In order to avoid unwanted health problems and to maintain the body in good shape, it is periodically necessary to cleanse it.
Detox program at home, the menu of which consists of healthy and natural components, balanced among themselves, allows you to remove harmful substances from the body, reduce the load on the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, rejuvenate and improve the whole body.
Cleansing with this method will have a beneficial effect on well-being and overall health.
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What is detox?
This is a cleansing of the body from harmful substances and toxins that form during metabolic processes. In addition to dietary effects, detox helps to cleanse the skin, reduce excess weight, improve sleep and brain activity. This is a complete reboot for the body, after which it is only necessary to maintain its proper nutrition and compliance with the regime.
According to experts, the most suitable period for a detox diet is the autumn-spring season, when there are a lot of plant products, and the body is actively working and is able to quickly get rid of accumulated toxins.
Detox is needed if:
- There is weakness in the body and the lightest physical exertion into a burden;
- Sleep is disturbed and insomnia torments;
- There is an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, belching;
- Bloating of the abdomen;
- There is excess weight;
- Skin rashes, peeling and redness appear.
The basic rules of detox:
- Exclude fried and smoked foods, flour and sweets, drinks containing caffeine and alcohol from the diet.
- Before going to bed, eating food for at least 4 hours.
- After waking up and before going to bed, drink a glass of warm distilled water with lemon.
- The daily norm of water is at least 2 liters.
- Refusal of meat dishes, only vegetable products.
- Small portions with meals, but regular meals.
- Exclude salt, sugar and pepper.
- It is necessary to normalize sleep.
Detox programs at home
The detox program at home is an individually selected course for healing and cleansing the body without resorting to specialists. Making adjustments to the diet and diet in combination with cleansing detox shakes is the foundation of the whole diet.
More materials: detox - what is it
The diet program must be properly coordinated and designed for effective use. The main emphasis is on gradual purification. This suggests that the detoxification process consists of three periods: preparation, active cleansing and the final exit from detox.
It is necessary to start this program gradually so as not to provoke a stressful state. The body must get used to and get involved in a cleansing course. It is most correct to change the usual diet and smoothly switch to the use of plant foods without the use of spices, increase the amount of fluid used, refuse fatty, smoked and spicy foods. These unobtrusive methods help prepare the body for "general" cleansing.
Diet features
This therapeutic fasting allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, to solve the problems of an integral state of health and appearance.
The essence of the diet program is as follows:
- During the diet, ceasing to consume junk food in immense quantities, the body appears the so-called rest and the ability to restore strength. While on ordinary days there is a huge effort to process heavy and not healthy food.
- There is a cleansing of the bacteria that inhabit the stomach and intestines. Since, due to lack of food, these organs remain empty, and harmful organisms cannot exist in such an environment, because they feed on yeast and sugar-containing products.
- During the diet, a large amount of fiber enters the body, which is fed by beneficial bacteria.
- Reduced overweight due to the intensive consumption of fat reserves due to restrictions in food.
The purpose of the diet is to improve the human body. Detox is not a panacea for losing weight, especially if, after finishing the program, everything will return to its place again. For the result, proper nutrition must be observed and then there will be no need for regular exhaustion.
Detailed menu for the week
Throughout the course, you must give preference to a smoothie and a detox cocktail of ginger and lemon before breakfast. Every day begins with the addition of additional foods to your existing diet.
A detailed weekly ration is as follows:
Day 1: A large amount of liquid: water, fruit or vegetable juices.
Day 2: Fruits are added, but within the limits of a hundred gram portion at a time.
Day 3: Vegetables are connected - cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery.
Day 4: Boiled rice is added, ideally brown, but a mixture of red and black is also possible.
Day 5: You can add nuts, the most varied, according to taste preferences.
Day 6: Light oatmeal porridge is added, without any additives, yogurt.
Day 7: Fat-free fish (baked or boiled) and egg white are connected.
Detox diet on 3, 10, 21 days
A classic option for a detox program is considered a 28-day course, of which preparation takes two weeks, diet - a week and the recovery period of the body another week. But there are various options for 3, 10 or 21 days.
An express diet takes only 3 days, but the preparation and exit from it will take another week. During preparation, you need to use a detox cocktail before breakfast, which speeds up the metabolism, improves the bowel process and cleans it of toxins.
A detox cocktail is prepared from lemon juice (1/2 for one reception), warm distilled water and ginger chips, the whole mixture is thoroughly mixed and drunk in small sips.
Possible breakfast option:
- Oatmeal without spices
- Freshly squeezed fresh or smoothie
- Boiled beets with nuts and prunes
- Freshly squeezed juice from vegetables
- Herb tea
For lunch, one of the menu options may be:
- Lentil or Bean Vegetable Soup
- A slice of bread with cereals
- White Cabbage and Broccoli Salad with Lemon Dressing
- Herb tea
For an afternoon snack, one unsweetened fruit will suffice, and for dinner, buckwheat with any vegetable salad. Before going to bed, in a few hours, it will be good to drink low-fat kefir.
At the final stage of the diet, you can eat all of the above dishes, but at the same time gradually increasing calorie content.
If the course should be 10 days, then it can be extended by repeating two days from the weekly program, and on the third day, the final, drink a large amount of liquid - water or juice. The most optimal is a three-week or four-week course, since it is possible to compose all the allowed products.
Detox Diet Recipes
Since the detox course is focused on the vegetation of all dishes, they must be consumed immediately after preparation, which allows you to save the maximum amount of nutrients.
Detox smoothies
Smoothies can be either vegetable or fruit. A common drink is considered to be a carrot and beetroot juice in the ratio 2: 1, a small amount of mashed cauliflower, two cloves of garlic and broccoli should be added to them. Stir all contents with ¼ teaspoon of olive oil.
Cooking smoothies can be absolutely diverse, depending on the time of year. It can be raspberries, blueberries or strawberries, with milk, grated nuts and honey.
Detox juices
You must consume natural juices without added sugar. It can be freshly squeezed or those that closed in the summer season. If the juice is too sour it can be sweetened with honey.
Tea can be either pharmacy or self-made. As a part of which it is recommended that there be currant, licorice, mint and cherry leaves. Mandatory in the diet is tea with ginger and lemon.
One option would be lentil soup. For cooking, you need to chop onions, carrots, celery and garlic, and sauté in olive oil. After boiling the lentils until ready to add chopped red pepper, after 10 minutes add the spinach and passivated vegetables, you can have a little salt and pepper, to taste.
Side effects of a detox program
In addition to the advantages and useful properties, this detox program has certain contraindications:
- It is forbidden to comply with the detox program during pregnancy and in the lactation period;
- It is not recommended to try teenagers because of hormonal surges, which can lead to poor health, headaches and nausea;
- You can not adhere to this detox program for people with chronic diseases, as well as for Crohn's disease, arthritis, gastritis and lupus;
- It is not recommended to take the course to athletes who are preparing for competitions.
Before starting any dietary course, it is best to consult a qualified nutritionist. The recommendations of a specialist will help to avoid unpleasant consequences and fulfill all the requirements of the diet with the maximum benefit for the body.