Hemorrhoids - a serious disease that during periods of exacerbation can be accompanied by severe pain and even tissue necrosis. Therefore, when the first signs of a violation appear, it is urgent to start intensive care. Detralex for hemorrhoids is characterized not only as an effective, but also a safe drug. But, despite this fact, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the recommendations for admission before treatment.

Release forms and composition

The product currently exists in the form of tablets with a film coating and suspension, packaged in special sachets.

The main advantage of Detralex is its natural composition, represented by a flavonoid fraction consisting of diosmin and hesperidin. In addition to the above components, the composition of the tablets also includes talc, cellulose, gelatin, magnesium stearate, starch. The film membrane is made mainly of gelatin, but it also contains such components: sodium lauryl sulfate, glycerin, yellow and red ferrum oxides, titanium dioxide, macrogol 6000, hypromellose. This form of release looks like small oblong tablets, coated with an orange-pink film. In each - 500 mg or 1000 mg of the flavonoid complex.

Suspension Detralex contains 1000 mg of active substance. Additional ingredients include maltitol, sodium benzoate, xanthan gum, citric acid, water, and orange flavoring.Packaging - a flat sachet, inside of which a yellowish liquid with a strong odor.

Two forms of release are absolutely identical in therapeutic effect, so the indications for tablets and suspension will be the same.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

The main action of Detralex is venotonic, angioprotective. The drug makes the vessels more dense, elastic, prevents their pathological extensibility. The walls of the veins become less permeable, lymphatic drainage improves, the lymph channels narrow, their inflammation subsides, and the frequency of contractions increases.

As for hemorrhoids specifically, this disease is characterized as pathological inflammation and expansion of hemorrhoidal veins (vessels adjacent to the rectum). Accordingly, to relieve inflammation and edema, a means is needed that promotes venous outflow and prevents hemorrhoidal bleeding.

The particular activity of the flavonoid components in the complex was noted, individually their effect is much less pronounced, and the therapeutic effect practically did not lead to the required results.

In the course of numerous studies, it was found that the optimal dose is 1000 mg of the drug - the amount of active substance that will be reflected in the most pronounced effect.

The elimination half-life is 10-11 hours. It leaves the body with bile (feces). Metabolism is via the liver. Only 14% of metabolites (processed products) are excreted in the urine.

In what cases is Detralex prescribed for hemorrhoids

It is necessary to start taking Detralex when the first signs of hemorrhoids appear.

These include:

  • a feeling of discomfort, heaviness, itching in the anus;
  • frequent constipation, pain during bowel movements;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  • the appearance of spotting from the anus.

With exacerbations of the disease, a drug is also prescribed, especially when the pathology is accompanied by severe pain and heavy bleeding.

Detralex is not the main drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids, but it does not interfere with special treatment, it effectively complements it and generally strengthens the body.

It is also prescribed for the treatment of venous insufficiency and other diseases that developed against its background.

Scheme of administration and instructions for use

In chronic hemorrhoids, the recommended dose is 1000 mg of the flavonoid fraction. You can take one tablet or sachet with meals once a day, or give preference to a two-time intake - Detralex 500 mg tablets, one at a time for breakfast and dinner.

Acute hemorrhoid attacks include a special regimen for taking the drug with the following daily doses:

  • the first 4 days - 3000 mg;
  • the next 3 days - 2000 mg;
  • further therapy - 1000 mg.

You should not take the entire daily dose at once, you need to break the drug into 2-3 doses.

The duration of therapy depends only on the appointment of a doctor on the basis of determining the severity of the disease, the effectiveness of the reception, the presence of concomitant methods of treating hemorrhoids.

If within 5-6 days the symptoms of exacerbations do not disappear, it will be necessary to review the dose and set of medications for therapy.

During pregnancy and lactation

There is no exact information on the effect of the drug on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus, but doctors are of the opinion that the drug is safe and can be used during this period. But it is necessary to clearly determine the possible benefits and risks before prescribing Detralex during pregnancy.

There is no data on whether the flavonoid complex is able to penetrate into mother’s milk during breastfeeding, therefore its use in this situation is not recommended.

Drug interaction

In medical practice, negative manifestations from combining Detralex with other drugs have not yet been noticed, so it is not possible to say exactly with what means the flavonoids are incompatible.

The natural composition of the drug provides a minimum number of negative effects when combined with Detralex and other active substances. But when these appear, the patient should immediately seek the help of a specialist and clearly describe all the symptoms that are available to replenish the drug database.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Practically all groups of patients can apply Detralex, except those who are allergic to one of the flavonoid components. Or one of the substances included in the composition of the tablets and suspensions.

Negative effects are also few, and they appear in a mild form, without danger to life.

These include:

  • dyspeptic disorders, a change in the perception of tastes;
  • asthenia, headaches, short-term dizziness;
  • rashes or redness on the skin, itching, swelling of the face or separately the eyelids, lips.

An overdose of the drug has not yet been fixed, so there is no way to specifically describe the symptoms of this phenomenon. Perhaps the appearance of signs of gastric disorders, the development of an allergy to the constituent drugs.

Analogues of the drug

Detralex's analogues for the treatment of hemorrhoids will be nonspecific drugs used to get rid of this disease, and other venoprotective and venotonic agents.

These include direct analogues of the drug - other medications based on diosmin and hesperidin. They should be taken according to the same scheme as Detralex, the differences are only in the name, manufacturing company and release forms.

The list of structural analogues:

  • Juantal;
  • Venorin;
  • Avenue
  • Nostalex;
  • Dioflan;
  • Normally.

Another type of drug, Indirect Detralex analogues, have similar properties, but its composition and dosage are significantly different. Many of the agents described below are used specifically to treat hemorrhoids.

It is necessary to preliminarily study all the components of the composition, consult a doctor, and only then use it as a substitute for Detralex.

A drugDescription
VazoketDiosmin-based tablets (600 mg), have a venotonic and strengthening effect, relieve swelling. Contraindicated in patients under 18 years of age.
PhlebodiaDiosmin-based angioprotective tablets. They improve lymphatic drainage, reduce vein fragility, and prevent inflammation and hemorrhage, which is effective in treating hemorrhoids accompanied by bleeding.
TroxerutinGel with potassium stabilizing effect. It is well absorbed, quickly penetrates into the venous walls, relieves inflammation, sagging, reduces the permeability of veins, which prevents the passage of plasma and stops chronic hemorrhoidal bleeding.
NatalsideIt is sold in the form of candles, where the main activity is sodium alginate. It has a hemostatic effect, venoprotective, wound healing and decongestant effects.
HepatrombinThe drug is based on heparin sodium, polydocanol, prednisolone acetate. It is used for thrombosis of external hemorrhoidal nodes with heavy bleeding and severe pain.
ProctoglivenolAn ointment or suppository that contains lidocaine and tribenoside. The permeability of blood vessels becomes less, the veins are toned and strengthened, an analgesic effect is additionally manifested, which helps with exacerbations of hemorrhoids
Indovazin-TevaOintment, where the active ingredients are indomethacin and troxerutin. The first has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, the second is an active bioflavonoid that improves lymphatic drainage, normalizes microcirculation, strengthens veins and relieves swelling, and is used as an additional tool in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Despite the natural composition, taking Detralex for hemorrhoids should be done with caution, strictly observing the dosage and consulting a doctor. They should not replace the standard therapy for the disease, but only supplement the prescribed by the doctor.