On the net, the diet for the lazy is gaining more and more popularity. The peculiar name is explained by the fact that it does not require strict restrictions and is perfect for those who do not agree to starve themselves or eat monotonously. Read more about this powerful and easy method below.
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The principles and features of the diet for the lazy
The essence of the diet is to replace the proportion of food eaten with water. Water, as you know, does not contain calories, but at the same time can weaken the feeling of hunger. And also, sufficient fluid intake helps speed up metabolism, which is important for those who want to lose weight. A “lazy” diet involves drinking clean water 20 minutes before eating and no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after it. Drinking liquid before meals helps to quickly saturate when consuming small portions, as it occupies part of the space in the stomach.
First of all, you need to calculate the daily amount of fluid necessary for the body. With moderate physical exertion per 1 kg of weight should account for 30 ml of water. That is, for a person weighing 70 kg, this figure will be equal to 2 liters of 100 ml.
The total volume of water should be divided by the number of meals. Suppose there are four of them. Consequently, 525 ml of water is consumed per meal. Half or 2/3 of the received volume should be drunk 20 minutes before a meal, the rest - after 1.5-2 hours after it.
There is another option for drinking fluid. 20 minutes before each meal, you should drink 2 glasses of water, and 2 hours after a meal, drink liquid as needed.
To prepare the body for a new diet, at first you can drink 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil half an hour before breakfast.
Features of the diet for the lazy (minus 12 kg per month):
- artesian or filtered water is used for the diet (boiled or carbonated are not suitable for these purposes);
- increase fluid volume gradually starting from the first day of the diet;
- you can not drink water with food or immediately after it (only after 1.5-2 hours);
- drink should not be warm (optimum temperature is 18-20 degrees);
- you need to drink water in small sips;
- smoked foods and salted foods should be excluded so that the fluid does not linger in the body;
- It is not recommended to eat cereals in the form of flakes for brewing or quick cooking, since they contain few substances that the body needs (it is better to purchase ordinary cereals);
- it is desirable to exclude alcohol;
- snacks, the use of sweet and carbonated drinks are not allowed;
- 1.5-2 hours after the meal, you can drink green tea, sometimes unsweetened coffee;
- the diet lasts 3-4 weeks;
- apply this method of losing weight should be no more than once a year;
- moderate results are recommended for a pronounced result;
- you must correctly "get out" of the diet.
The optimal time of the year for a water diet is summer, since a large proportion of the fluid from the body is removed with sweat.
Advantages and disadvantages
Like all methods of dealing with overweight, the diet for the lazy has its pros and cons.
The benefits of a lazy diet:
- lack of strict dietary restrictions;
- availability;
- relatively quick result;
- removal of harmful substances from the body;
- improving the condition of the skin, nails and hair;
- acceleration of metabolic processes;
- developing a good habit of drinking water instead of sugary drinks;
- improvement of well-being;
- after the diet, extra pounds, as a rule, are not returned.
The disadvantages of the method:
- the impossibility of frequent use due to the risk of violations of the urinary system;
- leaching of calcium and other minerals from the body;
- the presence of contraindications.
To avoid a deficiency of minerals in the body, during the entire diet period it is necessary to take vitamin-mineral complexes.
Diet options
Under the "lazy" method of weight loss is usually meant a water diet. But there are other ways to lose weight that do not require strict restrictions on food.
- Summer diet. The method involves eating a large number of seasonal vegetables and fruits. The diet is supplemented with dairy products.
- Honey. During such a diet, a small amount of honey should be consumed before each meal.
- Protein. It is allowed to eat foods with sufficient protein content: lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, seafood, legumes and more.
- Mediterranean The method is based on the replacement of meat with seafood and sea fish. It is also necessary to eat vegetables and fruits. Sweets and eggs are prohibited.
The main condition for all of these diets is the use of quality foods and the exclusion of junk food.
List of allowed and prohibited products
The following foods are recommended for the lazy diet:
- meat: veal, beef, white chicken, rabbit, turkey;
- low-fat fish varieties: cod, pollock, hake, salmon, flounder;
- cereals: rice, buckwheat, millet;
- legumes: corn, beans (including leguminous);
- vegetables: beets, broccoli and white cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, zucchini;
- greens: dill, parsley, chives, spinach;
- fruits: apples, citrus fruits, peaches, mangoes, avocados, kiwi, pears, plums;
- dairy products: low-fat cottage cheese and kefir;
- drinks: green and ginger teas, unsweetened coffee, water, chicory.
It is better to steam meat and fish, cook or bake in foil, and it is advisable not to heat the vegetables.
At the time of the diet on the water, you should abandon the harmful fried foods and soups on strong meat broths.
And also prohibited:
- sweet drinks and water with gas;
- sweets and buns;
- snacks
- smoked meats;
- sausages;
- pickled and salty foods.
After leaving the diet, products from this list should not be used uncontrollably, as they not only contribute to weight gain, but also increase the risk of gastrointestinal diseases.
Daily menu
This method of weight loss does not require a hard change in the usual table. The table shows an example of a diet menu for the lazy for a week.
Day of the week | Breakfast | Dinner | High tea | Dinner |
Monday | Rice porridge with slices of peaches, low-fat cottage cheese | Mushroom Soup, Steam Chicken Breast | Pear | Fish cutlet, vegetable salad |
Tuesday | Boiled egg, cheese sandwich | Boiled veal, buckwheat | 2 apples | Salad with tuna |
Wednesday | Oatmeal with fruit | Vegetable soup, a slice of bread | 2 plums | Vegetable stew, steam fish |
Thursday | Steam omelette, oatmeal cookies | Foil-baked chicken fillet with potatoes | Low-fat cottage cheese with berries | Carrot casserole |
Friday | Millet porridge with berries | Fish soup, a slice of bread | Pear | Steam Turkey (White Fillet), Vegetable Salad |
Saturday | Buckwheat porridge with apple | Beef Stew with Vegetables | Fruit Salad with Yogurt | Fishcake, vegetables |
Sunday | String Bean and Cabbage Salad | Green borscht, steamed turkey fillet (white) | 2 apples | Boiled beef, vegetables |
An invariable condition is to drink water 20 minutes before meals and no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after.
You can add a small amount of lemon or lime juice to it, as well as a piece of ginger.
How to get out of a diet
To avoid undesirable consequences, go out of the diet should be gradual. In the first few days, the volume of drinking water is gradually reduced, returning to normal. Then gradually increase the size of the servings and return flour and sweet to the diet. If during the exit from the diet from the body there are any negative reactions, you should visit a doctor.
So that extra pounds do not come back again, it is necessary to limit the use of sweets and pastries. There are these products should be in the morning.
What results does the diet promise for the lazy
Subject to all conditions and moderate physical activity during the diet, you can lose from 8 to 12 kg during the month. There are more stringent options for a "lazy" diet that promise the loss of the same mass in 2 weeks. Such rapid weight loss can negatively affect health, so it will be safer to use a longer option.
On the network you can find quite a lot of positive reviews from those who have already tried this easy diet. Users note improvement in well-being, simplicity, accessibility, and most importantly - the effectiveness of the method.
The number of kilograms that you can get rid of during a diet, largely depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the lifestyle of the losing weight. To increase efficiency, regular and reasonable physical activity, full sleep (at least 8 hours a day) are recommended.
Contraindications and side effects
Despite the relative safety, the method still has some limitations for use.
Contraindications to the diet for the lazy:
- pregnancy;
- age up to 16 years;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, heart;
- high blood pressure.
Since some kidney and gastrointestinal diseases do not always make themselves felt, it is advisable to consult a specialist before using this method of weight loss to rule out pathologies.
Undesirable effects of a lazy diet include:
- swelling
- frequent urination
- leaching of minerals from the body (therefore, during the diet, vitamin-mineral complexes must be taken).
In the event of edema, headaches, digestive disorders, deterioration of well-being, you should abandon the diet and consult a doctor.
It is important to remember that one diet, no matter how effective it is, is unlikely to once and for all solve the problem of extra pounds. To prevent them from returning, one should adjust the lifestyle, establish nutrition and exclude or limit harmful products not only for the time of struggle with overweight, but also in ordinary life.