Hearing the name "deionized water", a person unfamiliar with chemistry will only shrug. In fact, such a liquid has long been used in many fields of industry and medicine.
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What is deionized water?
Water with a high degree of purification from foreign substances is called deionized. It has special properties, and is used in modern industrial production, in the field of beauty and medicine.
Ordinary water contains metal salts, organic compounds and other impurities, so it easily conducts electricity. The dielectrics are deionized water and distilled water, the differences are in the resistivity, in the first type of liquid it is 18 Mom / cm, in the second - about 0.20 Mom / cm.
Production method
Deionized water - what it is, you can better understand by familiarizing yourself with the process of obtaining it. In enterprises where such water is produced, production is based on the laws of ionic equilibrium in liquids. An important role is played by finishing treatment, which allows to obtain water with the required specific resistance corresponding to GOST. The main part of the complex for removing ions from water are ion-exchange filters containing resins.
The cleaning system is multi-level. The distilled water obtained in the first stage enters the filters with ion-exchange resins. In this case, 2 types of resins are used - anionic and cationic, to bind metal ions and acid residues. Hydrogen and oxygen at the outlet are combined into a clean water molecule.
Then water enters the membrane reverse osmosis unit and is further purified in combined filters. They store the finished product with a purity of 99.99999991% in containers made of fluoroplastic. The production process is complicated, it is impossible to get such water at home. It has a short shelf life and cannot be transported due to the loss of resistivity.
In which industries is applied
Obtaining deionized water is necessary for modern industry. It is widely used in various fields of human life. This liquid can hardly be called water, due to its special purity it has unique properties. In some sectors of production, one cannot do without it. Deionized water is such a pure compound that it greedily absorbs everything it comes into contact with and can dissolve in itself. It ideally flushes contaminants by absorbing ions of substances from air from solid surfaces and other liquids. This is the perfect new generation detergent.
Medical use
The water purified using ionic resins in medicine began to be used relatively recently, about 10 years ago. Studies have shown that it can slow down the processes of chaotic cell division in cancerous tumors and stop the process of their growth. Research into the potential use of deionized water to fight cancer is ongoing. It is already known that this liquid is able to repair a DNA strand.
Highly purified water has already been successfully used in several areas of medicine:
- endocrinology (diabetes mellitus treatment);
- cardiology (treatment of vascular sclerosis);
- surgery (treatment of purulent wounds, tissue regeneration), etc.
When deionized water is added to saline for injection, the beneficial properties of the administered drug are multiplied. Manufacturers even argue that such water can be drunk, of course, not constantly, but only in a certain amount for health reasons.
In the field of beauty
By adding deionized water to cosmetics, their shelf life is extended. This is just one of the benefits. Unique water for external use is able to relieve skin inflammation, soothe irritation, clear pustules and boils, and rejuvenate.
ADJUPEX is one of the cosmetology companies that add deionized water to its products. It is part of gels, scrubs, peels, creams. Such water is an ideal solvent for plant extracts, which are used in medical cosmetology, repeatedly enhances the beneficial properties of natural cosmetic creams.
In the industrial sector
Deionized water is used in various industries. It is most in demand at enterprises producing electronic products. With its help, dirt is washed off with microchips and circuit boards. Due to its ability to absorb all contaminants very well, this water instantly cleans objects immersed in it.
And also deionized water is used in chemical, food, light industry, agriculture and mechanical engineering. It is indispensable in chemical laboratories for carrying out analyzes and experiments.
It can be used in everyday life for filling tanks of steam irons and steam generators. There is evidence of the use of deionized water to improve the ecological environment of water bodies.
Using deionized water they prepare various surfaces for painting, which is necessary in construction. Glass and contaminated surfaces are washed without the use of chemical solutions.
Distinction from distilled water
There is almost no impurity in distilled water; it is purified from all extraneous by filtration. Deionized water is even purer; it does not even contain traces of foreign compounds.
The difference between these types of water lies in the method and degree of purification. Distilled water can be produced at home thanks to a household distiller. It is obtained by evaporation and subsequent condensation. In everyday life, freezing is also used, followed by thawing. But the liquid obtained in this way will not be perfectly clean. Atmospheric gases will be dissolved in it. For some domestic purposes, such water is quite suitable, but the production requires perfectly clean, deionized water.