A diet of 5 tablespoons is very popular among people who dream of losing weight. The system is approved by experts and is really effective provided that all rules and recommendations are strictly observed.
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The essence and rules of the diet "5 tablespoons"
The main reason for being overweight is overeating. That is why the essence of the diet is to reduce the amount of servings.
All diet rules are based on the following principle:
- food is consumed in small portions, that is, the dish should weigh 200 grams or 5 tablespoons;
- observing a strict diet, eating every 4 hours;
- dinner should be 3 hours before bedtime;
- there are no restrictions on the composition of the food; it is allowed to use any food other than alcohol;
- salt and granulated sugar - in a reduced amount;
- a diet of 200 grams can be applied for as long as necessary, until a person reaches the ideal (desired) weight.
If you follow a diet of five tablespoons, a week you can lose from 3 to 5 kg.
Here, everything directly depends on the initial weight of the patient and other factors, including lifestyle and physical activity.
A similar technique refers to the most effective methods of losing weight. This is due to the fact that during its application it is possible not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to completely change food preferences. In addition, when dieting, there is no need to additionally take vitamins, as the menu includes a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Advantages and disadvantages
This method is recognized as one of the best. In addition, a person sitting on such a diet does not feel any restrictions.The list of allowed products may include any food, including fried and sweet foods. The main condition is to reduce the portion.
The main advantages of the diet include the following factors:
- A simple technique, during which there is no need to count calories;
- You can adhere to the old diet and eat your favorite foods;
- there is no term for losing weight;
- the system helps to quickly get rid of the "abdomen", by reducing the size of the stomach;
- It is possible to adjust the menu based on your own eating habits.
- improves digestion metabolism and the general condition of the body.
In addition to obvious advantages, shortcomings of this technique are noted.
Judging by the reviews of patients, the system has the following negative sides:
- The first days the body begins to rebuild. At the same time, a person experiences a strong feeling of hunger, which is extremely difficult to fight.
- Often there is a side effect in the form of constipation.
- Many people, having not fully read the description of the diet and not having studied the rules, begin to act on the principle “you can do everything!” And introduce a large amount of junk food into the diet, which prevents weight loss.
That is why it is worthwhile to carefully study the essence and rules of the presented method. Only in this case, the diet will bring the desired result. You should pay attention to the diet, in which proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be present.
Sample menu for the week
From the sample diet menu of 5 tablespoons per week, you can find out the composition of products suitable for preparing both the main dish and the food consumed during snacking. The diet allows you to make minor adjustments based on personal preferences. However, the general rules must be followed strictly.
On Monday:
- 8:00 - any cereal with a finely grated apple, a mug of cocoa;
- 11:00 - banana;
- 14:00 - sliced fruit seasoned with unsweetened yogurt;
- 17:00 - vegetable stew, you can add low-fat sour cream;
- 20:00 - a glass of kefir with dried fruits selected to taste.
Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink fresh orange.
On Tuesday:
- 8:00 - any porridge cooked in non-fat milk;
- 11:00 - kefir or ryazhenka;
- 14:00 - pasta, steamed veal;
- 17:00 - hard cheese, fresh carrot salad;
- 20:00 - any fruit.
At night, you can use fresh grapefruit.
On Wednesday:
- 8:00 - omelet with the addition of fresh vegetables and any greens;
- 11:00 - a sandwich of boiled sausage, cheese and tomato;
- 14:00 - fish soup or other fish soup;
- 17:00 - sea kale with brown bread;
- 20:00 - fresh vegetables or baked.
Before going to bed, you can drink fresh carrot.
On Thursday:
- 8:00 - meat porridge;
- 11:00 - light salad of fresh vegetables;
- 14:00 - pepper stuffed with meat;
- 17:00 - any dried fruit;
- 20:00 - steamed veal with vegetables;
But night you can drink fresh from pomegranate.
On Friday:
- 8:00 - any cereal, pancakes from the curd mass or apple;
- 11:00 - salad based on boiled vegetables;
- 14:00 - chicken broth and vegetable stew;
- 17:00 - cocktail of kefir and fruits;
- 20:00 - boiled chicken breast, low-fat milk.
Before going to bed, you can drink apricot fresh.
On Saturday:
- 8:00 - 200 grams of dried fruit or marshmallows;
- 11:00 - souffle from apples;
- 14:00 - vegetable stew;
- 17:00 - milk jelly with berries:
- 20:00 - any fermented milk product and crackers.
Before you go to bed, you can drink a glass of berry fresh.
On Sunday:
- 8:00 - sweet porridge in skim milk;
- 11:00 - an orange;
- 14:00 - pasta with seafood;
- 17:00 - hard cheese, chicken egg;
- 20:00 - squid.
At night, you can drink a glass of fruit broth.
This diet can be adjusted, but when replacing it must be borne in mind that the products must be of equal nutritional value. It is strictly forbidden to change dietary food to harmful high-calorie components of food. In this case, the desired result cannot be achieved.
Detailed recipes
When preparing food for a diet, it is allowed to add various spices, seasonings and aromatic herbs. But it is better to refuse frying, to give preference to other types of heat treatment. Ideally, it is advisable to eat foods raw or boiled.
To diversify the diet and make the dishes more delicious, you can use simple recipes.
For breakfast, prepare a gentle cottage cheese and pasta.
The composition of the dish includes:
- hard cheese - 50 g;
- nonfat curd mass - 100 g;
- any greens;
- garlic - 1 clove.
The process of preparing a light breakfast:
- The cottage cheese is ground through a fine sieve.
- Chop garlic and herbs.
- Then all prepared components are mixed and spread on a slice of fresh bread.
This is enough to not feel hunger until the next meal.
A fruit salad is perfect for lunch, making such a vitamin dish is easy.
The composition includes:
- walnut - 4 pcs.;
- green apple - 1 fruit;
- blue plum - 3 pcs.;
- ½ banana;
- natural yogurt - 50 ml;
- ½ lime;
- cinnamon powder - 1 whisper.
The process of preparing a delicious salad with sauce is as follows:
- First, chop and lightly fry nuts in a pan.
- Peel and cut into slices a banana.
- Remove the skin from the plum, remove the stone, after
- Peel the apple, remove the core, then sprinkle with lime juice and finely chop.
- For the sauce, mix lime juice, yogurt, sprinkle everything with cinnamon.
It remains to fill the fruit slices with the sauce made and you can enjoy a delicious salad.
For lunch, it is advisable to prepare a hearty dish, for which chicken noodle soup is perfect.
The composition includes simple components:
- homemade pasta - 30 g;
- chicken fillet - 100 g;
- fresh carrots - half the root crop;
- onions - 1 head;
- greens to taste.
The cooking process is quite simple:
- First, the chicken is boiled for an hour, not forgetting to remove the foam that is formed during the heat treatment of the product.
- Add the onion to the broth.
- Peel the carrots and cut into small circles, send to the broth along with the onion. Boil the products for 10 minutes.
- Add the noodles, continue the process for another 7 minutes.
- Before shutting off, finely chopped greens are attached.
Fragrant chicken soup is ready.
For a mid-morning snack, you can serve delicious meat sandwiches and fresh lemon juice.
To get a delicious meal, you need to prepare the following ingredients:
- rye bread - 2 slices;
- boiled pork - 100 g;
- butter;
- parsley - 2-3 branches;
- lemon juice.
Further, they act according to the recipe:
- Parsley is poured with boiling water, dried and finely chopped.
- The oil is first melted, then mixed with herbs and sprinkled with lemon juice, slightly salted if desired.
- A paste is made on a small layer of bread, and a slice of boiled meat is placed on it.
The sandwich is ready, it will perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger.
For dinner, you can cook fish with vegetables: the dish is rich in proteins, which are so necessary during the diet.
- green apple - 1 pc.;
- flounder - 100 g;
- next oil;
- low-fat sour cream - 1/3 cup;
- lemon - 1 pc.;
- leek.
The cooking process is as follows:
- Prepare a stewpan, grease with butter.
- Put the sliced apple, onion, pieces of fish in the dishes.
- Top all well sprinkled with lemon juice.
- Place the container on the stove, simmer the products for half an hour on low heat.
- Get the ingredients of the dish, and boil the remaining juice exactly half, then add sour cream and keep the composition on fire for another 5 minutes.
Put fish and vegetables on a plate, pour everything on top with sour cream sauce. The dish is ready to eat.
How many kilograms can be lost
In fact, it is impossible to name the exact number of kilograms that a person loses in the process of losing weight.
The fact is that the diet for everyone acts in its own way and it all depends on several factors:
- calories of consumed dishes;
- initial weight of the patient;
- metabolic process;
- the degree of activity of sports (lack thereof);
- foods included in the average daily diet.
In the case when the food is correct and the patient leads a mobile lifestyle, it is quite possible to lose weight by 5-7 kilograms, while not feeling hunger, fatigue. The man is healthy and cheerful. It is also worth noting that if weight is lost rapidly, then nutritionists are advised to do physical exercises and pay increased attention to skin care. In this case, it will be possible to avoid problems such as sagging and aging skin, as well as the appearance of ugly folds.
Exit Diet and Weight Loss
As for getting out of the diet, there is no such program in the presented methodology. The fact is that in the process of losing weight a person simply gets used to small portions, continues to eat small doses even when the weight of such “victims” no longer requires. You can increase the dosage gradually, do it extremely carefully so as not to gain extra pounds again.
Return to full nutrition according to the following scheme:
- weekly increase the serving exactly 1 tbsp. a spoon. Over time, the dish should weigh 300 grams;
- Do not forget about regular physical exertion: in this case, fat will not be deposited in problem areas;
- experts advise you to adhere to the norm of daily calories, which can be calculated using a special calculator.
If you use fractional nutrition, then a sharp weight gain will not occur. The main thing is not to have a snack during the day and not to abuse sweet dishes.
Precautionary measures
Food during the diet should be complete in order to provide the body with everything necessary. For this period, it is advisable to abandon low-calorie foods. This is due to the fact that a lack of fats and vitamins can lead to a serious malfunction in the body, including hormonal.
Therefore, nutritionists recommend adhering to the following diet:
- Squirrels. You can cook chicken, fish, and dairy products.
- Carbohydrates. The most useful are cereals from whole grain cereals. It is allowed to eat sweet pastries, desserts, but with some restrictions.
- Fats. It is worth paying attention to them: eat fish, nuts, use vegetable oils.
It is very important to make the diet varied and complete. Increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits. It is best to cook simple but healthy dishes. It is extremely important to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day, but do not do this while eating basic food. If the kilograms go away very quickly, then it is advisable to slightly increase the amount of fluid received. And it’s also worth consuming more protein, which will preserve muscle mass.