Margarita Koroleva’s diet is known for the fact that with her help many artists and singers were able to get rid of unsightly excess weight and acquire an attractive slim figure.
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The basic principles of the diet of Margarita Koroleva
Nutritionist Margarita Koroleva is a candidate of medical sciences, she has been practicing and studying safe weight loss for more than two decades. This loss of extra pounds not only does not harm the body, but also helps to clean it, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the digestive tract.
The diet of Margarita Koroleva for 9 days consists of 3 stages of equal duration. Such food excludes starvation, so you do not have to suffer from a painful feeling in the stomach.
The amount of allowed food is quite sufficient to maintain working capacity and well-being at the proper level.
Key principles:
- Food should be fractional (at least five times).
- Drink at least 2 liters of purified water daily. More than half of the liquid should be consumed before dinner, as in the evening, excess of it can cause swelling.
- The liquid should not be consumed while eating, it will make the gastric juice less concentrated, which impairs digestion.
- The last meal is at 19-00.
- Instead of salt, it is advisable to use healthy spices (turmeric, cumin, basil).
You can repeat the diet no more than once every 7-8 months.
Allowed and Prohibited Products
The list of allowed products is quite impressive, so the diet will not be monotonous:
- rice
- chicken meat;
- mushrooms;
- greenery;
- honey;
- low-fat fish;
- green and white vegetables are a priority;
- carrots, beets, tomatoes, peppers - in small quantities.
In any case, sugar, sauces, alcohol, flour products should be excluded from the menu.
Sample menu for every day
It is advisable to adhere to the proposed menu exactly, only then the result will be noticeable almost immediately. But if for some reason it is difficult to do this, you can slightly adjust the diet to your needs.
Rice miracle diet from nutritionist Koroleva
This diet consists of successive stages:
- The first (introductory) stage is rice (from 1 to 3 days). Rice is a satisfying product, a source of long carbohydrates and an excellent adsorbent. According to the rules, cereals should be boiled without adding salt, sugar and oil. Even in the evening, it is necessary to soak about 250 g of grains, and in the morning cook them and divide them into 5-6 identical parts. This is food for the whole day. So you need to do the next two days. Rice mono-diet helps to relieve the digestive tract, cleanse the intestines and prepare the body for weight loss. Excess kilograms begin to leave already in this period.
- The second stage is chicken (from 4 to 6 days). Meat can be eaten only in boiled or baked form without salt (discard the skin). The optimal amount is about 1000 g per day (you need to divide into 6 servings). If for some reason it is problematic to eat chicken, it can be successfully replaced with low-fat fish. This is the active stage of burning fat. In chicken, there is a lot of protein needed to eliminate body fat. During this stage, craving for sweets decreases.
- The third stage is vegetable (from 7 to 9 days). The most suitable vegetables are cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers in combination with herbs. Possible dishes: stews, salads, mashed potatoes, soups. Potatoes are prohibited. The optimal amount of fresh vegetables should not be less than 300 g, boiled or baked - 500 g. The main goal of this stage is to give the body the substances it needs, vitamins and minerals, normalize microflora, cleanse toxins and speed up metabolism.
Be sure to drink water without additives or slightly sweetened with honey.
Options for those over 50
Half a century of life is not old age, and every woman who has crossed this line wants to look slim and fit. But due to hormonal age-related changes after 50 years, this is very difficult to achieve. Extreme diets for the elderly are also no way out, as the body can no longer adequately respond to such experiments.
Margarita Koroleva simply advises to observe the following main principles of nutrition:
- eat small meals 6 times a day so as not to stretch the stomach and not suffer from hunger;
- ordinary bread to replace whole grain with bran;
- dishes are best steamed, baked, stewed or boiled;
- the last time is no later than 18-00, since then the metabolic processes slow down, because of which the eaten dishes provoke the appearance of fat;
- drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water;
- try to completely remove sweets and pastries from the diet;
- give preference to low-fat dairy products, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits.
But if you really want chocolates or rolls, you do not need to deny yourself. A small piece can be eaten, but only in the morning, so that the body has time to process all the carbohydrates received on time.
If health allows, you can adhere to the proposed standard diet, but with some indulgences. In the process, you must always monitor your well-being.
9-21 day diet for weight loss on a separate diet
Nutritionists welcome separate meals. This means that you do not need to eat everything in a row, mixing absolutely incompatible ingredients in one dish. For example, you need to eat proteins separately from carbohydrates, so putting patties with pasta on the same plate is not worth it. All products have their own digestion rate, so you can use a lot, but separately. This will prevent excess calories from turning into fat.
Protein and carbohydrate meals should be consumed with an interval of at least 2 hours, and preferably 4-5 hours. This is necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the digestive tract and a full metabolism.
Protein products include fish, meat, eggs, non-skim milk and sour cream, legumes, nuts. To carbohydrates - cereals, sugar, potatoes, pasta, muffin. There is also a neutral group, which includes animal fats, fatty dairy products, fruits, vegetables, greens. Just products from the neutral group can be combined with both proteins and carbohydrates. Therefore, as a side dish for baked chicken, it is better to serve vegetable salad or greens, rather than mashed potatoes.
The diet may look something like this:
- For breakfast - fruit or vegetable salads, cheese, cottage cheese, oatmeal porridge, buckwheat, rice, a sandwich with bran bread and butter.
- Lunch - vegetable soups, protein dishes without the usual side dishes, vegetable stew.
- Dinner - vegetable casseroles, pasta with cheese, omelet with mushrooms, stewed vegetables, salads from greens, fruits.
Useless sweets, fatty dishes, smoked meats and canned food should be completely excluded from the menu.
Mono diet results
Compliance with this diet helps to lose weight by 6-10 kg. Obese people lose weight almost immediately. In people of average complexion, weight loss occurs gradually.
But in order to lose weight permanently, consolidate these results and enjoy the ideal weight longer, you need to get out of the diet correctly:
- Breakfast is a must, while the first meal should be dense. The rest of the time you can eat less.
- Do not succumb to the temptations and momentary mood, indulging your desire. Before you eat this or that product, you need to think about how it is useful for the body and whether to use it at all. This should be a habit.
- You need to eat fractionally. This allows you to saturate in small portions and not feel hunger in between meals.
- Compliance with the drinking regime is a prerequisite for normal metabolism.
- About once a week, you can arrange a fasting day on low-fat kefir. Such a reset of the digestive system will not harm the body, but will help to relax and continue to cope with its functions.
- Do not forget about physical activity. Classes should be daily, at least 40 minutes.
In order for the figure to be slim, it is necessary to make every effort and observe a culture of nutrition.
To whom it is contraindicated
- heart disease
- pregnancy and lactation;
- gastritis
- stomach ulcer;
- diabetes;
- genitourinary diseases.
People with these conditions are better to choose other ways to lose weight.