The usual course of a woman’s life changes dramatically at the moment when she finds out about her interesting situation. From this day on, she needs to take care not only about her health, but also about the health of the future baby, who already needs love and attention. The diet for pregnant women at the stage of fetal development is of key importance, since from now on the daily menu of the expectant mother should include a sufficient amount of vitamins useful for the body.
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The basic rules of nutrition during pregnancy
Many mistakenly believe that while carrying a child, any existing diet for weight loss is prohibited. On the contrary, a woman ceases to refuse food, gaining as a result unnecessary extra pounds.
On a note: if during pregnancy the expectant mother gains more than 15-20 kilograms, such an excess of body fat can harm both her body and the developing fetus in the womb.
To prevent the development of serious complications, as well as to avoid subsequent health problems, gynecologists recommend adhering to certain nutritional rules.
- Refuse fasting. Large breaks between meals negatively affect the digestive system. Nutritionists recommend a small snack between the main meals.
- Balance your diet. A full menu should contain the necessary amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates.In addition, for the purposes of prevention, an additional daily intake of vitamins and minerals should be taken. However, their overabundance is as dangerous to the body as the lack of these substances.
- Drink plenty of water. Juices, coffee and teas in this case do not count. Drink at least 1.5 liters of purified water without gas daily. The consumption rate for each person may differ due to the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, consult with your doctor first to determine your daily allowance.
- Do not neglect the first courses. Soups and broths normalize the natural functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also prevent the formation of ulcers and gastritis.
- Eat fermented milk products. Give preference to kefir, fermented baked milk or cottage cheese. However, choose foods that are low in fat. There are frequent cases when, during pregnancy, tooth enamel is thinned due to a lack of calcium. Sour milk will make up for calcium deficiency, and will not allow tooth loss.
- Do not give up fish and meat. Nutritionists are advised to include poultry and beef in the diet. But sausages and smoked meats should be avoided.
Maternity Diet for Weight Loss
A slight increase in weight does not carry any danger, but, on the contrary, is considered the norm. However, a rapid set of extra pounds can cause the development of hypertension and diabetes. In addition, it is much more difficult for a woman who is pretty plump to come back to her original form after the baby is born. A special diet for weight loss during pregnancy in this case will avoid possible complications.
The diet during pregnancy should be distributed according to the following principle:
- 30% falls on breakfast;
- 10% is a snack between breakfast and lunch;
- 40% is lunch;
- at 10% of the daily norm falls on an afternoon snack and dinner.
Note! Breakfast is recommended 1.5-2 hours after waking up, and dinner should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
During pregnancy, the following organic substances should be used:
- Squirrels. The daily norm is 120 g. About 90 grams are animal products, such as cottage cheese, fish, meat products or eggs.
- Carbohydrates. The norm is 400 g. Complex carbohydrates you will find in cereals and legumes, simple - in vegetables and fruits.
- Fats. No more than 100 g per day. Replace the usual sunflower oil with olive or linseed. Additionally, take fish oil in capsules, which is sold in any pharmacy.
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Nutrition for gestational diabetes
Gestational diabetes is a common ailment of pregnant women. As a rule, after childbirth, carbohydrate metabolism in the body normalizes and the disease recedes. Diet for gestational diabetes of pregnant women consists in the complete exclusion from the menu of light carbohydrates that are found in desserts, chocolate and other confectionery products. Diabetics table 9 helps to normalize the balance of carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
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- Avoid flour products, especially white bread. It is allowed to eat bran bread or pita bread.
- Eat more cereals, vegetables, and grains, enriched with lots of fiber.
- Prefer whole fruits, whether apples, pears or bananas, rather than purchased juices.
- Replace regular sugar with fructose. Eat more often, but in small portions.
Salt-free diet for edema
Stagnant fluid in the body is a common occurrence in pregnant women. Excessive swelling is not a serious threat to the health of the expectant mother, but it causes a lot of discomfort and inconvenience. Most often, edema appears in the third trimester of pregnancy, when it becomes increasingly difficult for a woman to walk, breathe and sleep.
In this case, a complete rejection of salty and fatty foods will help establish water metabolism in the body.Moreover, the restriction in water consumption does not significantly affect the appearance of puffiness. Therefore, it is not worthwhile to reduce the daily rate of drinking fluid.
During a salt-free diet, follow these guidelines:
- Exclude pickles from the diet, and do not add salt, pepper and other hot spices to the dishes.
- Limit the consumption of flour and sweet.
- Do not include canned foods, grapes, cucumbers, bananas and salted cheeses in the menu.
- Prefer the meat of poultry and fish, but refuse the use of fatty meat products.
- To reduce the calorie content of food, prepare diet meals for a couple.
Hypoallergenic diet during pregnancy
Based on research by experts, it was found that allergic intolerance is formed in the baby at the developmental stage in the womb. The main cause of the occurrence is a latent allergy of a pregnant woman to food products. This ailment is characterized not only by typical manifestations of intolerance in the form of itching and redness of the skin. Overweight, gestosis, edema and diabetes can also indicate allergies.
Menus for pregnant women prone to an allergic reaction should not include the following products:
- dishes with a high content of fat and spices;
- citrus fruit;
- fatty dairy products.
You should also abandon store juices with a high sugar content in the composition. Avoid foods that contain emulsifiers, preservatives, or chemical additives. Pregnant women are not recommended to eat fast food, chips and sugary drinks. Under the strictest ban are tobacco products and alcohol.
Features and principles of protein diet
According to statistics, every second pregnant woman experiences a lack of protein in the body. Such a deficiency provokes a number of complications:
- there is a delay in the development of the embryo;
- the protective functions of the body are reduced;
- the immune system weakens;
- there is a risk of developing pathologies in the fetus.
The peculiarity of the protein diet for pregnant women is to consume as many foods as possible, enriched with a sufficient amount of protein. It is found in animal and vegetable products. These include dairy products, eggs, chicken breast, buckwheat, asparagus, zucchini, and potatoes.
In the initial stages of pregnancy, the daily protein intake ranges from 65 to 90 grams. In late trimesters, this figure increases to 120 grams per day.
Carbohydrate Based Nutrition
The main task of carbohydrates is to provide an adequate level of energy in the body. These organic compounds are of two types: simple and complex.
- Simple carbohydrates include easily digestible monosaccharides and disaccharides. They are rapidly broken down in the body, as they consist of glucose and fructose. Simple carbohydrates are found in confectionery, flour products, some fruits and berries. Nutritionists are strongly advised to reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates consumed, as they slow down the metabolic processes and lead to obesity.
- Complex carbohydrates, in addition to sugars, also contain fiber, necessary for the full absorption of food. It is this type of carbohydrate compounds that should prevail in the diet of a pregnant woman. Among complex carbohydrates, legumes (beans, lentils), seeds (pumpkin, flax and sunflower seeds), cereals (buckwheat, wheat, oats) and vegetables (onions, potatoes, radishes, broccoli) are of the greatest value.
Special Iron Diet
A lack of iron in the female body leads to a decrease in hemoglobin, which, ultimately, provokes the development of anemia. In expectant mothers, the quantitative indicator of this element decreases due to increased iron consumption during the development of the fetus. In order to make up for the loss, in addition to iron-containing products, it is necessary to use a sufficient amount of vitamin C, as well as vitamins of group B.
Among the products enriched with iron, there are:
- black and white bread;
- lean meats;
- fish
- cottage cheese;
- buckwheat;
- chicken and pork liver;
- apples.
It is important to remember that a sufficient level of hemoglobin in the blood contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and subsequent births.
The birth of a healthy baby is the main task, which occupies a paramount role in the life of a future mother for the next 9 months. A full balanced diet in this case will have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus, will avoid undesirable pathologies and facilitate the process of giving birth to a baby.