Hemorrhoids are a very common pathology among the adult population. The disease is characterized by dilated vessels in the anus and the appearance of nodes in the intestine. This disease causes serious discomfort to the patient and requires immediate action. Consider in detail what hemorrhoids are and how to treat it.
Material Content:
- 1 What is hemorrhoids and how does the disease progress
- 2 Causes of hemorrhoids
- 3 Symptoms of the disease
- 4 Hemorrhoid treatment at home
- 5 Baths with herbs and infusions
- 6 Enema and lotions against the disease
- 7 Features of treatment for external, internal and combined hemorrhoids
- 8 Pregnancy and lactation treatment
- 9 Diet for hemorrhoids
- 10 Preventive actions
What is hemorrhoids and how does the disease progress
This problem is equally common in both sexes.
By the degree of localization, hemorrhoids happen:
- Internal, when nodes form under the mucous membrane in the rectum, above the anal ring. Visually, they cannot be detected; for this, internal palpation is necessary. In this case, the disease manifests itself in pain and spotting after bowel movement.
- External, with the formation of nodes under the thin skin of the skin, located behind the sphincter. The patient is able to feel these seals near the anus. This form of the disease is characterized by pain and spotting in the process of cleansing the intestines, and after it the nodes swell and become cyanotic. Unpleasant sensations are aggravated during walking, as well as during coughing and sneezing.
- Combined, with a combination of the above species.
There are four stages of the disease:
- Stage 1.It is characterized by the formation of hemorrhoidal seals and minor spotting during bowel cleansing.
- 2 stage. Formations grow, as a result of which the symptomatology deepens. At this stage, the volume of released blood increases, and the nodes may fall out during defecation.
- 3 stage. After defecation and loss of nodes, they do not disappear on their own, they have to be adjusted with your hands.
- 4th stage. Large cones are formed from the nodes, capable of falling out not only when the rectum is empty, but also during long walks or when lifting heavy objects. Bleeding occurs not only during bowel movements, but also by themselves.
Attention! In the first two stages, recovery is possible after drug therapy and treatment of hemorrhoids at home, but in more serious situations, surgical intervention is required.
Causes of hemorrhoids
The discussed problem is curled due to such predisposing factors:
- frequent constipation or diarrhea;
- strong attempts at defecation;
- hypodynamic lifestyle;
- overweight;
- regular stress;
- diseases of the pelvic organs;
- abuse of “wrong” food, strong coffee and tea, as well as alcoholic beverages;
- some sexual practices, mainly anal;
- hereditary predisposition.
In addition, doctors identify “female” and “male” factors that provoke the development of pathology.
Hemorrhoids in men
Such a violation in men is often the result of large physical exertion and activities associated with weight lifting.
The risk group consists of athletes, people engaged in hard physical work, as well as office workers and professional drivers.
Disease in women
Hemorrhoids in women often appear in late pregnancy and after the birth of a baby. The reason is that an enlarged uterus compresses the intestinal veins, resulting in poor blood flow. Under the influence of this factor, blood vessels expand abnormally and are deformed. Frequent constipation can also provoke a disease in the process of bearing the fetus, from which most expectant mothers suffer.
The reason for the development of the disease during feeding is considered a change in hormonal levels.
Symptoms of the disease
Symptoms of hemorrhoids at the very beginning of the disease are very rare, the patient can only experience some discomfort in the process of emptying the rectum. Alas, they usually do not attach much importance to it.
With the development and increase of nodular formations, the disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:
- burning sensation in the anus;
- mucus from the anus;
- pain during bowel movements;
- darkening feces;
- blood stains on linen and hygiene items;
- prolapse of nodes (at stages 3 and 4 of the disease).
In the acute stage of the disorder, when the nodules in the rectum become inflamed, the symptoms listed are aggravated.
Hemorrhoid treatment at home
Having figured out the main symptoms and causes of the disease, you should go to the question of how to cure hemorrhoids. First of all, you need to visit a doctor who will pick up ointments, suppositories or tablets. Relying solely on folk remedies is not worth it, treatment should be comprehensive.
Suppositories from hemorrhoids are made on the basis of chemical drugs or components of plant origin.
The use of these tools allows you to achieve the following results:
- relieve inflammation and swelling;
- eliminate pain and itching;
- improve blood supply to the damaged area;
- accelerate the regeneration of the mucous membrane;
- prevent infection.
The most popular suppositories for hemorrhoids are considered to be Natalsid, Proctosedil and Relief.These funds are used in the morning and at bedtime, as well as after each bowel movement during the day, having previously carried out the necessary hygiene measures. The duration of treatment is determined by a specialist.
Hemorrhoids ointment is used in the case when the inflammatory process has affected the tissues adjacent to nodular formations. These remedies help to cope with inflammation and prevent the accumulation of blood clots. And they also have a pronounced analgesic effect.
The most popular drugs are Levomekol, Vishnevsky ointment, or Levasin.
They are applied in small amounts to the area of inflammation. Some packages are equipped with a screw-on applicator, through which you can enter a certain amount of medicine into the rectum.
The dosage regimen and dosage depend on the appointment of the attending physician.
Hemorrhoids tablets are prescribed for acute and chronic disorders.
These are non-steroidal drugs, the effect of which is as follows:
- removal of inflammation;
- reduction of edema;
- increased tone of the veins;
- improved blood circulation.
The most popular drugs in the treatment of this problem are Venoruton, Detralex and Phlebodia 600.
To relieve pain, analgesics are used. And to cope with constipation and normalize the intestinal microflora will help with probiotics.
Folk remedies
To increase the effectiveness of ongoing medical treatment, you can use the funds prepared on the basis of alternative recipes.
To relieve inflammation and improve blood circulation, you can use one of these methods:
- drink juice squeezed from ripe beets;
- prepare a decoction using equal amounts of rose hips, raspberry leaves and a mountainous highland;
- make a remedy from kidney, yarrow and nettle;
- brew a mixture of chestnut and rose hips.
Beetroot juice should be drunk in the morning and in the evening at 50 ml, and decoctions are used every time before eating.
The following remedies for topical use will help to relieve hemorrhoids:
- candles from grated potatoes or frozen herbal decoction;
- gauze swabs with honey (if it is thick enough, you can form a candle);
- Sea buckthorn oil to lubricate the problem area.
The funds listed should be applied 3-4 times a day until a steady improvement occurs.
Baths with herbs and infusions
With hemorrhoids, baths are effective. These procedures help eliminate pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
The following products can be added to water:
- sea salt;
- chamomile decoction;
- a mixture of calendula, husks from onions and hypericum;
- boiled sage.
The bath fluid should be moderately warm, but in no case hot. The patient will need to pour it into the pelvis and immerse the problem area in the treatment solution for 20 - 25 minutes.
Enema and lotions against the disease
With such a disease, a person causes many problems, severe itching in the anus. Lotions of cold water, mountain ash juice and decoction of grass of grass will help to cope with this problem.
To normalize the stool, you can conduct a course of cleansing enemas. You can fill the rubber "pear" not only with warm water, but also add petroleum jelly, potassium chloride or magnesia solutions to it.
Attention! This procedure can only be carried out with the permission of the doctor, since there are a number of contraindications and restrictions to it.
Features of treatment for external, internal and combined hemorrhoids
In the treatment of external, internal or combined diseases, some rules must be adhered to, which can increase the effectiveness of treatment and avoid possible complications.
- To prevent additional irritation of the problem area, after cleansing the intestines, it is better not to use toilet paper, but soft damp napkins.
- In order to prevent bacteria from entering the rectum, it should be washed with cool water, using hygiene products without dyes and perfumes, after each bowel movement.
- In addition, it is necessary to deal with constipation in order to avoid excessive stress when going to the toilet. To do this, use medicines and herbal remedies that have a laxative effect.
Attention! It is forbidden to use a laxative without a doctor's prescription and for a long period. In this case, addiction occurs, as a result of which the opposite effect is manifested when the constipation intensifies. And also laxatives with uncontrolled intake upset the balance of electrolytes in the body.
Pregnancy and lactation treatment
Therapy of hemorrhoids in pregnant women requires a delicate approach so as not to harm the fetus. It is impossible to postpone treatment, since the disease can lead to the development of a serious pathology.
Expectant mothers are prescribed funds mainly for external or rectal use, namely ointments and suppositories. Selection of drugs is strictly individual.
In addition to medical treatment, pregnant women are shown walking and a diet to prevent constipation.
Surgery is carried out only in severe forms of the disease, when procrastination threatens with dangerous complications.
Diet for hemorrhoids
When treating hemorrhoids, it is important to properly organize the patient’s diet.
For a speedy recovery, you will need to follow the following rules:
- Eat small meals up to 6 times a day.
- Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean still water per day.
- Introduce dairy products into the diet.
- Eat more vegetables and fruits.
- Give preference to boiled, baked, stewed or steamed dishes.
- When cooking dishes from meat, poultry or fish, choose low-fat varieties.
- There are soups, sticky cereals and wholemeal bread.
A categorical prohibition is imposed on the following types of products:
- white cabbage;
- radish;
- sorrel;
- Beans
- rice
- White bread;
- marinades;
- smoked meats;
- spicy seasonings and spices; chocolate and other products from cocoa beans;
- jelly, tea and coffee.
In addition, you will need to avoid dishes cooked with a lot of oil or sauces, and you will also have to abandon alcoholic beverages.
Preventive actions
When the treatment is carried out correctly, and the result is achieved, this does not guarantee that the disease will not recur.
To avoid the re-development of the disease or to prevent its initial appearance, the following measures should be taken:
- During sedentary work, take breaks every few hours and actively warm up.
- Properly organize nutrition, providing timely bowel cleansing.
- Choose hard furniture for sleeping, relaxing and working.
- Try not to use laxatives.
- Drink alcohol moderately.
- Move more and take long walks.
- Follow hygiene rules and thoroughly clean the anus after each trip to the toilet.
If you follow all the doctor’s instructions and take the necessary preventive measures to prevent recurrence of the disease, coping with hemorrhoids is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is not to start the disease and begin treatment at the initial stages, otherwise surgical intervention cannot be avoided.