The menu for every day in the 7-petal diet is surprising and pleasing. After all, you can eat tasty, use a variety of foods and at the same time lose weight.
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Features and rules of the diet "7 petals"
Nutritionists argue that eating both protein and carbohydrate foods is bad for the figure. In this case, the nutrients are retained in the body and remain in it in the form of fat deposits.
At the heart of the diet "Seven Petals" for weight loss is the principle of separate nutrition. It also provides for a low calorie daily menu.
Within seven days you need to eat certain foods in limited quantities. Proteins and carbohydrates enter the body at different times, and moderate portions help restore harmony.
Features of the diet:
- The sequence of days cannot be changed, otherwise the desired effect will not work. First, fish day, then vegetable, chicken and cereal. The final three are cottage cheese, fruit and drinking days.
- Food restrictions are strict: you can only eat what is indicated on the menu.
- "Carbohydrate" and "protein" days alternate necessarily. The body has enough useful substances, but at the same time it is misled by the lack of specific types of food. So thanks to separate nutrition, it is possible to start the process of losing weight.
- Particular attention is paid to the drinking regimen. At least 2 liters of clean drinking water should be consumed per day. It is appropriate to replace a couple of glasses of liquid with unsweetened green or black tea. Alcohol is prohibited.
- You need to eat in small portions, dividing the daily intake into 4 - 5 receptions.No rush during the meal, chew food thoroughly.
- In the evening, food is taken no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
- Feasible sports loads are welcome. Thanks to motor activity, muscle sagging and sagging skin can be avoided.
Pros and cons of a diet:
- Body weight decreases rapidly: it is both its advantage and disadvantage. After all, experts say that it is not good for health to lose more than 150 g of weight per day.
- Food almost does not salt. Weight goes away, clear and hidden swelling disappears. It is possible to remove not fat, but only water and muscle tissue. Therefore, after a weekly course, excess weight may return.
- They use inexpensive products, so the diet is suitable for people with different incomes.
- Sweet foods are strictly prohibited, which means that it’s hard for sweet tooth to pass this test.
- Unlike many mono-diets, it has a variety. Indeed, every day a new product is introduced into the menu, and even several on the same day.
- You won’t have to starve. A daily amount of food is enough to get enough. The only exception is the last day, when you can only drink water.
- Willpower will be needed. Eating the whole day is not easy, an aversion to monotonous food may develop.
For a healthy person, such restrictions are not dangerous. On the contrary, the mechanism of intestinal cleansing starts, metabolic processes in the body improve. But during the period of protein days, a breakdown and weakness due to a shortage of carbohydrate food can be observed.
Recommended and Prohibited Products
It is useful to include in your diet during the diet:
- vegetables with a little starch;
- unsweetened fruits;
- chicken and turkey fillet;
- seafood;
- fish
- cereals;
- whole grain breads;
- some vegetable oil, preferably olive;
- green and black tea;
- rosehip broth;
- no more than a glass of natural coffee or a chicory drink per day.
The main rule: even if the food is on the allowed list, it can only be consumed on certain days.
Which products should be discarded completely:
- high-calorie vegetables: pumpkin, legumes, potatoes, corn;
- sweet fruits: grapes, dates, raisins, bananas;
- muffins, pastries from white flour;
- animal fats;
- alcohol and carbonated drinks;
- preservation;
- semi-finished products;
- sugar and its substitutes;
- high-calorie dressings, fatty sauces;
- beef and pork meat;
- sausages.
Salt is consumed in limited quantities. Natural spices are allowed.
Detailed menu for every day
For each of the seven “petal” days, there is a list of allowed products.
- 1 day: hello, fish. The total amount of fish products should be 0.5 kg. You can use not only fish fillets, but also other seafood. It is acceptable to drink fish broth, but without additives in the form of vegetables and salt. Cooking is appropriate taking into account personal preferences: boil, stew, bake, make steamed fish dishes. For a more pleasant taste, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to your dishes. Among the allowed spices are cinnamon, caraway seeds, a little ground red or black pepper, ginger. They take no more than 1 teaspoon per day. Objective: speed up the metabolism and lose weight by 0.5 kg. To achieve the goal will help animal proteins and omega-3 fatty acids, which are present in seafood.
- 2 day: vegetable madness. They eat vegetables with a total weight of 1.5 kg. Thanks to complex carbohydrates, it is possible to achieve a feeling of fullness. The menu includes any raw and thermally processed vegetables, greens. Only corn, parsley root, potatoes and other products from the prohibited list are banned. Soup, stew, caviar - the diet of this day is quite comfortable and varied. Task: bowel cleansing and loss of up to 0.6 kg of weight. During the processing of vegetable food, the body spends more energy than it receives from such products.
- 3rd day: hello, chicken. Chicken breast or turkey is consumed throughout the day, only 0.5 kg of meat. The main thing is to remove fat that may be on pieces of meat.The method of heat treatment does not matter. You can cook, stew, bake, steam. No need to just fry. It is even allowed to slightly add food. It is not forbidden to drink the resulting meat broth, but it is better to do it before 14 hours. Objective: replenish the body with vitamin B12 and animal proteins.
- 4th day: cereal variety. They eat various cereals, preferably oatmeal, buckwheat and brown rice. The total amount of food is 200 - 300 g of dry product. The body will have to spend a lot of energy to process cereals in a thick shell. So, it will turn out to get rid of unnecessary reserves on the body. Task: to get enough of useful microelements, vitamins and complex carbohydrates.
- 5 day: cottage cheese on the threshold. The main menu of this day is 500 g fat-free cottage cheese (fat content not more than 5%). Additionally, you can treat yourself to milk or sour milk. Maximum allowed to drink 1 glass of non-fat drink. As additives to the main ingredient of this day will be cinnamon, a small bunch of parsley or dill, ground pepper. Objective: prevention of constipation, the fight against the lack of sour milk bacteria and general rejuvenation of the body.
- 6 day: fruit enjoyment. You can eat 1.5 kg of various fruits in raw or baked form (except for those on the list of prohibited foods). Before dinner, eat more sweet, for the evening, leave options more acidic. It is permissible to drink not only water, but also natural fruit juices or decoctions. You can give the food an original taste with the help of spices: vanillin, cinnamon, lemon zest, cardamom. The day is not easy, it is important to prevent a breakdown due to daily fluctuations in blood sugar. Objective: improve metabolism, get a shock dose of vitamins and organic acids.
- 7 day: not food, but one water. The last day of the diet is the most difficult. On this day they drink still water. It is allowed to add a spoonful of honey in it if you feel unwell. The total liquid volume is up to 2.5 liters. By evening, they drink less than in the morning. Objective: strengthen the effectiveness of the diet.
Heat treatment of products in such a menu for a week can be anything. You can’t just fry: the food cooked in oil is much more caloric, and there will be no benefit from the restrictions.
Healthy Recipes
It is necessary to choose a dish that is simple to prepare for each day. There is no need to constantly cook. You can make food according to a suitable diet recipe once a day, immediately for the whole day.
First day: sea fish soup puree.
You will need:
- fish fillet;
- spice;
- olive oil.
- Boil the fillet of sea fish.
- Cool it and grind in a blender.
- Add salted fish stock to the fish.
- Add greens and a teaspoon of olive oil to the soup.
Second day: squash caviar.
You will need:
- onions and zucchini - 2 pcs.;
- tomatoes and small carrots - 1 pc.;
- olive oil - 1 tsp;
- some salt.
- Washed vegetables grate.
- Put all products in a cauldron.
- Salt, pepper a little.
- Stew until the mass is respected 2 to 3 times.
- Add a spoonful of olive oil.
- If desired, before serving, you can grind in a blender.
Third day: chicken kebabs.
You will need:
- chicken meat;
- much ground pepper.
- Cut chicken into portions.
- Add spices to the meat and let it brew.
- Bake in a preheated oven for about half an hour.
Fourth day: buckwheat cutlets.
You will need:
- half a glass of dry buckwheat;
- some salt, ground pepper and herbs.
- Boil buckwheat in slightly salted water.
- Cool it and grind in a blender.
- Add greens, spices and a little salt to the resulting buckwheat mass.
- Form cutlets.
- Bake them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.
Fifth day: cheesecakes.
You will need:
- cottage cheese - 300 g;
- small chicken egg - 1 pc.;
- semolina - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
- some vanillin.
- Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder or grind it with a blender.
- Combine the curd with an egg and vanilla.
- Shuffle and form cheesecakes.
- Roll products in semolina.
- Bake in the oven for about half an hour.
Sixth day: fruit salad.
You will need:
- apple, banana, orange - 1 pc.;
- Kiwi - 2 pcs.;
- unsweetened natural yogurt - a couple of tablespoons;
- a few drops of lemon juice.
- Peel the orange with a knife. Grate its zest in a small dish.
- The fruit is divided into several lobules, depending on size. Dice the remaining fruits.
- Combine the obtained fruit slices with orange zest and mix.
- Add some lemon juice and yogurt.
Seventh day: not only water. Survive the last day of the diet will help decoctions of herbs or rose hips, green tea. Sugar is not allowed in drinks.
A detailed menu for each day is adjusted according to personal preferences.
How to get out of a diet
Nutrition on the principle of "7 petals" is often used in order to lose weight by an important date: wedding, New Year, birthday.
After a weekly course, they return to the usual diet gradually.
Adhere to the following rules:
- At first, the daily calorie intake is a maximum of 1800 per day, so that the lost weight does not return.
- New products are introduced into the menu gradually.
- First, they prefer dietary food, you will have to refuse calorie dishes.
- You need to drink a lot of water, as before. Norm - about 2 liters, excluding tea, soups and other liquids.
- The final evening meal is 3 hours before bedtime, no later.
Physical activity should be regular. It is useful to organize fasting days for weight loss.
How much can you lose weight with such a program
The duration of such a diet is 7 days. During this time, you can get rid of, on average, from 3 to 5 kg, and some manage to lose 8 kg. Daily body weight decreases by 0.5 - 1 kg. If the desired effect was not achieved and the patient feels good, then it is appropriate to repeat the course after a week break.
Nutrition "seven petals" can be used only in the absence of disease.
It is dangerous to use a diet for such health problems:
- stomach ulcer;
- diabetes;
- anemia;
- diseases of the liver and pancreas and a number of others.
In the presence of chronic diseases, additional specialist consultation is necessary.
During the course of chemotherapy and during the use of hormonal drugs, the petal diet is also not allowed. You can not use it during pregnancy and lactation. In the recovery period after the disease, it is not recommended to sit on such a diet.