Angioprotectors are a group of drugs whose name literally means “vascular protectors”. Various Detralex analogues - complete and group - are used for the symptomatic treatment of venous insufficiency, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. There are significant differences in names, properties and cost, however, the concurrent therapeutic effects make it possible to replace expensive drugs with generics.

Pharmacological properties and use of the drug

"Detralex" is the name of the original product manufactured by the Laboratory of Servier Industry (France). Packing is made in Russia at the enterprises of LLC Serdiks. The drug is prescribed for symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), varicose veins, and diseases of the lower part of the rectum.

Pharmacological action of the active substance of the Detralex drug:

  • improved microcirculation involving blood and lymphatic capillaries;
  • suppression of the development of the inflammatory process in the veins of the legs;
  • increasing elasticity and strengthening venous walls;
  • elimination of factors affecting blood stasis;
  • antioxidant protection.

Detralex and its analogues combine angioprotective and venotonic properties.

The angioprotective effect is to normalize blood flow in the vein branches by improving blood flow, strengthening the membranes of small blood vessels. Metabolic activity increases, the extensibility of the walls and their permeability decrease, and the tone increases. Antioxidants in the composition of drugs prevent free radical oxidation that damages cell membranes.


  • a feeling of fatigue, fullness, heaviness in the feet, calves;
  • trophic changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the legs;
  • pain, swelling and cramps of the lower extremities;
  • venous trophic ulcers.

The medicine "Detralex" can be used for a long time to get rid of painful sensations in the legs with venous-lymphatic insufficiency. The use of the drug for hemorrhoids of acute and chronic course is shown. In the first case, the therapeutic use of Detralex should be short. If improvement does not occur, then it is necessary to undergo a proctological examination to prescribe another treatment.

The active substance of Detralex

The drug is available on the basis of a micronized purified fraction of bioflavonoids. This active substance improves the symptoms of vein diseases, which has been tested clinically. One tablet of the original product contains 450 mg of diosmin and 50 mg of hesperidin.

The effect of the plant bioflavonoid hesperidin:

  • reduces the concentration of fatty acids and cholesterol;
  • improves rheological properties of blood;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • eliminates cramping;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • has an antioxidant effect.

The semi-synthetic substance diosmin is obtained from hesperidin. The compound reduces the permeability and extensibility of the walls of the capillaries. Diosmin has a positive effect on lymphatic drainage, increases the tone of veins, and reduces blood stasis in the vessels. The combined effect of flavonoids in the composition of the drug causes a narrowing of the lumen of the lymphatic capillaries.

Subjective improvement occurs within a few days with the regimen of taking 2 tablets twice a day. After a week, reduce the dose to one tablet, take medicine day and night.

The price of the Detralex package is 1000 mg (30 pieces) - from 1330 to 1530 rubles. The cost of 30 tablets with a dosage of 500 mg is about 800 rubles. Under the same commercial name, a suspension is produced in sachets for a single dose. The price of 15 sachets (1000 mg / 10 ml) is 810 rubles.

List of cheap Russian analogues

There are drugs that have the same form of release, the same active substances. Complete analogues of the original medicine in terms of composition and indications are generics. In addition, products are available that include only one of the active ingredients.

List of Russian analogues and substitutes:

  1. Venus
  2. "Diosmin."
  3. "Venolek."
  4. "Venozol".
  5. "Phlebof."

Domestic analogues of Detralex are cheaper compared to an imported drug. The cost of packing "Diosmin" tablets with a dosage of the same substance of 500 mg is from 450 rubles. The price of Venus tablets is 1000 mg (30 pcs.) - about 1000 rubles, 500 mg - 630 rubles.

BAA "Venozol" - capsules with a dosage of 0.5 and 0.36 mg. The cost of packaging is in the range of 500 rubles (60 pieces). This amount is enough for one course of treatment (1 month), if you take 1 pc. twice a day.

Foreign analogues of the drug

Means "Phlebaven" based on the flavonoid fraction has an angioprotective and venotonic effect. The Detralex analogue is used for varicose veins as an element of complex therapy. The cost of packaging (32 pcs.) Is about 500 rubles and more.

Complete structural analogues of Detralex

  • “Venarus” is a preparation with the active substance content of 1000 mg (100 mg of hesperidin + 900 mg of diosmin) or 500 mg (50 + 450 of the same flavonoids). This is a complete analogue of Detralex tablets. Russian bioflavonoid-based agent is used for symptomatic treatment of chronic diseases of the veins of the lower extremities, acute and chronic forms of hemorrhoids.
  • "Phlebaven" contains the same set of active ingredients in the same dosage - diosmin + hesperidin (450 mg + 50 mg). In chronic venous diseases, the drug can be used for a long time (up to 12 months). For hemorrhoids, shock doses are used: 6 tablets for the first 4 days, 2 for the next 3 days.
  • Generics "Detraven" and "Phlebotenz Plus" are released in Belarus.The preparations contain a mixture of diosmin and hesperidin (450 + 50 mg).
  • Another complete analogue of Detralex - Normoven - is produced in Kiev. If the dosages of the active compounds and the release form are the same, then the dosage regimen is the same - 2 tablets day and evening as a symptomatic treatment of venous-lymphatic insufficiency.

The cost of generics is almost 1.5 - 2 times lower compared to the original drug. Worldwide, making copies is considered the best opportunity for people with middle and low incomes to receive quality treatment.

The disadvantages of generics are the insufficiently high quality and degree of purification of medicinal substances, non-compliance by some manufacturers with the declared composition and dosages.

Incomplete drug analogues

  • The drug "Phlebodia" contains the active ingredient diosmin in a dosage of 600 mg. A partial analogue is used as part of the complex therapy of lymphatic venous insufficiency of the legs and microcirculation disorders in acute hemorrhoids. The cost of packaging (30 tablets) is from 900 to 1065 rubles.
  • Another incomplete analogue is Phlebof. The composition contains only one active ingredient. 600 mg diosmin tablets are used for the symptomatic treatment of lower limb vein diseases. The price of packaging (30 pcs.) - from 915 rubles.
  • Vazoket angioprotective tablets contain 600 mg of diosmin. The lists of indications and contraindications are the same as those of Detralex. The difference in the method of application. "Vazoket" take 1 tablet in the morning before meals. The price of packaging (30 pcs.) Is 800 - 1000 rubles.
  • Generic of the original French drug "Phlebodia" - "Venolex" (Republic of Belarus). The dosage of the active substance is not 600, but 450 mg.

The undoubted advantage of incomplete analogues containing diosmin is the facilitated regimen of administration - 1 or 2 tablets in the morning. Such drugs have fewer side effects. A treatment course will cost less than a daily intake of 4 tablets of Detralex.

The downside of any incomplete analogue is a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment in some patients. Thanks to the combination of diosmin and hesperidin in Detralex, it becomes possible to quickly achieve a visible clinical effect.

Drugs similar in pharmacological properties

If, for a number of reasons, taking the French drug Detralex, its full or partial analogues is impossible, then drugs with a similar mechanism of action will serve as a replacement. In addition to diosmin and hespridine, for violations of venous circulation, flavonoid rutin and its derivatives, extracts of chestnut seeds and red grape leaves are used.

  • Rutoside (rutin, vitamin P) - an active component of the drug “Venoruton”. The tool is used for CVI, at various stages of varicose veins, with hemorrhoids. “Venoruton” is prescribed as part of the adjuvant therapy of atherosclerosis. The cost of packaging a foreign-made drug in Russian pharmacies is from 930 rubles (50 capsules).
  • The flavonoid troxerutin is a semisynthetic derivative of rutin, the active ingredient in the drugs Troxevasin and Troxerutin Vramed. The drugs have an angioprotective, venotonic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. The price of packing capsules "Troxerutin Vramed" Bulgarian manufacturer - from 275 rubles (50 pcs.). The method of using a cheap group analog differs little from Detralex.
  • Horse chestnut seed shell extract is an active compound of Venoplant. The cost of packaging (20 tablets) is from 405 rubles. The maximum duration of treatment is 4 months.
  • Extract of red grape leaves is an active compound of Antistax. Pharmacologically active plant bioflavonoids normalize vascular wall permeability, improve microcirculation. As a result, new edema does not form, existing ones are reduced.

The effectiveness of each of the angioprotective and venotonic drugs depends on the severity of the pathology and stage of the disease in which the patient is prescribed treatment.

In the initial phases of CVI and varicose veins, it is sufficient to use drugs produced in the form of ointments and gels. The trade names of local products may be the same as the commercial names for the oral product. For example, troxevasin gel and capsules.

At the initial stage of development, CVI is manifested by a feeling of heaviness in the feet and legs, leg cramps mainly at night. Varicose disease is characterized by an asymptomatic onset, in which a gradual deterioration of the veins occurs unnoticed by the patient ("varicose veins without varicose veins"). Then winding lines and vascular networks predominantly blue appear.

The severity, tension and pain of varying intensity arise with increased stagnation of blood. Chronic disorders of venous blood flow in the legs require a combination of local drugs with drugs that have a general effect on the body. It is important to comply with the dosage and timing of venotonics. It is recommended to use compression products (elastic knee-highs) and physiotherapy at the same time.

The main goal of treatment with Detralex is to mitigate the manifestations, stabilize the inflammatory process and improve the condition of the veins.

A full restoration of the lymphatic and venous outflow in chronic forms of vascular diseases is not expected. If there is a need to replace the original drug with a cheaper analogue, then it is better to discuss the situation with a phlebologist. The specialist will determine what is best in a particular situation, will argue for and against the use of various means.