Every owner of even a tiny patch of land tries to decorate it with all kinds of plants, and give preference to unpretentious beautiful varieties. White derain, planting and care of which even inexperienced gardeners turns into a pleasant hobby, can be considered a leader in terms of decorativeness and unpretentiousness. Despite these characteristics, before you start growing shrubs, you should familiarize yourself with several requirements and rules that will help prevent annoying mistakes.
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The basic rules for planting white deren
Planting a shrub does not require special conditions, but in the absence of experience, some novice gardeners manage to make mistakes even at the first stages. Considerable attention should be paid to the purchase of the plant - seedlings should be purchased, which are no more than 4 years old, they have excellent survival and tolerate pruning, releasing many new shoots.
Before planting, you need to carefully assess the condition of the root system, there should not be dry or rotten processes. If damaged areas are visually noticeable, it is best to immediately remove them with a sharp knife and abundantly powder charcoal turned into powder.
Often, planting material is written out by mail, and the seedlings that have arrived plunge gardeners into deep despondency - the roots are overdried, and the likelihood that they will be well taken is rather doubtful.
To increase the plant's chances of survival, it is better to send the bushes for several hours to room temperature water - soaking will not only help the roots to become saturated with moisture and partially come to life, but will also make it easier for the new owner to identify damaged areas.
The perfect place to land
Unlike most ornamental shrubs that prefer open sunny places, white derain feels great in the shade of large trees. You can plant it along a blank fence or near farm buildings, the main thing is that there should be no drafts here.
An exception is the variety of shrubs with variegated leaves - they just need sunlight. It is not necessary that the derain be in the sun during the day - a few hours are enough. With insufficient lighting, the motley pattern will disappear, and even an urgent transplant to a brighter place does not guarantee that the peculiar coloring can be saved.
The plant looks wonderful against the background of conifers, emphasizing the individuality of the flowerbed. For beginners in landscape design, you can try to recreate the unpretentious rockery - white derain combines perfectly with irregularly shaped stones, forming an exquisite pattern.
Soil: which composition should be preferred
When preparing the soil for planting white sodden gardeners, a pleasant surprise awaits you - you will not have to experiment with different compounds. The shrub develops well both in heavy loam and in light sandy soil. Even stony areas can be decorated with this elegant and refined plant - the root system is so powerful that it takes root in uncomfortable conditions without much effort.
An excess of lime in the soil is also not a problem for the shrub, you do not need to try to change anything. The scarcity of soil on nutrient components should not be an excuse to refuse to grow a plant - all that he needs can be introduced as top dressings. It is only necessary to ensure that groundwater is not too close to the surface - the root system, despite its endurance, can begin to decay due to excess moisture.
Read also:variegated derain - planting and care
How and when to start the responsible process - planting
It is better to start planting white derain, regardless of variety, in the spring, even before the beginning of the blooming of leaves or after leaf fall (late autumn). This does not affect growth and development, but autumn planting should be carried out in such a way that the bush has time to take root at least a little in a new place, this will help it easily withstand frosts.
It is better to prepare a hole for a seedling slightly larger in diameter than the size of the root system.
A prerequisite is the presence of good drainage, which can be used as:
- a mixture of sand and gravel;
- broken brick;
- small pieces of ceramics;
- coarse gravel.
When planting, you can pamper the plant, covering the roots not with ordinary soil, but with a nutrient mixture that will certainly contribute to quick adaptation in a new place and stimulates the development of the bush. The soil can be prepared in advance by mixing ordinary garden soil with a few handfuls of good humus or compost. Pour the prepared composition in small parts, trying to fill all the voids between the root processes. Tamp carefully so as not to damage the roots.
An important condition for planting - the root neck should not be sprinkled with soil. It is better to leave it flush with the surface.
It remains to carry out the final stages of planting - generous watering and mulching with organic matter (compost or peat).
The main stages of care
Caring for the bush will quickly turn into a fascinating hobby, because special skills and efforts from the owner of the plant will not be needed.
The main processes that will need to be implemented during the year:
- watering;
- deep loosening of the soil;
- updating the mulch layer;
- weed removal;
- pruning
- nutrient application;
- the fight against diseases and pests.
A considerable advantage of white deren - if there were no errors in care, then diseases and pests will bypass the plant.
Watering and nutrient application
Frequent watering will not be necessary for white derain - the root system penetrates so deep into the soil that the shrub itself can take care of moisture. The exception is young or recently planted plants, they will have to be shed several times a month. If the summer turned out to be hot and does not pamper with rains, then watering is necessary - the plant will stop developing. One and a half buckets of settled warm water are enough for an adult bush.
Top dressing is not very important - the bush will do fine without them. If the soil is very sparse, in the spring you can apply a little mineral fertilizer (not more than 150 grams per adult plant). In the summer, all necessary derain will receive from the mulch layer, but do not forget to add regularly a new portion of compost.
Tricks and secrets of pruning
The uniqueness of white derain - a bush can easily be turned into a bizarre element of garden design.
Colon, perfect ball, hemisphere, cube - it all depends on the skills and imagination of the plant owner. If you do not have the necessary skills, you can simply turn the bush into a standard tree, periodically removing the lower shoots.
Do not forget about the annual sanitary pruning - it is simply necessary so that the bush looks neat and well-groomed. Only powerful branches need to be left, removing every fourth shoot with a sharp secateurs.
Derena hedges should be trimmed twice in July and late August. An exception is varieties with a bright shade. They need to be cut only once every few years before budding, this stimulates the appearance of numerous shoots.
The subtleties of crown formation
Despite the need for trimming, it is possible to form a crown only a few years after planting. An earlier haircut stimulates numerous shoots, but at the same time depletes the plant.
If you need to add an unusual twist to the landscape design on the site, you can not form a crown - the plant will look natural and a little sloppy. The randomness of the branches combines wonderfully with stone cascades and a small pond.
If necessary, give a certain shape to the crown, first it is better to depict your desires on paper - this will facilitate the process. Transferring your fantasies to a bush, you should take into account the growth rate (during the season, the branches can elongate by half a meter).
It is interesting:variegated derain: care
Derain white - what you need to know about different varieties
There are many varieties and varieties of white derain, so you can easily choose a plant that is ideal for the site. Growing and caring for different forks of the bush is not much different, but some subtleties need to be known in order to maintain decorativeness.
Derain white Elegantissima
The shrub has gained considerable popularity due to its unusual appearance. Derain white Elegantissima has a bark of a peculiar red hue, with which green with cream-edged foliage blends wonderfully. The plant grows to 3.5 m, and special conditions for this will not be needed.
Consider the location when growing Elegantissima - so that the leaves do not lose their decorative color, it is better to plant a seedling in partial shade. Routine care includes rare watering and top dressing.
Derain White Siberia
The variety is distinguished by excellent endurance and prefers moist soil. You can plant a plant near ponds, it will feel great.Ground water located at a great distance from the surface is an excuse to refuse drainage; a layer of gravel or gravel will not be needed during planting in Siberia.
The plant is stunted, which must be considered when choosing a place. Near large plants, it is better not to plant it - they will eventually drown the bush. The shoots of white Siberian deren have a beautiful reddish hue, which, with the advent of cold weather, changes to a dark brown color. This should be taken into account in group plantings - the bush is in perfect harmony with the succulent greenery of thuja or dwarf spruce.
There are no subtleties in leaving, the only thing you need to pay attention to is watering. Even if the summer is not very hot, it is better to moisten the plant periodically - when the soil is dry, the foliage can become covered with dark spots.
Siberian variegate
Sibirica variegata is one of the varieties of ordinary Siberia. A shrub can reach a height of 2 m with good care, but it will take a lot of time - the plant develops very slowly. A bush is suitable for small gardens or rockeries, ideally fitting into group plantings.
In care, the variety is simple and undemanding, so you can grow it even without special skills in crop production. All that is needed is to determine the most comfortable place when landing with a lot of sun. In the shade, magnificent foliage will lose its creamy fringing, cream touches will completely disappear.
Propagation of White Derain
Sooner or later, the owners of a beautiful bush have a problem - how to get a young plant. There are only two ways - seeds and cuttings. Cuttings are usually preferred, since it takes almost ten years to get an adult bush from seeds.
Growing bushes from seeds
The main advantage of Deren seeds is their remarkable similarity. You can send them to the soil immediately after collection - they do not need to be kept in the cold or dried. Spring sowing will also lead to excellent results, the main thing is to store them at room temperature in winter, but do not forget to put them in the refrigerator for a month (stratification in this case is necessary).
Sowing should be done in ordinary garden soil with a few handfuls of compost. Sprouts will have to wait a long time, sometimes the first tiny sprouts appear in the second year after sowing. During this time, one should not forget about watering and rare loosening (only a hard crust on the soil surface breaks with a stick).
After the plants reach 10-15 cm, they can be transplanted into separate containers, and only after 3-5 years can they be sent to a permanent place on the site. It is better to plant in the spring, so that the bushes have time to take root well during the summer.
Cuttings - an easy way to breed white deren
By means of cuttings, the shrub multiplies much faster and easier, as early as next year you can get a good healthy plant. It is better to harvest cuttings in July, be sure to leave up to 5 buds on them, and making sure that the shoots are half lignified.
For rooting, it is better to take small containers with a mixture of garden soil and compost. If there is a greenhouse, it is better to send containers with white turf planted there - no special conditions are needed. The main requirements are regular moistening of the soil mixture and the introduction of complex fertilizers. In autumn, long before frosts, you can determine the plant in a permanent place.
Pests and diseases - who or what can threaten white derain
Pests or infections rarely affect the shrub, especially if it develops well and feels comfortable. Of the diseases, only powdery mildew can be noted, with the appearance of which they are covered with a grayish coating. At the first sign of infection, you should arm yourself with a spray gun and treat the bush with Fundazole or not so aggressive Bordeaux fluid. One-time processing is indispensable here - in a week to repeat the process.
Rarely, on the plant, scale insects or ubiquitous aphids can settle.Fighting them is carried out in three stages, and each time you need to change the drug (pests quickly get used to the composition).
Among insecticides, the most effective against insects are:
- Actara;
- Biotlin;
- Actellik.
Processing is carried out intermittently in 3-5 days (it takes so much time for young larvae to appear from the eggs).
Derain white can rightly be called a plant for lazy owners - caring for it takes very little time. Even in the absence of time to look after your decorative pet, you can be sure that it will decorate the site for a long time, adding an unusual elegant touch and emphasizing green “decorations” from conifers or climbing plants.