High-quality soap with birch tar is an indispensable tool for caring for problem skin prone to acne and blackheads. It will quickly make the face perfectly clean and smooth without spending money on expensive medicines and cosmetics. The main thing is to know how to properly apply tar soap for acne.

Useful properties and composition of tar soap

The composition of the product under discussion is very simple: 90% of the bar is occupied by the most ordinary laundry soap and only 10% is from the natural tar of birch. The latter includes organic acids, phenol, volatile, toluene, betulin resin and some other substances.

Such a rich composition allowed the tar product to affect the human body as follows:

  • eliminate the itching of the skin and stop the inflammatory process on it;
  • anesthetize;
  • improve blood circulation and accelerate the process of regeneration of skin cells;
  • remove toxins, slags and other contaminants;
  • Prevent the appearance of various neoplasms on the skin and generally improve its health.

Birch tar, from which soap is made, is a powerful natural antiseptic. Therefore, the tool perfectly fights bedsores, accelerates the healing process of wounds, provides first aid for frostbite.

Today on sale you can find tar soap and with a complicated composition. It includes various stabilizers and perfumes that allow you to rid the product of an unpleasant odor. In fact, such manufacturer tricks impair the quality of the product. Chemical additives with a pleasant aroma make it less safe for the skin.

Does acne help?

Readers who dream of perfect smooth skin, probably worried about the question: does tar tar help for acne? The unique composition and properties of the product allow it to perfectly cope with acne and other rashes on the face and body.

The agent with tar allows you to destroy harmful bacteria on the skin, which often turn out to be the main reason for the appearance of various imperfections on it. In addition, after the first applications, it eliminates redness in the problem area, dries pimples, whitens the skin from spots after rashes.

Such a soap is used not only for acne, but also for furunculosis and allergic rashes. Owners of oily skin, it will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminate ugly shine.

How to use tar soap?

In order for tar soap to benefit the skin exclusively, it is very important to use it wisely. Modern cosmetologists identify the three most effective and safest ways to use the product.

Face wash

The simplest of these methods was washing. Oily skin owners should repeat the procedure twice a day. For example, in the morning after waking up, and in the evening - before going to bed. If the skin is normal or combination, the number of washings is reduced to one per day. For dry skin, it is advisable to repeat the procedure no more often than every other day. Otherwise, irritation may appear on it, because the discussed product dries the skin very much.

When washing, you must observe the following rules:

  • carry out the procedure a couple of hours before going out to fresh air or sleeping;
  • rinse the foam from the specified means in two approaches - first with warm, and then with pleasantly cool water;
  • After washing, be sure to moisturize the skin with a high-quality cream or milk;
  • if irritation appears on the face or body after the procedure, stop using the product.

The full course of treatment with tar soap is 12-25 days. Next, you must definitely take a break for a few weeks.

If using a conventional lumpy cleanser is inconvenient, you can purchase the product in liquid form. In terms of properties, they are absolutely identical. Differences are observed only in pricing policy.

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Point applications

You can also use the tool in the form of point applications. This is an actual method of combating single pimples. It perfectly dries abscesses and copes with subcutaneous formations.

The procedure is very simple: a small amount of soap foams well, after which it is applied to the site of inflammation with a cotton swab. The product is left on acne for 12-15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. It remains only to lubricate the treated area with a moisturizer.

For the complete disappearance of acne, the procedure is repeated daily once a day. The full course of treatment is 14 days.


Masks from the discussed product act on the skin more gently and gently than the options described above. After all, in its composition you can add all kinds of additional ingredients, for example, with a softening and moisturizing effect.

The following are included in the list of the most popular tar soap masks:

  1. With bactericidal properties. It is prepared from 5 g of highly foamed soap, 8 g of gray clay, 3 drops of essential oil of oregano. The ingredients mix well. First, a cloth impregnated with hot (but not scorching!) Water is applied to the problem area, and after 4-5 minutes a mask can be applied. After 17-20 minutes, the product is washed off with cool water. The treated area is wiped with boric alcohol.
  2. Tightening pores and eliminating sebaceous plugs. It is prepared from 7 g of foam soap and 2 tablets of white coal. The ingredients combine. The sorbent is first converted into flour.The face is rubbed with micellar water, steamed for a couple of minutes over any herbal bath, after which the mask is distributed on the forehead, chin and nose. After 7-8 minutes, the mass is washed off with water. The liquid can be mixed with a small amount of any citrus juice to narrow the pores.

During the fight against acne by any means with the addition of tar, you need to abandon scrubs and peels. It is also strictly forbidden to squeeze out existing pimples.

Full hens with tar soap therapy usually lasts 15 days. But depending on the neglect of the problem, the period may be extended. The main thing is not to forget to restore the skin after the action of soap with moisturizers.

Is it possible to cook at home?

You can cook high-quality tar soap even on your own at home. It is very easy to do.

The ingredients include:

  • 90 g of any high quality oily soap. It should not contain dyes or flavors. It is best to use a baby product designed for sensitive skin.
  • 10 g of birch tar.
  • filtered water.

Be sure to prepare a small pan unclaimed in everyday life. After all, the smell of tar from the dishes will be almost impossible. Any suitable mold for a future bar of soap. You can take a regular box of yogurt, for example.

The soap is rubbed on a coarse grater and transferred to the selected pan. The capacity is installed in a water bath. A large spoon of filtered water is poured into the soap. The mixture must be constantly stirred so that the product is completely dissolved in the liquid.

Tar is added to the soap. It is necessary to mix the components intensively. It is important that the tar is evenly distributed throughout the soapy mass.

The resulting product cools slightly, after which it is poured into pre-prepared forms. The soap is left to dry and dark until it hardens. Preferably - in the open air. Pieces are protected from dust by gauze or an improvised cap.

After a week, the tool can be used.

To improve the composition of the product, during the cooking process, you can add essential and vegetable oils, honey or even a baby cream to it. The amount of additional ingredient is allowed to be used only minimal so that it could not affect the consistency of the finished product.

Contraindications and possible harm

To use soap with tar in the composition is not recommended for people with very delicate, sensitive, prone to allergic skin rashes. Otherwise, such a tool will only worsen its condition.

It is forbidden to use the product for men and women who suffer from any kidney disease. You can not handle them and delicate baby skin. The tar tar can harm when applied to skin areas with deep wounds and ulcerative lesions.

There are no other contraindications to the use of the discussed means.