Sweet tooth or physically passive people are well aware of the problem of excess weight in the waist and sides. At the same time, pulling up a figure is much more difficult than “spreading out” in width. The special diet for losing weight of the abdomen and sides will help to eliminate accumulated fat as quickly as possible, but you need to select it, taking into account the root cause of weight gain.
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Is it possible to lose weight with certain parts of the body?
The body of men and women is designed in such a way that under the “blow” when consuming a large number of calories and a passive lifestyle, the sides and stomach are the first to fall. These zones are called problem areas, because they not only react sharply to every bun eaten, but also leave the stored reserves the slowest of all.
In addition to overeating and high-calorie foods, fatty deposits in problematic parts of the body can lead to:
- nerve stress, stress, anxiety;
- liver disease
- excessive consumption of drinks containing hops;
- pregnancy and childbirth.
With rare exceptions, all people fall under at least one item from the above list, so the question remains - is it realistic to remove excess weight from the sides and abdomen, while not losing weight in other areas. For a long time this was considered impossible, but modern dietetics proves the opposite.
Features of a diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides
Diet for "partial" weight loss involves a nutritious breakfast and lunch, but with the observance of certain recommendations.
So, the diet of a person who wants to lose weight in the sides and abdomen should include:
- maximum foods high in calcium;
- increased amount of fiber;
- citrus fruits and fresh herbs.
The number of meals during the day is increased, and portions are reduced. Dishes are steamed, grilled, and also boiled.
On a note. Nuts are rich in healthy fats, which quickly satisfy the hunger, do not provoke the appearance of “bagels” on the sides and give energy.
What varieties exist
The most common diets for burning fat in problem areas are:
- Cucumber-kefir (with the obligatory daily eating of a large number of cucumbers and the use of at least 1 liter of kefir with a low percentage of fat content).
- Fruit-cottage cheese (based on the alternation of various fruits and 500-1000 g of low-fat cottage cheese per day).
- Protein-carbohydrate diet (BEACH). Based on minimizing the amount of fat consumed.
Recommended and Prohibited Products
The key to active weight loss is a good metabolism.
Some affordable and well-known products will help speed it up, among which are:
- Ginger root - has the ability to thermogenesis, i.e., enhances the production of heat, activating the basic processes in the body. It normalizes blood circulation and stimulates the digestion of food.
- Horseradish - is involved in the breakdown of fats.
- Grapefruit - has a choleretic effect, saturates the body losing weight with vitamin C.
- Legumes - improve the digestive tract, contribute to the conversion of fats into energy.
- Oatmeal is a storehouse of fiber necessary for rapid weight loss in the abdomen and sides.
- Sour-milk and dairy products.
- Vegetable oil.
- Seafood.
- Boiled fish.
- Low-fat poultry meat.
But it’s better to refuse a number of familiar foods, as they inhibit the digestion processes:
- Caffeine. Coffee is replaced with green tea, the leaves of which are rich in polyphenol.
- Cabbage. Low-calorie product, well satisfying hunger. Wanting to lose weight, its use in food is limited, since this product causes bloating and flatulence.
- Salt. Prevents the withdrawal of excess fluid, contributing to swelling. Salt is discarded in favor of lemon juice.
- Alcohol. Contraindicated even in small doses.
- Fried, salted, smoked dishes.
- Flour and confectionery.
- Margarine.
- Instant porridge.
- Whole milk.
- Canned food.
“Hungry” diets are strongly discouraged, therefore it is not worth lowering the daily amount of calories consumed below 700-800.
Daily menu with recipes for every day
An effective diet is following healthy eating guidelines in combination with certain physical exercises. A sample menu for the week is given below.
- Breakfast - oatmeal on the water with the addition of fruits (apple or banana), 1 boiled egg.
- Lunch - cucumber salad, rice, fish.
- Snack - kefir.
- Dinner - raw vegetables, boiled turkey, yogurt.
- Breakfast - 1 hard boiled egg, 200 ml of low-fat kefir, orange, oatmeal.
- Lunch - boiled pollock (200-250 g), raw tomato, lettuce, kefir.
- Dinner - boiled turkey (150-200 g), green apple, bran bread toast, tomato.
During the day, you can eat 3-4 fresh cucumbers.
- Breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese (200-300 g), banana, green tea.
- Lunch - vegetable salad without dressing or with a little olive oil, boiled beef (150 g).
- Dinner - boiled egg, cucumber, steamed steak (150-200 g), corn porridge (150 g).
- Breakfast - orange, boiled fish, oatmeal.
- Lunch - apple, toast with tomato, boiled chicken breast (200 g).
- Dinner - 1 egg, a salad of fresh cucumbers and lettuce (without salt).
- Breakfast - boiled turkey (150 g), buckwheat, ½ part grapefruit.
- Lunch - yogurt, shrimp and cucumber salad (200 g), 1 boiled potato.
- Dinner - chicken broth, 1 piece of bran bread, ½ part of an egg, orange.
- Breakfast - cottage cheese, apple, rice (150 g), green tea.
- Lunch - chicken broth with vegetables, a thin slice of brown bread.
- Dinner - yogurt, orange, steamed fish (100-150 g).
- Breakfast - grated carrots, sour-milk drink.
- Lunch - steamed fish and vegetables, boiled beans.
- Dinner - lean meat (150 g), 200 ml of freshly squeezed apple juice without sugar, buckwheat.
A fast diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides involves active exercise. Particular attention is paid to the press and lower extremities, performing “scissors”, “bicycle”, pumping the muscles of the upper and lower press.
How to get out of a diet
You can return to your usual diet at the end of the diet in 2-2.5 months. Too abrupt increase in calories consumed will lead to accelerated weight gain. Menus are made up of all the foods that the body is used to during the diet. Servings are gradually increased, adding 50-100 kcal weekly.
Read also:detox - program at home, menu
Contraindications and side effects
Any sharp restriction in nutrition is stressful for the body, so the process requires not only willpower, but also some preparation. In addition, this method of burning fat can not be resorted to in the presence of some health problems.
Contraindications are:
- malfunctioning of the liver;
- kidney dysfunction;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- anorexia;
- anemia;
- low blood pressure;
- increased acidity of gastric juice;
- bulimia
- high cholesterol.
The basic rule of the diet to reduce the abdomen and sides is to spend more calories than is consumed. You can quickly achieve a seductive, slim body without fat deposits in a matter of weeks, combining sports and adhering to the established menu. An important aspect is peace of mind, as one of the most common causes of body fat is stress and anxiety.