The modern garden is not only fruit crops. Concepts combining functionality with aesthetics are becoming increasingly relevant. Therefore, today in the gardens, flowering, decorative-leafed and coniferous plants often accompany and complement fruit trees, or take on a dominant role. What decorative trees to choose to create a garden is described in the material below.

Decorative trees for the garden: names and descriptions with photos

Planning a garden should take into account its area. Therefore, when selecting plants, it is important to consider their future sizes.

Decorative trees for the garden are divided into tall, medium and stunted:

  • tall - from 15 m in height and above;
  • srednerosly - from 10 to 15 m in height;
  • undersized - up to 10 m in height.

In practice, tall trees are rarely planted in standard garden plots, as they can obscure neighbors. When planning a garden, it is better to pay attention to medium-sized and low-growing plants, as well as to shrubs.

Jung's birch.

A low tree, which is a varietal variety of drooping birch. It grows slowly, without formation reaches a height of 6 meters, with forming pruning - up to 3 meters. It has a spherical habit and thin hanging branches.

Maple fan or crescent.

A low-growing plant with low growth rates, reaching a height of not more than 5 meters.It has an interesting umbrella crown; it is especially decorative during flowering and in autumn. Suitable for regions with mild winters.

Yellow acacia (Caragana treelike).

A tree-like or shrubby plant with complex decorative leaves. Easily tolerates pruning, can be used to form a high hedge. In early summer, blooms with fragrant moth flowers with a yellow corolla. The average height of the tree is 5-6 meters. It winters well in central Russia.

Chestnut Fastigiata.

A horse chestnut variety that grows rapidly, but does not exceed a height of 8 meters. An unpretentious plant with beautiful foliage, easily tolerating difficult soils and poor environmental conditions. Especially decorative in May, during flowering.

Common ash Pendula.

A fast-growing tree reaching a maximum height of 10 meters. It has a weeping crown and highly decorative foliage. It winters well, but requires a lot of light and space, since the diameter of the crown can also reach 10 meters.

Deciduous deciduous trees, as a rule, form the basis of a decorative garden.

Frost-resistant decorative trees for gardening

Another important characteristic is frost resistance. Among the trees popular in landscape design, the following have excellent frost resistance:

Birch Doorenbos.

The most white-trunked among all varieties of birches.

The outstanding frost resistance of the plant is due to the region of origin - the Himalayan mountains.

It is a multi-stem tree up to 10 meters high. Even thin branches have white bark.

Royal Red Maple.

A tree with spectacular red and black-red foliage, reaching a height of 10-12 meters. It does not require formation, independently forms an even pyramidal crown. He tolerates frosts easily, only in very severe winters annual shoots can freeze.

Mountain ash.

Reaches a height of 10-15 meters and is famous for openwork decorative foliage, spectacular flowering and fruiting. Flowers, depending on the variety, can be white or pink, fruits - orange, red, yellow. The plant is resistant to diseases and pests, tolerates difficult climatic conditions.

High frost resistance of plants is manifested with age. Young one-two-year-old seedlings may require the creation of an elementary winter shelter.

Decorative shapes of fruit trees

Some familiar fruit crops can also have decorative varieties and be used on the site as a decoration:

Kiku Shidare Cherry.

A variety of Japanese cherry (sakura), with drooping arcuate shoots. It blooms in late March, forming lush bunches of large double flowers of pink color. The fruits are edible, frost resistance is high.

The apple tree of Nedzvetsky.

A small tree with small edible apples. Appreciated for the high decorativeness of the umbrella crown and excellent flowering. Foliage turns purple in the summer. The flowers are large, crimson. Under the condition of forming pruning, it does not grow above 6-8 meters.

Quince is often planted as a decorative culture. This plant has a shrubby shape and is characterized by lush flowering.

Coniferous and evergreen trees

Coniferous and evergreen plants complement deciduous trees, giving the site a decorative look even in winter. They also differ in the final dimensions, as well as the growth rate and shape of the crown:

The cypress of the Nutkan Pendula.

Weeping form with shoots sloping towards the ground. The plant gives a high annual growth; by the age of 10 it reaches a height of 3 meters and lives for centuries. The needles are dark green, the crown is pyramidal, with a hanging crown, frost resistance is good.

Thuya Smaragd.

One of the most popular varieties in Russia capable of rapid growth. Unpretentious plant with a pyramidal crown, up to 3 meters high. It tolerates a haircut, is resistant to frost and does not bare at the bottom.It preserves the green color of the needles well, it does not turn yellow during normal watering.

Cossack Juniper Rockery Jam.

Creeping juniper form, forming dense low thickets. It has a high annual growth (up to 10 cm per season) and a bluish-green shade of needles. Winter hardiness is high, but the variety is sensitive to drought.

Coniferous plants require minimal maintenance, but allow you to implement many design decisions - from the creation of rock gardens and rocky mixborders to the formation of a green hedge.

Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

If you wish, you can decorate the garden with some exotic introducers. A good survival result in Russia is shown by the following species:

Magnolia Ash.

Beautiful deciduous tree with huge leaves and fragrant flowers up to 30 cm in diameter. It blooms in early summer, tolerates frosts up to -25 C.

Japanese crimson (gingerbread tree).

It has the shape of a multi-stem tree up to 8 meters high. The leaves are heart-shaped, change color during the season: in the spring - pale pink, later - dark red, in the fall - gold. Flowering is no less spectacular - in early spring, before the leaves dissolve, with pinkish-purple inflorescences. In autumn, the bark exudes a ginger-caramel flavor.

Tecoma (Campsis rooting).

A powerful liana forming large flowers collected in inflorescences-brushes. It is able to bloom all summer and winter without shelter at temperatures up to -20 C. Under cover it withstands frosts up to -35 C.


A shrub or tree from the datura genus, from July to August, blooms in huge flowers. The color of the corolla depends on the variety. The plant is thermophilic, USDA zone - 7-9. The most frost-resistant brugmansia is bloody.

When planting exotics in the garden, one must mentally prepare for the great work of caring for them. Proper watering, regular top dressing, protection from adverse weather factors fully pay off with high decorative plants.

The most beautiful trees for landscape design

An alternative to expensive introducers can be modern species and varieties of quite ordinary plants. The most beautiful decorative trees are able to give the garden an exotic look:

Birch Royal Frost.

Unpretentious, but outwardly effective variety of birch sagging with dark red foliage. The seedlings have a bronze shade of the bark, but with age it turns white, and the decorativeness of the plant increases.

Maple Atropurpureum.

Unusual variety with an umbrella crown and scarlet coloring of leaves. The flowers also have a purple hue. It goes well with conifers, creating a bright color spot on their background.

Acacia tree-like Pendula.

Weeping form with graceful long shoots. It has decorative foliage, blooms with yellow fragrant flowers. It tolerates frost, drought and haircut. Having a crown height and diameter of only 2 meters, it does not take up much space on the site.

Mountain ash Kirsten Pink.

Frost-resistant multi-stemmed tree with slow growth and highly decorative openwork crown. Especially effective during flowering and fruiting. Fruits of unusual pink color.

The listed cultures fit into any design concept and go well with all kinds of conifers and flowering plants in the garden.

The principles of the location of trees in the garden

To make the garden look truly decorative, each tree must be in its place.

When planning a site and planting seedlings, one should be guided by the basic principles of landscape styling:

  • The unity of space. To “assemble” a garden into a single composition, the same color spots in different angles help.
  • Lack of excess. It is better to plant fewer trees than to build up a pile where the decorative effect of each individual plant is lost.
  • Compliance with plans. Tall species are planted in the background, and dwarf varieties and shrubs move forward.
  • Accounting for flowering time. It is better to choose plants that bloom at different times, and complement them with decorative leaves and conifers.
  • Maintaining an optimal landing distance. Each tree needs space. Tall ones land at intervals of at least 6 meters, medium-sized ones - 4 meters, undersized - 3 meters.

By combining various ornamental and fruit plants, taking into account the general concept of the site and the existing buildings, you can eventually create a real dream garden.