Some people like to read books. Others like to write them. The most inventive - turn them into art.
That's exactly what Romanian Elizabeth Sagan decided to do, sharing with her 90,000th army of followers on Instagram another original idea. However, it all started quite harmlessly. At first, Elizabeth shared with them what she read. Then she began to lay out creative photos.
Gradually, this process fascinated her more and more. So far, ultimately, has not turned into a real art. And today, a talented girl shares with the whole world unusual photographs of her books.
Each book cover for her turns into part of a future picture. As if with brushes and paints, Elizabeth creates her works with the help of bright covers.
Each of the compositions has a completed plot. In most cases, the craftswoman is at its center.
But Elizabeth is not limited to her ideas. It is known that the girl collaborates with designer James Trevino. They create some compositions together.
Fantasy Elizabeth can only be surprised. If in some photographs she appears in the image of an innocent servant of science or a follower of secret knowledge, then in others she is a glamorous and spoiled diva:
Her fans continue to follow the new tracks. Well, we will wait for new creations from Elizabeth and us.