For hair tar soap can be used as a remedy for dandruff, loss, thinning and other common problems with hair. It has many advantages: environmental friendliness, naturalness, efficiency, low cost. Such a soap will be useful to have in stock for every woman who carefully looks after her ringlets and takes care of their health and beauty.
Material Content:
The composition of tar soap
The outwardly discussed soap resembles a laundry soap. But it has a darker color and a bright smell, which can not be confused with any other. The main component of the product, of course, was tar. In Russia, "stone resin" was used everywhere. For example, they used to process leather and wooden products - shoes, boats, wheels, harnesses for horses. Today, tar soap is most widely used in medicine and cosmetology.
In addition to the main natural component (it usually takes from 1 to 10% of the composition), in a bar of soap you can find animal or vegetable fats, rock and disodium salt, lemon, water, modern thickeners. Such a composition turns the product into a powerful antiseptic, which nature itself gave us. It perfectly destroys bacteria, relieves inflammation. Any version of soap (both liquid and solid) is highly foaming and therefore is used quite sparingly.
Hair Benefits
In the list of unique abilities of soap with birch tar in the composition, the fight against head lice is in the lead. Nits and lice can be destroyed with just one procedure. Of course, this will be possible if the situation is not running. No special tricks are required here to know.You just need to apply a well-foamed product over the entire scalp and leave it in this form for 6-7 minutes.
In modern pharmacies, a large number of anti-lice agents are presented. Among them there are no less effective than the natural option under discussion. But only tar soap can be used even for allergy sufferers, without fear of serious redness on the scalp and ears. In addition, this natural remedy allows excellent savings. Usually it costs 10-20 times cheaper than popular modern shampoos / gels / ointments against pediculosis.
But the benefits of tar soap for hair will be relevant to read to those who have never encountered these unpleasant blood-sucking. The tool perfectly fights not only with lice, but also with other common problems associated with hair and scalp. For example, it helps to get rid of seborrhea, lichen, psoriasis, furunculosis. If a woman is a lover of dyeing her curls, as well as perms and other procedures ruthless for hair, then soap with tar in the composition will allow her to restore the structure of the strands. After several healing natural procedures, the locks will again become beautiful, healthy, nourished by strength and energy.
If a man or woman suffers from dandruff, oily scalp, or notices that the hair is practically not growing, it has become too “liquid,” tar soap will also help with these issues. On the whole, it quickly heals the scalp, normalizes blood supply (which is especially important for hair follicles), and returns density and volume to curls.
How to use the tool
To avoid the problem of dryness, which was noted above, you just need to correctly use soap with tar in the composition. For example, carry out procedures with him in small courses. The best time is at the very end of winter. During the off-season, hair is particularly affected by a lack of vitamins and nutrients. As a result, they can start to fall out very much. And in general, the appearance of hair during this difficult time often worsens.
To prevent such bad consequences, regular hair washing for 50 days with soap and tar will help. But! This should be done not every day, but once every 3-4 days. Already around the middle of spring it will become noticeable how the curls got stronger. If there were such problems, then after a full course of soap procedures dandruff will disappear, the process of hair loss will stop or noticeably slow down. All changes will be visible from the side. Surely the fair sex will receive a lot of compliments.
And yet - if a person does not have impeccable health, then you should go to a dermatologist or trichologist for advice before using the discussed natural remedy. After all, it often happens that problems with hair reflect the internal state of the human body and indicate that there are problems with any organs.
With hair loss
Tar soap is useful and relevant to use, including with increased hair loss. The beneficial properties of the main component of the product give curls a whole complex of irreplaceable substances that saturate them, restore strength and strengthen in the bulbs. The latter, as a result of regular use of soaps with tar in the composition, are better saturated with useful components and no longer lose their “inhabitants”.
To reduce hair loss, it will be enough just to wash your hair with soap foam. The product should be rubbed well with your hands, and then the resulting air “cloud” to treat the scalp and strands along the entire length. Next, rinse off the soap with slightly warm, clean water.
Another option is to dissolve the grinded product in a warm liquid. It is best to use water, but you can choose herbal decoctions for joint use with birch tar. The resulting solution needs to wash your hair in a standard way.
Masks for liquid hair
There are many options for masks with the addition of the soap in question. Each of them has its own characteristics. It remains to choose the appropriate, taking into account their own stocks of ingredients.
A universal version of the remedy can be called a vitamin-oil mask. For her, 7 drops of vitamins A and E are mixed, 1 tbsp each. l olive oil and soap shavings, 55-60 ml of slightly warm clean water. The resulting composition must be well foamed, and then applied first to the hair roots, and then distributed over the entire length. After half an hour, rinse the hair with a mild shampoo. Repeat the procedure every week 1 time for 2.5-3 months.
A mask with raw eggs is also based on oils. First you need to chop the soap with tar in the chips. 2 tsp mix this component with castor and sea buckthorn oils (1 tsp each), any citrus essential oil (2 drops for flavor) and the contents of a large chicken egg.
Next - apply the composition to the scalp and curls along the entire length. Wash off after about a quarter of an hour. Use your favorite balm or conditioner.
For the third version of an effective mask that strengthens locks of hair, henna is used in powder. 2 tbsp. l a colorless product is diluted with water to the state of store sour cream. Added 1 tbsp. l chips of tar soap.
The resulting composition must be applied to the scalp and curls along the entire length. Wash off with acidified lemon juice after 12-14 minutes. Next - apply the balm.
Uses Against Dandruff
You can wash your hair with tar soap and in order to rid your scalp of dandruff. It is best to use it right away with your favorite shampoo. The usual mild remedy must be combined in equal proportions with melted soap. Next - wash your hair in the usual way.
Repeat the procedure until the problem disappears completely. Then - be sure to take a break for 2-3 months. You can occasionally use such a remedy for preventive purposes. This will help prevent the recurrence of dandruff.
If the owner of dry curls decided to use soap with tar in the composition against dandruff, then she definitely needs to take care of the high-quality moisturizing of her hair after the procedure. For this purpose, you can use, for example, a mixture of vegetable and essential oils.
This soap is best suited for people with oily hair. But even they should not repeat regular procedures continuously longer than 2.5-3 months. Necessarily needed periods of rest, when the curls can recover.
If any procedure with tar soap in the composition is selected to prevent the problem, then it is enough to repeat it once every 7-8 days.
Possible harm and contraindications
It is worth talking right away about the benefits and harms of such an unusual natural natural hair care product. Soap with tar in the composition can only harm human health or appearance if it is used incorrectly. For example, the constant use of such a tool instead of the usual everyday shampoo to wash your curls will soon lead to excessive dryness of hairs and skin. The duration of the problem depends on the condition and natural features of the hair. The thinner, weaker they are, the faster palpable dryness appears.
Many young ladies attribute its specific smell to the minuses of soap with tar. In fact, this flaw is controversial and can hardly be called serious. The special aroma of the product disappears quite quickly. We can say that it resembles the smell of a country bath and some special meadow herbs.
If you really want to get rid of an odor that you don’t like by any means, it’s enough to just use an indelible conditioner with your favorite bright smell right after the procedure. Helping in a cotton hat soaked in citrus essential oils for about a quarter of an hour.
The list of contraindications for birch tar (and, therefore, for soaps with such an ingredient in the composition) is quite small. But it should be carefully studied by every person who decides to try such a tool.
It is strictly forbidden to use soap with tar in the composition:
- during pregnancy;
- if there are open wounds on the treated skin area;
- with allergies to the components of the drug.
You can cause great harm to your body if you use the product inside. This soap is suitable exclusively for external use!
With proper use, the tool will allow each person to become even more beautiful and attractive. Experts note that it is best to choose medium-temperature water when washing hair with soap and tar. Too hot liquid makes the main ingredient of the product viscous. As a result, he lays on his hair with a thin film, which is difficult to get rid of even with the help of the highest quality shampoo.
After the first hair wash with tar soap, it may seem that the appearance of the hair only worsened. But this is a temporary effect. This is the reaction to new substances. It happens that curls even lose their volume and begin to get dirty faster. Changes need to wait until the next wash. Correct the situation will also allow the use of a balm or conditioner after each procedure.
- Yulia