The popular Maggi curd diet allows you to quickly lose extra pounds and at the same time not harm your body. One of its most important advantages is satiety. A thinner person will not have to suffer from hunger throughout the duration of the diet.
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Features of the Maggi curd diet
The discussed diet is designed immediately for 4 weeks. Quick weight loss is made possible by reducing the calorie content of the daily menu. Excess carbohydrates and fats will be removed from it. But there will be a lot of protein that provides a person with vital energy.
The basis of the diet will be natural cottage cheese from cow's milk. But this does not mean at all that those who lose weight will have to eat this dairy product exclusively. In addition to cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits and some types of meat are allowed.
This protein diet was developed by a chemical scientist. He managed to make such combinations of products that turned out to be fat-burning. That is why you can not step back from the menu he painted. When using exclusively recommended dishes and products in the human body, the process of fat burning quickly starts, and muscle mass does not decrease. As a result, it is possible to achieve perfect harmony without sagging contours.
If we talk about the disadvantages of such a power system, then this is only its some uniformity. Allowed foods may get bored by the second week. Fantasy and culinary experiments come to the rescue.
Basic nutrition
Each losing weight, choosing the discussed diet, will have to adhere to several of its basic rules:
- You can not eat very fatty cottage cheese. Therefore, the main product of the diet should have a low percentage of fat content. Homemade cottage cheese is definitely not suitable for this purpose. By the way, the same rule applies to meat and cheese.
- The main rule of the Maggi curd diet is to strictly adhere to the recommended menu throughout the entire 4-week period. Every 7 days, the conditions for losing weight will be slightly complicated, but he certainly will not remain hungry even at the very end of the term. If during a diet a person allows himself to at least a couple of prohibited foods, then he will have to start all over again.
- It is very important to drink plenty of fluids daily - at least 2.5-3 liters (depending on the weight and active man or woman). It is advisable to choose clean still water. Any sweet drinks are strictly prohibited. Tea and coffee are allowed, but without sugar. Even honey in them is allowed to be added in a minimal amount, and only the first 7 days.
- For the entire period it is necessary to abandon any sauces and granulated sugar. And the amount of spices and salt when cooking - to minimize.
- The broths left after cooking meat or vegetables are always poured. Use them in any form is prohibited.
- Grapefruits should be present in the diet daily. Only a couple of times a week they can be replaced with oranges.
- Exit from the diet should be gentle. The first couple of weeks after its completion, you should eat on the same principles, just not looking at a strict list of allowed and prohibited foods.
In the early days of a new nutritional system, a person who is losing weight usually feels weak. He may be bothered by severe hunger. But you need to continue to adhere to a diet. Soon all the discomfort will go away. From attacks of severe hunger at first, small vegetable snacks will help get rid of.
Recommended and Prohibited Products
As already noted above, the basis of the diet becomes cottage cheese fat content of not more than 5%. A fat-free component is also suitable. Cheese (up to 17% fat) and eggs are also allowed.
You can eat almost anything from fruits and vegetables. The list of prohibited products includes only grapes, bananas, avocados, potatoes and any legumes.
From meat and poultry it is allowed to eat chicken and turkey, rabbit, beef, lean pork. Lamb, geese and ducks are prohibited. Any fish is recommended. Even canned tuna is allowed on certain days.
It is strictly forbidden to pamper yourself with baking, any sweets, smoked and highly salted products. But bran, cereal bread and bread, dark toasts are allowed. The main thing is not to eat them in an amount of more than 1 piece per day.
Frying foods is allowed exclusively on the grill or in a special frying pan without oil. But it’s best to cook, stew and bake all the dishes.
Maggie's Curd Diet: 4-Week Detailed Menu
The discussed power system is divided into 4 main stages. Each of them includes 7 days. It’s most convenient to start the fight for the perfect figure from Monday. The following is a daily menu for the entire diet.
First week
Breakfast every day will be the same - 180 g of cottage cheese and half grapefruit. The average meat portion is 270-290 g. Meals are supplemented with fruit drinks, tea, coffee, plain water.
Monday: for lunch - fruits of the same type in unlimited quantities (you can bake), for dinner - a portion of meat and vegetables cooked in any legal way.
Tuesday: for lunch - grilled chicken, 2 boiled quail eggs and fresh cucumbers with lemon juice, for dinner –160 g of cottage cheese, half grapefruit, grain bread.
Wednesday: for lunch - toast with cheese and fresh tomato, for dinner - boiled beef with mixed vegetables.
Thursday: for lunch - zucchini and carrots in a stew, chicken egg, for dinner - grilled fish with onions and tomatoes.
Friday: for lunch - one kind of fruit, for dinner - a portion of baked meat with a salad of vegetables.
Saturday: for lunch - grapefruit and a portion of boiled turkey, for dinner - assorted boiled vegetables.
Sunday: for lunch - one kind of fruit, for dinner - a serving of meat with vegetables.
Second week
Breakfast repeats last week. Now, dinner will also consist of a pack of cottage cheese and grapefruit (whole). Some days there are supplements to the last meal. The average meat portion is 250-270 g. Meals are supplemented with fruit drinks, tea, still water, and water.
Monday: for lunch - a portion of minced meat, a crouton of black bread, a salad of vegetables, + fresh vegetables for dinner.
Tuesday: for lunch - meat and vegetable stew.
Wednesday: for lunch - boiled beef with fresh cucumbers.
Thursday: for lunch - 220 g cheese with assorted vegetables, + boiled fish for dinner.
Friday: for lunch - grilled bird with 2 tomatoes.
Saturday: a piece of boiled fish with vegetable salad, + fruit platter for dinner.
Sunday: baked chicken with fresh tomatoes and carrots, an apple.
Third week
This period is considered the most real shake for the body. Only one or two types of foods will need to be consumed daily. Curd on the menu will be gone. Half of the grapefruit must be eaten for breakfast and dinner. Supplements are supplemented with fruit drinks and plain water.
Monday: any kind of fruit all day.
Tuesday: any kind of vegetables all day.
Wednesday: vegetables + fruits all day.
Thursday: fish + vegetables.
Friday: meat + vegetables.
Saturday and Sunday: any fruit.
Fourth week
During this period, the diet again changes dramatically. It is becoming more diverse. Products and their quantity are indicated for the whole day. Separating them is allowed at your discretion. The average meat portion is 180-200 g. Meals are supplemented with fruit drinks, tea, coffee, still water.
Monday: a can of canned tuna, a slice of grain bread, 3 fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, a whole grapefruit.
Tuesday: one serving of meat (no more than 200 g), any fruit, 3 fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.
Wednesday: a pack of cottage cheese, grapefruit or orange, 3 fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, toast from grain bread.
Thursday: 2 skinless chicken, 3 tomatoes, grapefruit, toast.
Friday: a pack of cottage cheese, 3 tomatoes, grapefruit, toast.
Saturday: a whole chicken breast, half a pack of cottage cheese, grapefruit, 2 fresh cucumbers and a tomato each.
Sunday: a can of canned tuna, toast of grain bread, 2 fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, a pack of cottage cheese, a whole grapefruit.
Cooking recipes
Original recipes of the Maggi diet will allow you to eat not only without harm to the figure, but also delicious. The main thing is to strictly observe the list of ingredients in each dish, and take into account the cooking method. The following is a variant of treats for one meal.
Vegetable salad
Ingredients: 1 sweet pepper, cucumber, onion, tomato, fresh garlic, lemon juice.
- Vegetables are chopped.
- The ingredients are mixed, sprinkled with chopped garlic.
- The dish is seasoned with lemon juice.
Served with meat, poultry or fish.
Ingredients: 230 g of any low-fat minced meat, peas, salt.
- Stuffing is salted.
- Small balls are formed from it.
- Meatballs are boiled in boiling water with pepper.
A dish with vegetable salad is served. It will replace a portion of boiled or baked meat.
Exercise with the Maggi Diet
Without physical activity with such a diet, Maggie will not be able to achieve a good result. Lying on the couch you can’t lose weight. But at the same time, you need to remember that reducing caloric intake does not contribute to serious physical exertion.
Therefore, morning exercises, swimming several times a week or walking daily will suffice. You can also ride a bike, roller skate, ice skate or take a short morning jogging.
How many kilograms of excess weight can I lose?
The number of kilograms that you can get rid of by the very end of the week depends on many factors. First of all, from how much weight the person was losing at the very beginning.If a person has first or second degree of obesity, then after four weeks you can expect a plumb of 13-15 kg. At lower rates, initially the results will be somewhat more modest.
The main thing is not to violate the basic rules of the diet and not to deviate from the recommended menu. A random chocolate bar as a snack will significantly worsen the result and generally slow down the process of weight loss.