Dehydration is a dangerous condition of the body that can lead to serious violations of all its functions and even death. Therefore, you need to know about in which cases dehydration develops, how to prevent it and what to do to remove the body from under attack.
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What is dehydration?
Dehydration of the body (exicosis) is caused by large losses of fluid. A decrease in the amount of water in the body negatively affects the work of all internal organs, because the human body is more composed of liquid, and without its sufficient amount it simply cannot exist.
Dehydration Degrees
Dehydration occurs when the volume of fluid consumed is below the rate of water loss. The body removes it in the form of urine, sweat, tears, etc. Depending on the loss of fluid, dehydration can be divided into groups.
Dehydration Degrees:
- The mild form is due to 3% loss of water. This condition does not pose a threat to human health, can often be found in everyday life, especially in the hot season or with significant physical exertion.
- A moderate degree is diagnosed with 6% water loss. Such a deficiency of fluid can cause minor disturbances in the body.
- Severe form due to 9% water loss. The threat to human life is obvious. Without taking the necessary measures, dehydration quickly goes to the last stage.
- Critical The body loses 10% of the fluid, which leads to the disruption of the functions of systems and organs. Most often ends fatally.
Types of disease
Exicosis is divided into several types according to the level of salt concentration in the blood.
Types of dehydration:
- Hypotonic - develops against the background of persistent vomiting, severe sweating, profuse diarrhea, polyuria. The level of salt in the blood is significantly reduced.
- Hypertensive - occurs due to renal failure, fever, long-term use of diuretic drugs, excessive intravenous administration of drugs to lower blood pressure. In the blood there is an increase in the concentration of salts.
- Isotonic dehydration - observed with diarrhea, painful (persistent) vomiting, peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, acute pancreatitis, large body area burns, polyuria. In this case, the loss of fluid does not affect the salt composition.
Causes of occurrence
Dehydration can develop for a variety of reasons. The most common ones are:
- a significant increase in body temperature;
- diarrhea;
- increased urination;
- heat or sunstroke;
- incessant vomiting;
- excessive intake of diuretics;
- alcohol consumption;
- increased sweating;
- prolonged fasting and non-fluid intake.
It is important to consider the age of the victim. Rapid dehydration occurs in the elderly, children and seriously ill patients.
Clinical symptoms
Exicosis, like any other pathological condition, has a number of symptoms that are important to determine for timely assistance to the patient.
Signs of dehydration:
- thirst;
- a feeling of dry mouth;
- saliva viscosity;
- lethargy, decreased performance;
- desire to constantly sleep;
- decreased or complete lack of appetite;
- decreased urine output.
Other symptoms may join the standard symptoms with untimely initiation of therapy:
- muscle pain
- pain in the joints of the legs;
- constipation
- discomfort in the stomach;
- heartburn;
- deterioration of the skin (dryness, dullness, sagging);
- change in the quality of urine: it becomes much smaller, the color takes on a dark shade.
If, in this case, the necessary actions are not taken, a moderate degree of dehydration may develop, which is characterized by the following symptoms:
- tachycardia - the pulse becomes faster, the heart rate is over 100 beats per minute;
- lack of urination for more than 12 hours;
- shortness of breath, which occurs even at rest;
- not reduced body temperature when it is not possible to bring down the heat with the help of special means.
With a severe degree, the symptoms are aggravated, becoming maximally pronounced:
- hallucinations;
- impaired consciousness;
- state of delirium;
- fainting;
- repeated vomiting;
- excessive dryness of the skin.
Critical fluid loss has no symptoms. A person either falls into a coma or dies.
Important. In children, the signs of dehydration are the same as in adults. But due to the structure of a small organism, dehydration changes its stages very rapidly. Therefore, it is necessary at the first symptoms to begin appropriate restorative therapy.
Emergency Dehydration Care
Emergency care in case of signs of dehydration is to immediately eliminate the causes and restore the water-salt balance, for which it is necessary:
- Ensure the tranquility of a person, especially with confusion.
- Protect it from light and heat.
- Drink with water or a special solution, for example, "Regidron".
- Call an ambulance.
- With heat stroke, you need to fix the legs in a raised position.
- You can put a wet handkerchief on your head.
Treatment in children and adults
The most common method of restoring fluid balance in the body is infusion therapy or rehydration. Its essence lies in the fact that the patient is given special solutions, which include carbohydrate.Such mixtures can be taken orally if the patient does not have the urge to vomit, and he has the physical ability to drink the liquid on his own. And also intravenously, when the patient's condition is serious.
To carry out infusion therapy, you always need to have at hand the necessary tools, which consist of a mixture of salts and other components. They can be purchased at each pharmacy. The medicinal powder is dissolved in ordinary water in accordance with the instructions, taking into account the age of the patient. The finished solution can be stored for no more than a day.
Important. To determine the degree of dehydration in an adult and provide him with appropriate assistance is much easier than in a child. Therefore, doctors recommend starting treatment fluid not only with the first signs of dehydration, but also after a single case of vomiting or diarrhea.
Treating a child at home is possible with mild dehydration.
To do this, you must:
- Give the baby water at room temperature every hour at least a tablespoon.
- Continue feeding as usual if the baby is breast-fed.
- Do not wrap or cover the baby.
- Do not force him to eat if he does not want to.
When the body loses a lot of fluid, the most important thing to do is try to replenish its reserves. Children need to be thawed until dry skin and lips pass, and the color of urine released is not normalized.
In severe cases, hospitalization with intravenous administration of special solutions containing electrolytes and glucose is required.
Possible consequences
Dehydration is dangerous with its complications.
Among the most common, it is important to highlight the following:
- Hypovolemic shock. This condition is due to insufficient blood volume in the vessels due to a large loss of fluid. As a result, there is a sharp decrease in pressure, brain cells and all organs begin to starve, which may result in the death of the patient.
- When dehydrated, the body is not protected from heat, so overheating can occur, which in some cases is fatal.
- Cramps. The electrical signals that are transmitted between cells directly depend on the content of electrolytes such as potassium and sodium in the body. With their imbalance, intercellular communication is disrupted, signals begin to arrive in a chaotic manner. This is what leads to seizures and even loss of consciousness.
- Cerebral edema. The human body tends to stock up with water in emergency situations. When he receives less fluid from the outside, the body tries to “put” it in the cells. This can not only cause swelling of the limbs and gain weight, but also lead to cerebral edema.
- Kidney failure. This organ is a kind of blood filter, the work of which is carried out in the presence of a certain pressure. When it falls due to a decrease in blood volume, the filter stops its work. As a result, urine ceases to be produced, and kidney failure develops.
Severe dehydration should be treated immediately. Otherwise, complications will increase, which will ultimately result in death.
How to avoid dehydration
Any disease is much easier to prevent. Avoiding dehydration of the body can be quite simple - you just need to drink water regularly and consume foods containing liquid (vegetables, fruits, etc.).
A healthy person needs to receive at least two liters of water daily. You can be guided by your own feelings - drink as much as you want.
Things are slightly different with people suffering from diseases such as, for example, gastritis, diabetes mellitus, etc. It is extremely important for them to observe the norm of the liquid they drink, since the feeling of thirst in these cases is deceptive.
At risk of dehydration are athletes and workers whose work is associated with increased physical activity. Therefore, it is necessary for them to select a special water "diet" and always have a supply of fluid with them.
Dehydration may seem like a completely harmless state. However, you should always remember about the complications caused by dehydration, when there is a serious threat to human health and sometimes human life.