins to eat high-calorie foods, abuse sweets and flour products, lost weight quickly returns.


Kefir-apple diet for weight loss should not be used by those who have kidney problems, suffer from gastritis (especially with high acidity of gastric juice), have ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa, and have cholecystitis and other diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Diet is contraindicated for those who have lactose intolerance. With caution, it is prescribed to people weakened by past infections, as well as to those who have recently undergone surgical interventions. Do not limit your diet to pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding.

The diet, applied taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of the body, brings the maximum effect. Nutritionists recommend that you adhere to strict dietary options and carefully listen to your body's signals while observing restrictions. This approach is accompanied by the least risk and carries the best results.