The highest day of the year is the day of the summer solstice. Duration is 17 hours 33 minutes. Since ancient times, the feast of Lita has been celebrated on June 21, but according to the laws of nature, the leap year is postponed to the 20th. It seems that everything around is saturated with summer heat, and reveals to people the wonderful parts of the world. The 4 main elements unite in a single rhythm and, together with higher powers, as well as earthly beings, rejoice in the flourishing of nature. After all, even a fern blooms on the holy night of Lithuania, and he who finds a flower will live a particularly happy fate.

History and traditions of the holiday

Making a bonfire on the night of June 21 is one of the main traditions. It is not for nothing that the summer solstice is also called the day of the Sun, the element of which is Fire.

Our distant ancestors especially believed that the heavenly body dominates all living things, therefore this date has always been considered the magic day of Strength, Light and Magic.

Different peoples of the world in their own way determined the holiday of the summer solstice and the rites associated with it. But it was considered unchanged that on the day when there is the shortest night and the longest day, it is possible to rationalize many aspects of life, attract success, improve health and marital status, and also find peace of mind.

Signs for the summer solstice

All signs associated with the summer solstice promise promise happiness and prosperity:

  • if the night before the holiday turned out to be especially stellar, cook onions, the beginning of autumn will be generous with mushrooms;
  • in the morning hours there is an abundance of dew? Expect a rich harvest. If they managed to collect this dew in a bottle, it will become an assistant in rejuvenating the body and healing ailments;
  • the child who was born on this day will be protected by higher forces and live a happy life. The only sad thing is that fate will bestow a happy person with the "evil eye";
  • if a guy douses the girl he likes with water, in the near future they will surely become a happy couple;
  • having gathered that day on a bunch of wild mint, thyme and angelica, dry the herbs in the sun, and throw them at midnight in a fire. Smoke from the grass will spread along the ground - wait for a protracted illness, smoke has gone off as a pillar - luck will accompany all year.

It’s bad if on this day the sky frowns, it rains and the sun does not warm the earth - this portends a hungry and barren autumn.

Astronomical meaning

On this amazing day, the points of sunrise and sunset seem to freeze. In our opinion, the solstice period is the longest day, but for the universe it is only a short period of time in which the planet is systematically located.

During the summer solstice, a celestial star reaches its highest position, and the Earth tilts its axis to the ecliptic plane and faces the luminary with the north pole, while at the south pole people live the polar night. That is, the northern inhabitants of the earth meet the beginning of the astronomical summer, and the inhabitants of the south pole meet the astronomical winter.

Subject to calendar shifts, the summer solstice is celebrated on June 20 or 21 in the northern hemisphere, and on December 21 or 22 in the southern hemisphere.

From this time, the Sun gradually goes into sunset, and by the day of the autumnal equinox, the dark time of the day will occupy a leading position.

The magical significance of the holiday

Bioenergy June 21 is considered a day of incredible strength. This day brings good luck to creative people, contributes to a successful conception, and favors new beginnings and completion of old affairs.

From the point of view of mystics, June 21 symbolizes the rise to an unprecedented peak both in the natural element and in the life of mankind. During the solstice, the celestial body acquires enormous magical power and this moment is used for light magic, conspiracies for happiness and love.

The day of the summer solstice among the Slavs was called Ivan Kupala and wore a pagan form. Because long before the adoption of Christianity, people praised and worshiped the Sun as a Deity. On this day, the line between reality and visions disappeared, the girls put on beautiful sarafans, weaved wreaths of meadow herbs and let them flow along the river, wondering about the narrow-mummers. Young guys installed a stuffed puppet Yarilo near the birch, decorated them with colorful ribbons and organized a celebration around him.

During this period, innermost desires are made, plans for the future are adjusted, and prophetic dreams are dreamed.

Rites and rituals on the summer solstice

The strong energy of this day was fully used by our ancestors to perform rituals and rituals in order to bring prosperity and a good harvest to life:

  • collecting a bouquet of herbs Ivan da Marya, people hung it above the front door of the dwelling, creating a kind of amulet against failures and sadness;
  • the ancestors believed that the birch brooms harvested on that day evaporated any illness;
  • if an unmarried girl wanted to meet her beloved, she went over the night in 9 places where holiday bonfires were burned, and performed a dance in front of them. This action foreshadowed the young woman an early wedding ceremony;
  • the coals left in the place of the fires were carefully collected and laid out in the corners of the house and outbuildings, as well as scattered around the garden, protecting the dwelling from evil people and fires;
  • it was believed that the wedding ceremony held on this day would bring the newlyweds harmony and unquenchable love.

According to tradition, on this day it is impossible to remain isolated from others, indulging in sadness. Lita is a wonderful occasion to get together as a family and have fun from the heart, because the essence of the celebration is that people open their hearts to life, learn to love and enjoy every moment of it.