Drops in the nose Derinat are a drug from the group of immunomodulators. This group is necessary to restore the natural protective function at the cellular level and to stimulate the restoration of tissues damaged by the virus. The substance is used topically for washing or treating affected areas of the skin.
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Indications Derinat
The main component of the drug - sodium deoxyribonucleate - penetrates well into small capillaries, after which it is transported by the lymphatic system to all affected organs in the body. After completing its task, the remains of the substance are excreted by the kidneys and genitourinary organs.
These drops are used in two cases: in monotherapy and in the complex treatment of certain existing diseases, necessarily in combination with other drugs to increase the effect. It is important to remember that the effect on the body must be complex, therefore it is necessary to maintain immunity, and when the symptoms begin to recede, continue to drip the nose for another week.
Indications for use with monotherapy are:
- ARI at an early stage;
- ARVI and its prevention;
- inflammation and dystrophic pathologies of the visual organs;
- lesions of the mucous tissues of the oral cavity.
The tool is great for preventive measures during viral and infectious epidemics, which often happen in the cold season and during changing seasons.
With complex therapy, the following health problems are indications for this medication:
- fungal, inflammatory, infectious and other types of damage to the mucous membranes of the genital organs, which proceed chronically;
- pathology of the upper respiratory organs of an acute and chronic nature;
- ulcerative and long-healing wounds;
- gangrene;
- burns and frostbite on the body;
- hemorrhoids;
- necrosis of the skin, mucous membranes.
Most often, Derinat drops are used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, namely, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.
Important! The product is sold in pharmacies exclusively by prescription. Before treatment, be examined at the clinic to confirm the diagnosis and the selection of a therapeutic course by the attending physician.
Read also:vasoconstrictor nasal drops for adults
Instructions for use with a drop in the nose
Nasal drops are allowed for treatment not only for adults, but also for babies from the first days of life. Depending on age, it is only recommended to adjust the dosage and duration of treatment - for adults, the concentration of the substance is needed more than for infants.
As a rule, the treating doctor prescribes the treatment and prevention of Derinat. This should be remembered before starting treatment with this tool.
On a note. The tool can be sold as a spray. This form of medication is sometimes more convenient than drops.
Dosage and administration for adults
The body of adults tolerates Derinat treatment well.
The following instructions are recommended for their treatment:
- ARVI prevention: two drops in each nasal passage no more than 4 times a day. Treatment lasts from 1 to 2 weeks. This is enough to stimulate the cells of the mucous membrane to actively release agents against bacteria and viruses, if any, enter the body after contact with the carrier.
- The first symptoms of respiratory diseases can be stopped by using Derinat in this way: 1st day - 3 drops in each passage after 1-1.5 hours, then reduce the intake to 3-4 times a day. Use no more than a month.
- Diseases of the paranasal sinuses are treated according to the following scheme: 5 drops are injected into each nasal passage, the procedure is repeated up to 6 times during the day. Treatment lasts up to 2 weeks.
When prescribing therapy, the specialist himself selects the treatment regimen, focusing on the individual characteristics of his patient - age, degree of development of the disease, susceptibility of the body to the substance. The above recommendations for use are offered by the manufacturer.
Use during pregnancy
The tool in the form of drops for the nose has no restrictions in therapeutic use during the period of gestation (second and third trimesters) and when feeding the baby with breast milk.
But in the first trimester, Derinat and other drugs from the group of immunomodulators should not be treated, since the mother’s body specifically suppresses immunity to prevent miscarriage.
Important! The drug in the form of a solution for intramuscular administration is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe it in exceptional cases.
Application for children
The child’s body is very sensitive to unfamiliar substances coming from outside. Therefore, the treatment should be selected exclusively by the pediatrician, and at the beginning of therapy it is important to ensure that there are no side effects. The organism of babies is especially prone to the development of negative reactions.
In therapeutic therapy for children, nasal drops are used as follows:
- with SARS - 2 drops of the drug for each nasal passage 2-3 times a day;
- as a warning for the development of acute respiratory infections - 2 drops every 2 hours on the first day, and then a couple of drops three times a day.
As a rule, treatment lasts from a week to two. It is recommended to consult with a pediatrician on the issue of supplementing the course with other drugs, for example, vitamins to maintain immunity.
Newborns and babies
Drops Derinat have no contraindications for use in infancy.
They can be used to treat infants in the same way as described for older children. But a preliminary consultation with the pediatrician is still necessary.
Drug interaction
Derinat drops are incompatible with hydrogen peroxide or with oily medicated ointment. Therefore, the use of drops and washing with a peroxide solution cannot be combined.
Derinat's analogs
The following drugs can be considered as similar drugs against ARVI, acute respiratory infections, sinusitis, and other lesions of the nasopharyngeal mucosa:
- Desoxinate. Means with a similar active substance. Suitable for children.
- Grippferon. The drug contains interferon and is allowed even to infants. It is in the form of drops and spray.
- Viferon. The product contains alfaferon and is available in the form of a gel, suppository and ointment. The latter has a limit for children under the age of one year.
- IRS-19. Immunostimulant based on substances lysates, which are obtained from special microorganisms. For children, the drug is allowed after three months.
Basically, analogues are distinguished by additional substances in their composition. Therefore, the replacement of Derinat with a similar remedy should be discussed with a therapist or pediatrician. Each of the drugs considered has its own nuances regarding side effects and instructions for use.
As a contraindication, only two conditions apply:
- intolerance to the substance by the body;
- first trimester of pregnancy.
In case of acute need, it is recommended to select an analogue that is more suitable for treatment in a particular situation.
To select the most effective treatment, it is important to be examined in a clinic and get a prescription from your doctor. It is especially important not to engage in home therapy for young children whose susceptibility and health are particularly fragile.
- Ksenia