To eliminate pain in the joints, muscles, and also in order to restore tissue, they often turn to an inexpensive and high-quality drug - Dimexidum. When reading the instructions, it will immediately become clear what Dimexidum is and how to use it correctly.
Material Content:
What is Dimexide and its release form
The presented medicine is an anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical agent that has a local analgesic effect.
Use the drug externally with the development of inflammatory processes:
- on the skin;
- in the tissues;
- in joints and bone structures.
Available in the form of:
- liquid concentrate (on sale most often you can find bottles with the inclusion of the drug in quantities of 100 and 50 ml);
- gel (25%, 50%);
- ointments with various percentages of active ingredient.
Composition, description of the substance
The active substance in the composition of the drug is dimethyl sulfoxide. Dimexide in the form of a concentrate is a clear liquid without color or with a light yellow tint. He has a specific smell; in some patients it can cause nausea.
The gel is based on the same active ingredient dimethyl sulfoxide (25 g per 100 g of the product).
The composition of Dimexide gel is represented by auxiliary substances:
- purified water;
- propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
- carmellose sodium;
- methyl parahydroxybenzoate.
The active component has an analgesic and antiseptic effect, characterized by rapid penetration under the skin. The maximum concentration in the blood reaches after about 5 hours.
A medication enhances the effect of other drugs. Sometimes hormones, painkillers or antibiotics are added to the solution.
Why is the drug prescribed?
Dimexide treatment is recommended for the following diseases:
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- osteochondrosis;
- osteoarthrosis;
- inflammation of the skin that arose as a result of sprains, bruises;
- trophic ulcers;
- the formation of wounds with pus, furunculosis, phlegmon;
- acne;
- burns;
- scleroderma;
- erysipelas;
- inflammation in the maxillofacial region;
- thrombophlebitis (as a complex therapy).
Instructions for use
Dimexide is used externally, so in no case should you consume it inside - the drug is toxic.
Before use, in order to avoid allergic manifestations, it is recommended to apply a little drug to a small area of the skin and observe the reaction. If itching, redness, burning, the drug is prohibited.
Dimexidum solution cannot be rubbed in the inflamed place. For applications, only a bandage or gauze is needed.
How to use Dimexidum solution
To prepare a solution for compresses, dilute Dimexide (liquid from the vial) should be water.
First determine what concentration you need to get. The "average" option for applications is the use of a 30-50% solution.
50% of the composition is usually used for streptoderma and erysipelas.
30-40% - with purulent skin lesions, trophic ulcers.
From 20 to 50% (depending on the disease, area and degree of damage) - bruises, inflammation of the joints, hematoma. 20% - for the treatment of inflammation on the face and for those patients who have sensitive skin.
10% (in some cases 20%) - for the treatment of burns.
To prepare the solution you will need boiled (pre-chilled) water.
To measure the required amount of fluid, you can use the tank with divisions or a syringe:
- 10% solution - 2 ml of Dimexide and 18 ml of water;
- 20% - 2 ml of the drug is diluted and 8 ml of water;
- 30% - 6 ml of Dimexide and 14 ml of water;
- 40% - 4 ml of the concentrate is mixed with 6 ml of water;
- 50% - 5 ml of the drug and 5 ml of water.
Compresses are done every day. The frequency of use of the drug is from 1 to 3 times a day. The dressing soaked in the solution is kept in the inflamed area for about 30 minutes. For applications, 15 minutes will be enough.
The duration of therapy is discussed with a specialist individually. Treatment can last 2-3 weeks.
Gel application
Dimexide gel is applied in a thin layer to the affected area twice a day. Treatment can last 2 weeks, after which it is recommended to take a break. A repeated course is allowed after 10 days.
During pregnancy and lactation
Pregnant and lactating women can not use Dimexidum.
Contraindications and side effects
Dimexide is contraindicated under the following conditions:
- individual intolerance;
- renal and liver failure;
- glaucoma
- angina pectoris;
- heart attacks or strokes;
- coma;
- atherosclerosis;
- cataract.
A pharmaceutical agent is usually not prescribed for children under 12 years of age.
The most common adverse events are allergic reactions. Bronchospasm may develop, but this effect is rare. Nausea and dizziness are sometimes observed.
Dimexidum analogs
The Dimexide solution for compress has no structural analogues. Dimexide gel can be replaced with drugs that have similar properties.
As a rule, these are ointments and gels:
- Vyprosal;
- Chondroxide;
- Apizartron;
- Boromenthol.
Viprosal ointment contains viper venom and several other active substances (salicylic acid, gum turpentine, racemic camphor). The drug acts topically as an irritating, analgesic.
An ointment is prescribed for patients suffering from:
- neuralgia;
- myositis of various origins;
- arthralgia.
Viprosal is contraindicated in identifying patients:
- damaged skin;
- severe pathologies of the kidneys, liver;
- general exhaustion;
- circulatory disorders;
- tuberculosis
- skin diseases;
- fever.
Ointment is not used to treat children under 12 years of age, with breastfeeding and pregnancy.
The occurrence of an allergic reaction in the form of redness of the skin, itching, swelling, rash is not excluded.
Recommended dosage: for affected areas of a small size - about 5 g, for large areas - 10 g of the drug at a time. The frequency of application is up to 2 times a day. The duration of the course will depend on the course of the disease.
Chondroxide (gel and ointment) contains chondroitin sodium sulfate, indicated for osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis.
The drug accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, anesthetizes the inflamed area, helps restore articular cartilage, relieves swelling of joints and improves their mobility.
Contraindications are intolerance to components and skin damage in the place where you want to apply the gel. Under the supervision of a specialist, it is allowed (in rare cases) to use during pregnancy, breastfeeding. Allergic manifestations act as a side effect.
The drug can be used no more than 3 times a day. The product is rubbed into the skin until it is absorbed, it must be applied not directly to the affected area, but just above the area of inflammation.
The average duration of use is 2 weeks. After consultation with a doctor, the course of therapy may be extended.
Apizartron ointment with irritating, vasodilating and analgesic effects is based on bee venom, as well as methyl salicylate and allyl isothiocyanate.
The tool gives a positive result in the treatment of:
- consequences of injuries (with bruises and sprains, reduces pain);
- circulatory disorders in organs, tissues;
- myalgia;
- osteoarthritis;
- arthralgia;
- neuralgia.
Apizartron is not used in certain conditions:
- acute arthritis;
- severe liver damage;
- mental disorders;
- renal failure;
- skin diseases;
- problems with blood formation;
- neoplasms;
- intolerance of composite components.
An adverse reaction is the same as with other similar drugs - allergic manifestations.
A strip of ointment is applied to the inflamed area, distributed over the skin and left for several minutes, then the product is rubbed. After the procedure, the problem area should be kept warm.
An ointment can be used up to 3 times a day. Treatment is continued until the symptoms disappear.
Ointment Boromentol - a means to eliminate skin lesions, has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, disinfecting effects, heals wounds. In its composition - boric acid.
Indications are:
- neuralgia;
- pustular rash;
- bruises.
And also ointment is not recommended for individual intolerance and pathologies of the kidneys. Problem areas are treated 3 times a day.
The advantages of Dimexidum are its effectiveness and low cost. But if, for objective reasons, the use of this drug is not possible, the doctor will help you choose similar drugs.