A protective reflex is necessary to clean the respiratory tract of foreign particles, microbes. One cough syrup for children protects the mucous membrane from irritation, and the other helps dissolve and remove sputum. It is useful for parents to understand how different groups of drugs work, which of them will really help the child with various problems with the respiratory tract.
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List of effective dry cough syrups for children
With pharyngitis, adenoiditis, acute respiratory viral infections due to nasal congestion and nasopharynx, the child breathes through his mouth. Mucus flows down the throat, causing irritation. There are other reasons for the appearance of an obsessive dry cough. The most common of them are allergies, dry dusty air in the room where the child is.
Reflux of the esophagus and stomach, bronchial asthma, ascariasis is characterized by coughing without symptoms of general intoxication. Respiratory tract infections are accompanied by high fever in a sick child. With tracheitis or bronchitis, the cough is first dry, only after a few days sputum discharge begins.
The correct determination of the type of cough facilitates the choice of therapeutic syrup. Dry barking is associated with insufficient sputum production and mucosal irritation.Syrups designed to stimulate mucus secretion or suppress the cough reflex will help cope with an unproductive cough.
A wet cough (with phlegm, productive) is the result of accumulation of mucus with germs, foreign particles and difficulty in drainage. The appearance of this symptom signals the need for the use of expectorant, mucolytic agents.
A complex preparation based on plant extracts. Reception of syrup helps to make a cough productive, while reducing its intensity.
Drops have a brown color, “herbal” aroma. Saponins of ivy leaves act comprehensively on the causes that lead to irritation and inflammation of the mucosa of the respiratory tract. Gedelix solution is not diluted before use.
Dr. Mom
The syrup looks like a dark green liquid, has a fruity smell. The product is prepared using extracts of 10 plants and levomenthol, which help better mucus separation. Do not use this syrup with an antitussive, for example, Sinecode drops.
The drug improves mucus secretion, reduces its viscosity, and facilitates sputum drainage. At the same time, Mucosolvan increases the effect of antibiotics.
Ascoril Exectorant
An orange viscous liquid contains bromhexine, guaifenesin, salbutamol sulfate. The active components in the composition of the drug have a complex effect: they help get rid of itching in the throat, an obsessive cough.
Ambrobene Stoptussin
A complex of antitussive and bronchodilator drugs butamirate with an expectorant guaifenesin. Syrup helps with a dry, obsessive, irritating cough. It must be borne in mind that guaifenesin enhances the effect of antipyretic, painkillers, muscle relaxants.
Syrup Althea
The preparation contains the active substances of the marshmallow root. The syrup has a mild expectorant effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Syrup for children with ivy leaf extract does not change the function of the respiratory center, it is produced without alcohol and sucrose. The drug is well tolerated, except in cases of hypersensitivity to ivy components.
Inexpensive and effective syrup, available in several versions. Herbion Icelandic moss or plantain - products based on natural extracts. Polysaccharides form a protective layer on the mucosa of the respiratory tract, due to this, the cough softens.
Natural plant substances have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immunostimulating effects.
Syrups of Icelandic moss and plantain Herbion give an irritating cough, throat hoarseness. It is recommended that you do not drink or eat food for a while after eating, so that natural substances act on the mucous membrane of the pharynx.
Drops and elixir contain tinctures of plants that have a complex effect. Elixir is given to a child older than 6 months. The drops contain 30% alcohol, children from 6 years old can take this remedy.
Drops contain butamirate, an overwhelming nasal cough, painful for children and adults.
An antitussive with glaucin and ephedrine is prescribed for children over the age of three.
Tussin plus
Dextromethorphan in the syrup is similar in properties to codeine, which inactivates the cough center. The second component - mucolytic guaifenesin - softens the unwanted effect.
With a wet cough with excessive formation and accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, drops or syrup for a dry cough with codeine, glaucin or butamirate are not prescribed.
Cough worsens sleep, makes discomfort in the life of the child and the whole family. Unfortunately, Omnitus, Sinecod, Codelac Neo funds suppress the cough reflex, not eliminating the causes of its appearance (infection, inflammation, allergies).
List of Effective Wet Cough Drugs
It is interesting:inexpensive cough syrups
To start inflammation of the respiratory tract, a small amount of secretion is characteristic. If there is no sputum, then funds for its dissolution and evacuation are not needed. Doctors with an infectious cause of cough will prescribe a syrup for the child, which stimulates the production of mucus. When a wet cough appears, drugs are taken that dissolve the mucopurulent or purulent secretion to facilitate its elimination.
Sputum with toxins and germs should be removed in a timely manner. If a thick secret is produced, then the child should drink expectorant, mucolytic syrups with plant extracts (licorice, thyme, etc.). You can also use drugs with guaifenesin. Bromhexine, acetylcysteine and carbocysteine not only reduce the viscosity of sputum, but also its adhesion to the mucosa.
The medicine has a complex effect - antitussive, expectorant, mucolytic. Bromhexine is given in cases when there is the formation of thick sputum, which makes breathing difficult and recovery.
Antimicrobial and expectorant with thyme and plantain. Herbal components soften the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx, irritated and inflamed when coughing. It is recommended not to dilute the syrup with water before use, do not eat or drink for some time.
A children's form of syrup with a concentration of the active compound carbocysteine of 20 mg / ml is allowed to be used to treat children from two years of age. The syrup dissolves sputum, facilitates its removal from the respiratory tract and helps to restore the normal functions of the epithelium.
The secretolytic and expectorant effect of drops or syrup is provided by thyme and ivy extracts. Bronchipret gently eliminates spasm of the bronchi, dilutes sputum, facilitates its evacuation. Drops treat children from 3 months, syrup - from 6 years.
Thyme or thyme extracts in drops and syrup have antibacterial properties, dissolve sputum, and improve its expectoration.
Thyme is part of another popular tool Pertussin (syrup and solution).
One reason for a wet cough is the accumulation of sputum and difficulty in drainage. Children's Ambroxol syrup contains a metabolite of bromhexine, which helps to improve the functions of the glands in the mucosa, stimulates the work of thinning enzymes.
If the viscosity of sputum decreases, then the secret departs more easily, the work of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi is facilitated, drainage is restored.
Ambroxol can be used from a wet cough along with antibiotics. The active substance increases the concentration in the body of amoxicillin, cefuroxime, ampicillin and erythromycin. Syrup is given to infants with a small amount of tea or juice. The minimum duration of treatment is 4 days.
The mucolytic effect of the drug develops relatively quickly. Half an hour after the use of the syrup, the inside of the sputum becomes less viscous and better leaves. Cough in this case may increase.
Dr. Tyss
This product is based on an extract of plantain, rich in polysaccharides and mucus. A syrup helps if there is poor sputum in the airways. After taking the remedy, it is easier for the child to cough.
Fenspiride in the syrup is an antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic medicine. Erespal after ingestion blocks receptors that are responsible for the secretion of bronchial glands. As a result, the amount of sputum is slightly reduced, but its rheological properties are improved, evacuation is facilitated. Erespal is given to a child older than 2 years with a runny nose and cough of an infectious and allergic etiology.
It is interesting:cough syrup
For children by age
Infants and preschoolers are usually prescribed in liquid form (drops, syrups). Teenagers can take pills.It is necessary to consult a pediatrician so that a pediatric specialist determines the nature of the cough and the most appropriate treatment.
Up to a year
There are harmless causes of cough in infants. These include the accumulation of residual milk or mixture in the throat, copious salivation, teething. Coughing in infants often leads to the fact that the contents of the stomach rise together with reflexively exhaled air, and vomiting occurs. Long-term preservation of the symptom depletes the body, disrupts sleep at any age.
You can give the baby a dry cough:
• herbal remedy Prospan;
• Lazolvan syrup - from 1 month;
• drops Sinekod - from 2 months;
• Stoptussin - from 6 months;
• Elixir Bronchicum - from 6 months;
• combination remedy Linkas - from 6 months.
When a dry cough in infants becomes wet, they begin to treat with Bromhexine syrup, drops of Bronchipret.
From year
The preparations Gerbion, Prospan, Bronhikum are used to treat dry cough. If the baby has attacks at night, then give Sinecode or Stoptussin. Abuse of these drugs should not be, since they do not affect the cause of the disease, they do not help in all cases. When the cough becomes wet, they switch to taking Eucabal, Bronchipret, Tussamag, Flavamed or Doctor Theiss syrups.
From 2 years
Treatment of dry cough is carried out by means of Gedelix, Prospan, Herbion, Lazolvan. Children over 2 years old can drink Sinecode or Stoptussin drops at night. If the baby’s cough is wet, then one of the remedies is given: Bromhexine, Eucabal, Fluditec, Bronchipret (drops), Tussamag, Ambroxol, Doctor Taiss.
From 3 years
Dry cough is the cause of irritation and weakening of the functions of the upper respiratory system. Preparations Broncholitin, Sinecode, Codelac Neo, Omnitus temporarily improve the condition of the respiratory tract. Antitussive drugs do not affect the cause, but suppress the reflex. Simultaneous administration with mucolytic agents leads to a phenomenon that is popularly called "flooding" of the lungs.
Antitussive drops and syrups are contraindicated in case of active sputum discharge. In this situation, other medicines are needed.
10 effective dry cough syrups for children older than 3 years:
1. Ambrobene Stoptussin.
2. Dr. Mom.
3. Bronchicum.
4. Gedelix.
5. Lasolvan.
6. It is spilled.
7. Ascoril.
8. Herbion.
9. Linkas.
10. Altai.
With a wet cough, to accelerate recovery, the child is given syrups: Bromhexine, Eucabal, Fluditec, Bronchipret, Tussamag, Ambroxol, Doctor Taiss, Pertussin (one of the drugs).
A frequent companion of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract is a cough (first dry, then wet). Changing the nature of the symptom is an important signal for changing the drug. Parents should remember which syrups are used when dry, and which ones to give the child with a wet cough. It is recommended to discuss this issue at a pediatrician's reception and in a pharmacy.