Money tree (also called fat and crassula) is an unpretentious houseplant. Its historical homeland is Africa. Harsh conditions and frequent droughts ideally prepared the fat girl for the difficult conditions of urban apartments. However, you still need to know about the money tree itself, care, flowering and possible pests. This will allow you to grow healthy Crassula at home, which will delight the owners.
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Money Tree: Home Care
This plant is succulent, that is, it has the ability to store moisture in its leaves and stems. Thanks to this skill, Crassula easily tolerates long periods without watering, so a money tree can be planted by those who often have to travel somewhere.
Temperature features, lighting, humidity
Fat women love the light, but they don’t like direct sunlight. It is recommended that they be placed on stands or shelves under the window so that they receive diffused light. The best orientation of the windows is southeast. There is always a lot of light from this side, but when the sun is at its zenith, it already crosses to the other side of the house and does not scorch the leaves.
If the windows face south or southwest, it is recommended to shade the windows in the summer so that the indoor plant does not get burns. On the north side of the house, Crassule will miss the light. To fill the deficit, it can be put on the windowsill.
Important! With a lack of light, the fat woman is often sick.
Air baths will be beneficial: a money tree is advised to be carried out into the open air when the street is warm but not hot. For example, in the spring it can be put on a balcony or a loggia.
Despite its African roots, the fat girl does not like heat. In summer, she tolerates it more easily than in winter. For the heating season, the money tree is recommended to be moved away from the batteries. The ideal temperature in winter is from 14 to 17 ° C, in summer - 19-25 ° C.
Air humidity
An important parameter for most plants. For Crassula, too, but to a lesser extent. Due to the fact that the plant is a succulent, it easily tolerates dry air. Namely, he is like this when the batteries are on. The hardest thing is the fat woman tolerates frequent changes in the level of humidity, it is difficult for her to adapt to changing conditions.
If the air is very dry, then you can spray the plant from a spray bottle. But much more he will like rubbing the leaves with a damp rag or sponge. In addition, this is a great way to remove dust, clean the surface of the plant itself from various contaminants.
Soil requirements and transplantation
Money tree has a developed fibrous root system, i.e. the underground part is rather weak and grows in breadth. Therefore, the pot must be selected taking into account this feature: wide and not very deep.
People's advice: money tree: medicinal properties and indications
The soil should be loose so that the water does not stagnate near the roots. Otherwise, they may rot. It is advisable to provide drainage.
Such an earthen mixture is considered optimal: turf soil (4 parts) + 1 part sand, humus and deciduous soil. You can buy any ready-made substrate. However, you need to carefully read what plants it is suitable for.
Money tree grows rather slowly, therefore, it will be necessary to transplant it no more than once every 2-3 years. In some cases, the need for this procedure is less common. Adult plants do not really like this procedure, therefore, without objective reasons, transplantation is not necessary.
The roots of Crassula are rather weak. In this case, the stem and leaves are thick and heavy. In some cases, it may be necessary to strengthen the plant in a new soil mixture using spacers. They are substituted for several weeks, and then removed.
Watering and feeding the fat woman
It is very important to observe the watering regime. Money tree does not like excess moisture. From this, his roots rot, which leads to the death of the plant. In spring and summer, the red herb grows actively, it needs more frequent watering - once every 7-10 days. In winter and autumn, a period of calm sets in. Watering becomes less frequent - once every 3-4 weeks. The plant likes good water: soft, settled, room temperature.
Attention! In the case of a fat woman, it is safer to forget about watering than to excessively moisten the soil.
Another important point - the money tree does not like frequent feeding. It is enough to do this 1-2 times a year in the spring-summer period. 3 basic elements must be present: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You can buy a specially prepared preparation for succulents in a flower shop. In winter and autumn, only half the dose (or less) is added. "Overfeeding" the fat women will not lead to anything good.
Cropping and shaping the crown
It is necessary to form the crown of the fatty. Otherwise, the shoots will grow uncontrollably, the rossula will become untidy. In some cases, a plant may even tip over. The crown is formed using 2 procedures: pinching and trimming.
Pinching is carried out when 3-4 pairs of leaves have grown on a branch. Gently pinch a new kidney with tweezers or nails. Then a few ovaries will appear here, and the tree will branch.
It is interesting:money tree - home care, flowering
Cut long branches of 6-7 pairs of leaves or more. Pruning is done over the growth point and sprinkled with activated carbon. Such images form the crown of the fatty.
Flowering money tree
The plant blooms very beautifully.To rejoice more often, it is necessary to properly care for the money tree: to ensure optimal temperature and light conditions, timely watering, moderate top dressing. Flowers are more likely to appear if the plant is transplanted in time: in March or the first half of April.
Propagation of a houseplant
The main method of propagation is cuttings. Even a randomly broken branch can be a very suitable planting material. However, breaking stems is not recommended. The leaf or stem cuttings are carefully cut with a knife. Sprinkle with crushed activated carbon for disinfection and slightly dry the cut place on the plant and on the shoot. After a couple of days, the shoot is planted in the soil.
Another way is to use seeds. It is less effective and less common. However, one also needs to know about it: the seeds of the money tree are sown in a prepared substrate, consisting of sand and sheet soil. Seedlings need to be sprayed and aired every day. For growing seedlings, a flat and wide cup with holes in the bottom is also used to leave excess moisture.
Pests and Diseases of the Crassula
Crassula has a fairly strong immunity. However, it is also prone to certain diseases. It can also be attacked by pests.
Most often, a fatty woman is affected by any fungal infections. In this case, spots of brown color or a lighter shade appear on the leaves. You can cure the fungus with the help of special fungicides. Drugs are sold in flower shops.
Another disease is root decay. Its cause is excessive watering. Defining it is quite simple: the leaves become loose, lose turgor. It ends with the fact that they turn yellow and fall off.
If you notice in a timely manner that the plant is unhealthy, then it can still be cured. To do this, the money tree is removed from the pot. First, gently brush off a lump of earth, then wash off the remains with water so that only one roots remain. They are carefully examined. If they find rotten - cut. The cut site is treated with crushed activated carbon. Then the plant is planted in a new pot with new soil.
Disease prevention - reducing the number of irrigations, their volume. Excess water from the sump must be removed immediately.
Sometimes pests start on the fat woman, for example, a spider mite or a scab. It is possible and necessary to fight them. Allowed the use of both insecticides and home, improvised means.
A spider mite gives a thin cobweb between the leaves and stems and small specks of yellow. To get rid of it, you can, if you wipe the plant with a cotton swab dipped in 96% alcohol.
Scale is the cause of the appearance of tubercles of brown and yellowish color. From home remedies, a solution of laundry soap helps.
Due to the mealybug in the axils of the leaves, a plaque resembling dirty cotton wool appears. They will save him from rubbing with garlic infusion or a solution of laundry soap.
Insecticides can be used against any pests.