What girls just do not go to have a chiseled figure, causing envy and admiration of others. Exhausting workouts, hunger, body wraps ... And this is not a complete list. But the solution, as always, was simple and ingenious - a diet on cereals. If you smiled sarcastically now, read on. You definitely won’t want to laugh.
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Principles and features of the porridge diet
The duration of this food system can vary from 3 to 10 days. The most optimal nutritionists call a week. By this time, the result should already be noticeable. In addition, over such a period, the body does not have time to experience a lack of vitamins and minerals, and a monotonous menu does not bother. You should not continue for more than two weeks.
- The menu may consist of one porridge. For example, buckwheat or oatmeal. But if this is a non-strict version of the diet, then the diet is enriched with vegetables and dairy products, with the exception of potatoes, bananas and grapes, as well as products with a high percentage of fat content.
- Another variety of this method of nutrition involves the use of new cereal every day for a week. In extreme cases, you can choose two options and alternate between them.
For the duration of the diet, you need to abandon salt, sugar and oil.
Usually porridge is cooked for about 15 minutes, and then they are simmered in a warm place. In the morning, a glass of warm water without gas is drunk. And only after 30 minutes is food taken. Porridge must be divided into 5 - 6 equal portions by the number of meals per day.
Advantages and disadvantages
Like any nutrition system, a porridge diet has its positive and negative aspects.
Among the benefits, nutritionists note:
- During the diet, the body continues to receive part of the beneficial trace elements and vitamins. The generated energy is enough for an active full life.
- Porridge is very easy to digest, so this type of diet is suitable even for people who have problems with the digestive system.
- At its core, porridge is a versatile dish. You can add vegetables, fruits and even greens to it.
- This is one of the most economical nutritional systems for weight loss.
- Includes only natural ingredients.
- Gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.
Cons of a diet on cereals for weight loss:
- At first it’s hard to eat without salt and sugar. The food seems tasteless.
- There are a number of medical contraindications.
What varieties exist
The diet discussed may vary depending on the number of days. For example, there is a seven-day or ten-day variant.
Another criterion is the selected diet (type of porridge). As part of this feature, a 6-porridge diet, a 7-porridge diet, and so on are distinguished.
List of allowed and prohibited products
The breadth of the diet depends on the severity of the diet. In a strict version, the list of allowed foods includes all cereals, except semolina. Most often they are cooked on the water.
Taste variety can be adjusted by adding seasonings, herbs (dill, parsley, rosemary, basil).
- Allowed cereals: buckwheat, "hercules", brown rice, barley, barley, wheat and millet.
- With a freer approach, starch-free vegetables (cucumbers, cabbage, peppers) and fruits are allowed.
- The amount of water consumed should not be less than 2 - 2.5 liters.
- It is also possible to add fermented milk products with low fat content and real fruit juices to the menu.
In order to lose weight as quickly as possible, it is necessary to exclude meat, sausages and pasta, sweets, nuts and seeds, cheeses, pickles and smoked meats with canned goods, all types of pastries, semolina, margarine and mayonnaise.
In addition, the list of stop products includes potatoes, pumpkin, corn, zucchini, legumes, roots, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, fast food and various sauces.
Sample porridge diet menu
The main principle of this food system is strict adherence to the presented menu, where for each day, except the last, a certain porridge is intended. The menu ends with a combination of all types of cereals included in it. For clarity, consider the example of a diet of 7 cereals.
- 1 day - wheat porridge.
- 2 day - oatmeal.
- 3 day - rice porridge.
- 4 day - barley porridge.
- 5 day - barley porridge.
- 6 day - buckwheat porridge.
- Day 7 - a mixture of all the above cereals.
Supplementing the diet is allowed with low-calorie healthy foods: fruits and vegetables.
Of the drinks, green tea, kefir and, of course, plain water are optimal.
Contraindications and side effects
There are categories of people who are contraindicated weight loss in the discussed way.
These include people suffering from:
- diabetes mellitus;
- oncology;
- allergies
- digestive system diseases;
- as well as pregnant and lactating mothers.
It is important to remember that the first days of a diet may be accompanied by weakness, dizziness and increased fatigue. This is a normal condition caused by a sharp decrease in the amount of food consumed and a change in diet.
However, if this ailment continues for a long time, you should stop the diet and consult a doctor. Even better, to avoid such problems, consult with a specialist in advance before moving on to a new power system.
This method of losing weight is suitable for any girl. However, always remember the ageless ancient Greek wisdom about following the measure in everything. To lose a couple of extra pounds to feel more confident, sometimes it doesn’t hurt. But you definitely should not get carried away with the transformation of your own body for the sake of social stereotypes.