Chubushnik is a beautiful and fragrant plant that gives the garden a unique charm during flowering. Garden jasmine can grow up to 30 years without requiring complex care.
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Description of varieties and species
Chubushnik grows in nature in Western Europe, North America, the Caucasus and the Far East. It blooms at different times, it depends on the variety. It is interesting that the flowers of the mock licks can resemble exquisite perfumes by smell.
The first hybrid varieties appeared more than a century ago in France, in the nursery of Victor Lemoine. This group of plants is still called so far - Lemoine moths, they are thermophilic. However, there are several varieties that can be grown in Russia - Mont Blanc, Glecher, Ermine Mantle. Most Russian varieties were created by breeder N.K. Vekhov.
Vekhovskiy chubushnik, varieties popular today:
- "Airborne landing" - white simple flowers, omitted like flying parachutes, emit the aroma of wild strawberries, the bush is small, about 2 m, it blooms very luxuriantly, no branches are visible behind the white lace of flowers;
- "Blizzard" - blooms magnificent with double white flowers, the maximum height of 2 m;
- “Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya” - tall mock-up, terry flowers, snow-white and fragrant, the bush looks attractive due to the abundance of inflorescences;
- "Snowballs" - small flowers are collected in lush snow-white inflorescences, in winter the plant can freeze, but is restored from the root;
- "Unusual" - the bush is small, the flowers are simple, white, with a delicate pink tinge, very fragrant, smell like strawberries.
There are other varieties of garden jasmine:
- Chubushnik coronet differs in creamy-white color of flowers, with a rich aroma, the bush grows up to 3 m in height, the plant is frost-resistant.
- Decorative varieties small-leaved mock smell of strawberries or pineapple.
- Chubushnik Virgin was obtained by crossing a small-leaved and crowned mock-up, snow-white, double flowers, up to 5 cm in diameter, bush up to 3 m tall, can bloom again in September.
The spectacular flowering of garden "jasmine" lasts about a month.
Outdoor landing
A sunny place is chosen for planting, only with sufficient light the mock-up will bloom profusely. It is better to plant it in the fall, from September 10 to October 10. You can also plant a shrub in the spring, before the leaves bloom.
At the bottom of the landing pit, which should be deep enough, drainage is done so that moisture does not linger at the roots. Fill with fertile soil, adding rotted compost, ash, superphosphate. Chubushnik, whose planting is no different from other shrubs, prefers acidic soils. The seedling is placed in the hole so that the root neck is at the level of the soil, the roots are straightened. Then slightly compact the earth, and well watered.
To create a hedge, the mock-up is planted at a distance of 50 to 80 cm. It grows rapidly, so you can place seedlings when planting at a distance of 2 meters.
Chubushnik for abundant flowering requires top dressing. In early spring, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are added. You can use complex preparations for flowering plants. After planting, the branches of the bush are cut to 1/3 of the length.
Garden Jasmine Care
Chubushnik unpretentious. Leaving is reduced to watering, loosening the soil and weeding. The peculiarity of the plant is that it is very moisture-loving. For 1 adult bush goes 20-30 liters of water for one irrigation.
Once a year, garden "jasmine" is fed a mullein solution, at the rate of a bucket per bush. In addition, after flowering, it is useful to add wood ash under the base of the bush.
Chubushnik grows very fast, seedlings of vigorous varieties in 3 years turn into large bushes of the correct form, which can cover an unsightly brick wall or create a hedge.
It is interesting:jasmine
How to care in winter
Winter preparations begin in the fall. In September, sanitary and thinning pruning of the mockworm is carried out, complex potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are introduced into the soil. The soil is mulched with a thick layer of sawdust.
Chubushnik is winter-hardy, and does not require special care in winter, winters without shelter. Heat-loving young plants can be covered in autumn with spruce branches. Even when the branches of the mockwort are frozen and the buds are not visible on them in spring, young shoots will again grow from the root if you cut the bush at the base.
Shrub pruning technology
Garden "jasmine" needs shaping and sanitary pruning, which is carried out once or twice a season - in early spring, before buds open and in autumn. Thanks to pruning, shoots stimulate the growth of sleeping buds. The bush can be made more compact, spherical, cutting off a weak shoot, strengthen the growth of strong branches.
Cardinal pruning cannot be done because garden jasmine blooms on 3-year-old shoots. You can cut off the lower, old branches that obscure the bush. Trimming the mock marsh in the spring leads to the appearance of a large number of young shoots that make the bush very dense. It is advisable to cut off excess branches so that the form remains loose, the plant is well ventilated. After flowering, dried inflorescences are removed by secateurs.
Methods of reproduction
Chubushnik is propagated by cuttings during flowering or immediately after it. A branch is broken off with a heel, and a stalk is made of it - the lower leaves are torn off, the following leaf plates are cut in half, the top is cut off. At least 2 knots should remain on the handle.
Root cuttings in the ground, covered with a bag, can or cut plastic bottle.Before root formation, about a month, put in the shade. Optimum air temperature should not be lower than 20 ° C. Rooted cuttings are transplanted to a permanent place in August or early September. For the winter they can be sheltered so as not to freeze. In early spring, young plants are fed complex fertilizers with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.
Well propagated garden "jasmine" layering. At a small distance from the uterine bush, the shoots are bent down, laid in a small groove, and sprinkled with earth. They need to be pinned so as not to be released, the soil around loosened and watered. Next spring, cuttings are dug up, separated from the general bush with a sharp shovel or secateurs, and planted in a new place.
Protection against diseases and pests
Diseases can affect the plant in violation of agricultural cultivation - if you do not remove fallen leaves under the bushes, postpone spring pruning of damaged shoots. For the prevention of diseases, bushes can be treated with special preparations in spring or autumn, after flowering.
Chubushnik diseases and pests:
- gray rot - small spots of grayish plaque appear on the leaves, for prevention, spraying with Skor, Purebloom, Agrolekare is used;
- septorious spotting - rounded brown spots, in the place of which holes form over time, when the shoots are damaged, gum-detecting begins, the plant withers, the bushes are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture for treatment;
- bean aphid - eats plant juice, causes drying of the leaves, for the fight use the drug Fitoverm or Inta-Vir;
- hawthorn - a white butterfly with black veins on its wings, its caterpillars eat buds and young leaves in winter, spraying Intavir, Spark to kill insects;
- Nutcracker Beetles - the larvae gnaw the roots, and adult individuals use the leaves of plants, Medvetox, Barguzin are used for control, the leaves are sprayed with Fufanon.
Close occurrence to the surface of groundwater can also lead to weakening of the plant. If there is such a problem on the site, the mock-up is planted on the embankment, a drainage is made at the bottom of a hole made of pebbles or broken brick.
How to distinguish jasmine from mock
Chubushnik belongs to the Hortense family. It is also called garden "jasmine." But there are noticeable differences between the mockup and the jasmine. The first has small leaves and snow-white inflorescences, it grows in the form of a bush, with a height of 1 to 5 meters.
Jasmine is a southern plant, its leaves and flowers are considered medicinal, they are added to tea. This is an evergreen, heat-loving shrub, with larger flowers than that of a mock-up, it cannot grow in central Russia.
Chubushnik or garden "jasmine" is the decoration of the site, it is planted in a mixborder with a tapeworm or in combination with other flowering plants. It looks exquisite and beautiful everywhere. This is an unpretentious plant, which must grow in the garden.