Ballerinas have incredible stamina and fortitude. One thought about what loads these fragile, graceful girls have to endure is amazing. However, in order to constantly be in shape and maintain an accurate figure, physical activity alone is not enough. From time to time, most dancers for quick weight loss adhere to a strict diet, especially before performing on stage. A diet for ballerinas will not allow you to gain a single extra kilogram.
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The principles and features of the diet
Dancers prefer to eat food with a minimum of calories. However, they do not harm their health.
So, what are the principles of the diet of ballerinas for weight loss based on:
- the use of fatty and fried foods, as well as smoking products is unacceptable;
- it is necessary to completely exclude confectionery and flour products, various semi-finished products;
- food should be eaten unsalted;
- should refrain from wine and lemonade;
- do not eat meat and fish dishes at the same time;
- lunch can consist of one soup.
The basic principles of a ballerinas diet for weight loss are simple: you need to eat regularly, up to 6 times a day, but little by little. Half a regular serving will be enough. Food should be low in calories.
It is absolutely necessary to drink plenty of fluids. And it should not be lemonade, milk, cocoa, etc. - this series of drinks is very nutritious. We are talking about ordinary drinking water, mineral water (preferably without gas), green tea. The last maximum that can be put is a teaspoon of honey.
In addition, ballerinas have their own “little secrets”.For example, they often eat the same yogurt with a fork. Is it weird? But if you do this, you can eat a glass of yogurt for half an hour. With slow food intake, saturation occurs faster, and after yogurt nothing more will be wanted. This also includes advice not to rush at the table, chew food without rushing.
Advantages and disadvantages
The benefits of a ballerina diet:
- This diet is preferred by many because it is completely harmless. You do not deprive the body of proteins, the most necessary fats, the minimum allowable amount of carbohydrates. Thus, health will not be harmed.
- This diet can be adhered to for a very long time. And discomfort will not be felt, since the restrictions are not at all severe. Meanwhile, the result will not disappoint.
- Having compiled a menu of allowed foods, you can eat varied and delicious.
Ballerinas adhere to this regime all the time and at the same time feel great, despite the fact that they have to work in training and on stage.
Disadvantages of a ballerina diet
- Dancers eat often, but in small portions. People who appreciate a feeling of satiety and are used to snack several times a day will find it difficult to adhere to such a regimen. You can not get enough of the allowed portion, and the feeling of hunger will haunt you.
- Such a diet can lead to a lack of vitamins. But this is the case - if the daily menu is not composed correctly. For example, it includes cereals, steamed fish, lean meat. But not vegetables and fruits.
- For safety reasons, while following a diet, you still have to take vitamins, especially in winter and spring.
But the benefits of a diet — gaining optimal weight and well-being — overshadow the disadvantages.
List of allowed and prohibited products
When shopping, you need to carefully consider what foods you can include in your diet. Something must be on the table, and something will have to be put back on the shelf in the store.
Allowed Products:
- meat, where there is not even a layer of fat: poultry, rabbit meat, veal;
- fish, mainly marine, cod, navaga, pollock, hake are suitable;
- eggs (preferably quail);
- foods high in protein - cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, etc., while you have to look at the packaging, and choose those types where the fat content is minimal;
- cereals (except semolina);
- steamed vegetables, greens;
- you can eat fruit, you need to limit only grapes (a lot of sugar) and bananas;
- spices, but you have to eat unsalted and savory foods;
- marinades;
- in small amounts: dark chocolate, as well as honey, marmalade, marshmallows.
Prohibited Products:
- red meat - fatty pork, old beef and even seemingly “light” lamb should not appear on the table;
- oily fish, any caviar;
- groceries, flour products;
- various types of sauces;
- roast;
- smoking and salting;
- sausages;
- fast food;
- confectionery.
The diet in question involves some sacrifices and limitations. So, if you decide to lose weight in this way, choose a period between major holidays, so as not to break.
Ballerinas diet menu
There are already developed options for diet menus for ballerinas. They are convenient to stick to.
Two day express diet
Do you need to lose weight as soon as possible?
We have selected for you a diet that allows you to literally lose 3-4 kilograms in just a few days:
- First day: juice prepared at home. It is best to take tomatoes for this purpose. The peel from them easily peels off after you scald vegetables with boiling water. Then the tomatoes are cut, squeezed juice. You can add chopped dill to it, but salt, if put, then on the tip of the knife. You can drink juice in unlimited quantities, as soon as the feeling of hunger becomes especially acute.
- Second day: you can also eat cherries without restrictions.Of the drinks allowed mineral water, green tea, sugar free.
Diet Maya Plisetskaya
The famous ballerina joked that there is no better way to lose weight than not to eat. But completely refuse food, alas, is impossible.
Plisetskaya allowed herself cereals and especially loved buckwheat. She ate vegetables, but at the same time potatoes - in minimal quantities. In her diet were fruits, fish. To the list of prohibited products, she included milk and its derivatives, eggs, pastries and pastry sweets, coffee with cream and sugar.
Maya Plisetskaya's diet looks something like this:
- breakfast - a small portion of porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat), cooked on the water;
- snack - fruit (except bananas) - apple, orange, kiwi;
- lunch - soup or stewed vegetables;
- afternoon snack - any fruit or vegetable with the exception of tomato;
- dinner - a little rice or buckwheat and boiled low-fat fish.
And Plisetskaya ate very small portions. According to the memoirs of the comrades, "pecked like a bird." Eat a few spoons - and again to the machine.
For girls ballerinas
Adolescents and children to adhere to a strict, albeit balanced diet is extremely undesirable, as this is fraught with serious health problems. Nevertheless, children in ballet schools also restrict themselves in food, especially before the performance. Before you go on a diet, it is worth considering the characteristics of the metabolism of the guys. In no case should you go hungry, you need to stick to the menu of recommended products.
Many children love sweets, but unfortunately they will have to exclude them, as well as sugary sodas. Only dark chocolate, marmalade or marshmallows are allowed. Dairy products can only be low-fat. You can not include sauces and nuts in the diet.
But vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits (except bananas) can be consumed. Porridge with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil will also be useful.
Contraindications and side effects
The diet followed by ballerinas is contraindicated in people with chronic diseases. Also, this method of losing weight is not suitable for women who are expecting a baby or breastfeeding.
With all the benefits of nutrition for ballerinas, it is impossible to adhere to it:
- persons suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- To old people;
- during the recovery period after the disease;
- with exhaustion or, conversely, severe obesity;
- with diseases of the thyroid gland;
- people suffering from cirrhosis;
- with benign and malignant neoplasms.
If you strictly follow a diet, do not eat prohibited foods, follow the intended diet and lead an active lifestyle, then the results will be noticeable quickly.
What is able to give such a diet:
- weight loss up to 10 kg;
- improvement of well-being;
- metabolic stabilization;
- disposal of unnecessary toxins and toxins in the body;
- stable supply of necessary substances;
- noticeable improvement in hair, skin and nails.
The time-tested diet for ballerinas is becoming increasingly popular. The main thing that attracts the fair sex in it is the ability to quickly achieve the desired result, while maintaining health.