The buckwheat and kefir diet is one of the most popular nutritional schemes that are used to reduce weight. Croup contributes to rapid saturation, enriches the body with vitamins and nutrients, and a dairy product helps cleanse the intestines and maintain normal microflora.
Material Content:
- 1 The essence of the diet on buckwheat and kefir
- 2 Rules and principles of nutrition
- 3 Recommended and Prohibited Products
- 4 Kefir and buckwheat diet: a detailed menu for the week
- 5 Way out of the diet on buckwheat and kefir
- 6 How many kilograms of excess weight can you lose on such a diet?
- 7 Who is contraindicated in such a diet?
The essence of the diet on buckwheat and kefir
Before proceeding to the detailed menu and the basic rules for following the buckwheat-kefir diet, we will examine what happens to the body during this period. Why does a buckwheat diet with kefir help to lose weight quickly without starving?
- The fact is that this cereal is quite nutritious, in 100 g it contains almost 300 kilocalories, which allows you to properly get enough. At the same time, the polyunsaturated fats contained in it stimulate metabolic processes and help cleanse the intestines of poorly digested food and other “deposits”.
- Kefir also helps reduce hunger and normalizes the intestinal microflora, which contributes to better digestion of food. In addition, the trace elements contained in this drink help to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to adverse effects.
The joint use of these products, even in small quantities, allows you to drown out the feeling of hunger for a long time and avoid exhaustion, since they contain enough useful substances.
This is an important advantage of the kefir-buckwheat diet in comparison with other quick methods of losing weight.
How does weight loss occur?
The mechanism of weight loss is as follows:
- Once in the stomach, dietary fiber contained in buckwheat is broken down very slowly, which delays the feeling of hunger, and the body expends quite a lot of energy on their digestion.
- While buckwheat is digested, glucose continues to enter the body, thereby allowing it to function normally.
- From the stomach, where food is crushed, buckwheat passes into the intestines, and moving below it frees it from fecal stones and other organic “garbage”. That is, it acts as a kind of brush.
- As a result, the intestines are cleansed, and since about 5-6 kg of excess weight is precisely the “deposits” present there, a rapid decrease in body weight occurs.
The kefir-buckwheat diet is especially effective for people who have extra pounds concentrated in the abdomen. But in order not to harm health, it is important to realize that you can sit on any mono-diet only for a short time, namely from 7 to 14 days. Losing weight in this way makes sense when you need to lose a certain amount of kilograms quickly, say, before any important event.
Rules and principles of nutrition
To quickly lose weight on a kefir-buckwheat diet, you will need to follow the following rules:
- Eat fractionally, up to 5 times a day.
- There is cereal in its “pure” form, without sauces, ketchups and seasonings.
- Consume no more than 150 g of porridge at a time.
- Acquire kefir with a fat content of 1-1.5%.
- Carry out the last meal at least 4 hours before bedtime.
- Try to completely eliminate salt during this period.
- Drink at least one and a half liters of water per day (tea, coffee and juice do not count).
- Do not drink alcohol during the diet.
In addition, it is important to cook buckwheat correctly. It is not recommended to cook it, because during a long heat treatment it loses most of the vitamins and minerals that are necessary to maintain health on a mono-diet.
There are two ways to make porridge:
- Rinse the right amount of cereal, put in a container with a lid, pour boiling water, wrap and leave overnight. By morning porridge will be ready.
- Pour the washed buckwheat with kefir, mix and refrigerate for 8-10 hours. During this time, it will swell and be ready for use.
Important! Do not cook a lot of porridge for the future, it is better to make fresh servings for every day.
Recommended and Prohibited Products
There are various options for kefir and buckwheat diet. Among them there are also quite strict, in which the use of any other products is prohibited. However, adhering to such a diet is rather difficult, especially for people who are not accustomed to dieting and know about fasting days only by hearsay. In addition, any restrictions are stressful for the body, so we will focus on more gentle methods of losing weight, in which you can slightly diversify the diet.
The list of foods that are forbidden to eat during the buckwheat-kefir diet is too large, so it’s better to consider what is still possible.
In the process of losing weight, it is permissible to use:
- yogurts without additives;
- fresh fruits (except bananas);
- citrus;
- lean meat and lean fish;
- a bird;
- vegetables (with the exception of potatoes, white cabbage and radish);
- greenery;
- honey (no more than 10 g per day).
Of the drinks, in addition to water and light kefir, you can use green tea or a rosehip decoction of not more than 200 ml per day.
Important! In order not to deprive the body of the necessary trace elements in the process of maintaining a diet, you will need to take mineral and vitamin complexes.
Kefir and buckwheat diet: a detailed menu for the week
When following a diet, it is important to prevent a feeling of severe hunger and eat quite often. The following is an approximate diet for a week with five meals a day.
The first day:
- Buckwheat, kefir, tea with lemon.
- Buckwheat, apple and kefir.
- Buckwheat, 100 ml chicken broth, kefir.
- Buckwheat, 50 g skinless boiled chicken, kefir.
- Buckwheat and kefir.
Second day:
- Buckwheat, kefir, rosehip broth.
- Buckwheat, cucumber, kefir.
- Buckwheat soup on a vegetable broth, kefir.
- Buckwheat, 50 g of boiled sea fish, kefir.
- Buckwheat, kefir, orange.
Day three, fourth and fifth. Having gradually prepared the body for a diet, it is better to eat only buckwheat and kefir in these three days. If it is too hard, you can drink green tea, rosehip broth or eat some fruit.
Day Six:
- Buckwheat, kefir, 70 g of yogurt without additives.
- Buckwheat, kefir, 70-80 g of salad of vegetables and herbs without oil.
- Buckwheat, 100 ml of beef or lean pork broth, kefir.
- Buckwheat, 50 g of boiled meat, kefir.
- Buckwheat, kefir, half a grapefruit.
Day Seven:
- Buckwheat, kefir, green tea with lemon.
- Buckwheat, fruit salad and kefir.
- Chicken and buckwheat soup, kefir.
- Buckwheat, 60-70 g of chicken, kefir.
- Buckwheat, kefir, apple.
When drawing up the menu, it is important to consider that the total calorie intake of food consumed per day should not exceed 1300-1400 kcal per day.
Way out of the diet on buckwheat and kefir
In order for the lost kilograms not to return in a few weeks, it is important to get out of the diet correctly.
To do this, observe the following rules:
- continue to consume buckwheat with kefir at least 2 times a day for 14 days;
- eat fractionally, 4-5 times a day;
- drink at least one and a half liters of water;
- Do not overeat;
- exclude fatty foods and pastries from the diet.
In addition, you need to switch to the usual food gradually, introducing into the diet no more than one product per day.
How many kilograms of excess weight can you lose on such a diet?
It is impossible to say exactly how much weight will change as a result of following a diet, it is strictly individual. However, the more extra pounds a person initially had, the stronger the effect will be noticeable.
On average, adhering to such a diet for 7 days, you can lose from 4 to 6 kg. But in especially obese people, this figure often reaches 7-9 kg, and those whose weight did not exceed the norm too, will notice changes in the range of 2 and 4 kg.
In addition to the numbers on the scales, it is important to pay attention to body volumes. On average, over 7 days, these indicators vary by 3-5 cm, and in the abdomen can decrease by 7-8 cm. An interesting fact. Quite often, a sharp decrease in weight is accompanied by sagging skin and loss of elasticity. And compliance with the buckwheat-kefir diet allows you to not only keep it in its original form, but also make it more elastic, fit and young.
Who is contraindicated in such a diet?
With all the benefits of buckwheat and kefir, such a mono-diet can be harmful to health under the following conditions:
- violations in the digestive tract;
- gastritis
- ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines;
- period of pregnancy and lactation.
In addition, adhering to the buckwheat-kefir diet can cause serious psychological discomfort to people who are not used to restricting themselves in food. In this case, you should prepare for this in advance, gradually eliminating harmful foods from the diet.