About 35% of the world's population suffers from various diseases of the veins, and many treat such disorders apathetically, justifying their age. But modern medicine can successfully treat even complex cases of venous insufficiency. For example, the composition of Detralex includes natural flavonoids, which comprehensively affect the problem system and minimizes side effects.

Forms of release, composition and active substance

Two forms of release are most often found on the market:

  • oval tablets, color - between orange and pink;
  • Detralex suspension, packaged in small sachets (flat bags with a single dose of the drug), inside - a clear liquid with a yellowish tint and a specific smell.

The main activity in the treatment of venous diseases is the boiflavonoid complex, which is represented by a larger proportion (90%) of diosmin and four other substances of the same structure, which are designated as hesperidin (10%).

The tablets usually contain 500 mg or 1000 mg of these substances, in suspension - 1000 mg, with 10 ml of the product in each sachet. For various forms of Detralex, various lists of additional components are characteristic.

The tablets are coated with a special film coating, which consists of red and yellow ferrum oxide, sodium lauryl sulfate, polyethylene glycol 6000, titanium dioxide, glycerol and hypromellose, the composition of the dragee itself includes cellulose, talc, magnesium stearate, starch, gelatin.

The following auxiliary components can be found in a suspension sachet: water, maltitol, citric acid, sodium benzoate, xanthan gum and flavoring.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

Detralex has a capillarotonizing effect. Due to the combination of diosmin with hesperidin, the vasoconstrictor effect of norepinephrine is enhanced. Such a mechanism provides a decrease in the extensibility of the veins, their volume. And, accordingly, does not allow fluid stagnation.

The venoprotective effect is explained by improved microcirculation: the flavonoid complex makes the vessels less permeable, their protective function is enhanced, the lymphatic flow is normalized due to the narrowing of the lymph channels, but the intensity of their contractions increases.

It is worth noting that just such a set of flavonoids is optimal: diosmin, linarin, hesperidin. Individual substances practically do not exhibit the described functions.

And also Detralex reduces the likelihood of side effects in the treatment of venous diseases by surgery. Its effectiveness for reducing pain, swelling in the postoperative period has been proven.

Detralex components are actively processed to form inactive phenolic acids. The elimination half-life makes about 11 hours, leave an organism with bile (85-87%) and urine (13-15%).

In which cases is prescribed Detralex

Detralex is a drug for symptomatic treatment when the first signs of venous-lymphatic insufficiency appear.

Violation is manifested as follows:

  • aching and drawing pains in the lower body;
  • frequent leg cramps;
  • heaviness in the lower extremities, fatigue;
  • severe swelling, especially the feet and ankles;
  • specific skin manifestations: "venous network", subcutaneous tissue pathology;
  • trophic ulcers of the veins.

Symptomatic drug therapy is also carried out to eliminate hemorrhoids.

Instructions for use and dosage

Each form of release of Detralex is characterized by special patterns of use, which must be adhered to for effective treatment and to avoid side effects.

To enhance the effect of therapy, it is also recommended that the following instructions be followed:

  • not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time;
  • give preference to walking, but not too long so as not to let your legs get tired;
  • avoid overwork, lack of sleep, overweight;
  • if necessary, you can wear special clothes to improve blood circulation (socks, knee socks, stockings).


In the treatment of venous-lymphatic disorders, the optimal dose is 1000 mg. The daily norm is divided into two doses, preferably with a meal. For example, one tablet of 500 mg at breakfast and dinner. For convenience, you can take Detralex 1000 mg tablets once a day.

With severe hemorrhoidal pain syndrome, the following method of taking the drug is recommended: the daily norm for the first four days is 3000 mg, for the next three days - 2000 mg. It is better to divide the dose into 2 or 3 doses - 2-3 tablets. For maintenance - 1000 mg per day.

The drug should not replace the main treatment for hemorrhoids, but it will not interfere with the current appointments of the proctologist.

If within 5-6 days the acute symptoms do not disappear, it is worth reviewing the therapy.

The duration of the course depends on the effectiveness of the treatment, so the time during which it is necessary to take Detralex is determined only by the doctor.


Doses for the use of Detralex suspension are similar - in case of venous-lymphatic insufficiency, it is enough to drink the contents of one sachet (1000 mg of the active component). The optimal time is morning, during breakfast, before the upcoming loads.

For hemorrhoidal exacerbations, it is recommended that during the first 4 days, drink one Detralex sachet at breakfast, lunch, dinner (3 g of the substance), the next three days, switch to a two-time use of the drug (2 g of the substance). Symptomatic therapy of chronic hemorrhoids is carried out according to the same scheme as indicated for venous diseases.

The course can be more than 1 year, but it all depends on the stage of the disease and how it will respond to treatment. In relapses, it is recommended to repeat Detralex therapy, but after consulting with your healthcare professional first.

During pregnancy and lactation

While there is no data on the use of the drug for the treatment of pregnant women, but doctors refrain from using the drug in this situation. Animal experiments have confirmed the safety of Detralex, but care should be taken with prescribing the medicine.

Information about such use during lactation is also not enough, therefore, it is necessary to refuse to take the drug or stop breastfeeding for the duration of the therapy.

No effect on the reproductive function of patients of both sexes was detected.

Drug interaction

Special studies on the possible interaction of Detralex with other substances have not been conducted. But so far, there have been no reports of a negative effect on the body when combining flavonoids with specific drugs.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

The natural basis of the drug virtually eliminates possible contraindications. Among them, only hypersensitivity to the active substance or one of the auxiliary components.

There were also no manifestations of serious side effects on the body from Detralex. The most common example is dyspeptic disorders (stool disorders, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting).

You may encounter other negative manifestations:

  • allergic reaction: redness on the skin with itching, general swelling of the face or individual parts (lips, eyelids), extremely rarely - angioedema;
  • headache, irritability, asthenia (chronic fatigue syndrome).

Overdose in clinical practice has not been noticed, so there is no specific description. Probably the appearance of standard disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Since the full amount of data on the drug was not collected, with the appearance of undescribed side effects, signs of an overdose, the patient should consult a doctor and describe in detail all the symptoms.

Analogues of the drug

Structural analogues are substitute drugs that are based on the same active ingredients.

Accordingly, all funds containing diosmin and hesperidin will be such for Detralex:

  • Venorin;
  • Nostralex
  • Dioflan;
  • Avenue
  • Venosmin;
  • Normal;
  • Juantal.

Dosages, indications and contraindications for these drugs are the same, only the trade names, manufacturers, and sometimes the form and release differ. For example, Dioflan is available in the form of a gel and is based on nitrated heparin to allow external exposure to the affected areas.

Non-structural analogues of Detralex are significantly different from the above drug, but the indications may include venous diseases.

Such is Antistax - a herbal preparation on the extract of grape leaves, which are rich in flavonoids. In addition to capillary protection, relieves inflammation.

Venoruton is a gel where the active components are O-rutosides, which increase vein resistance and eliminate foci of inflammation. It is also used to relieve the negative effects of injuries and postoperative interventions.

Hydrosven capsules are another flavonoid remedy, but with a different active ingredient - hydrosmin.The pharmacological effect corresponds to the effect of Ditralex, but additionally increases the ability of red blood cells to deform, due to which the blood viscosity decreases.

Panthevenol gel contains venorutinol and dexpanthenol, which have a vasodilating and venotonic effect, promotes tissue regeneration.

Phleboton ointment has a similar effect, but is based on troxerutin, another more active flavonoid. The drug can even be used to treat children.

You should not choose an analogue on your own - ignorance of all the properties of the product can lead to misuse and serious damage to health.

Detralex is an effective drug based on natural raw materials, applicable for the treatment of venous diseases. Despite the small number of side effects, you should carefully read the attached instructions in order to avoid negative consequences.