To understand what helps from heartburn, you can only learn about this pathology, as much as possible.

Heartburn is not a disease, but a pathological condition in which there is burning, pain and fever of varying intensity behind the sternum, in the epigastric region and along the esophagus tube.

This abnormal condition is caused by reverse reflux of acid into the lower esophagus through the cardiac (gastroesophageal) sphincter (muscle ring between the stomach and esophagus).

Experts consider the frequent occurrence of heartburn as a symptom of internal diseases of the digestive organs (esophagitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, chronic cholecystitis, gallstone disease, as well as functional insufficiency of the lower sphincter).

Heartburn Pills - List

In domestic pharmacies, you can buy without prescription several groups of medicines that suppress heartburn.


These are drugs in the form of suspensions and powders that neutralize the action of hydrochloric acid, stabilize the physiological level of acidity in the stomach (3-4 pH). They are made on the basis of aluminum, magnesium and additional medicinal substances.

The main ones: Almagel, Gelusil-varnish, Maalox, Almagel A (with a painkiller), Fosfalugel, chewable tablets Renny, Tisatsid, Gastal, Gaviscon-forte, Gestid, Rutatsid, Taltsid, Reltser, additionally containing a complex of substances that suppress flatulence, Vikair, Vikalin (contraindicated in gastritis with low acidity).

The disadvantages of antacids include: short-term therapeutic effect, side effects in the form of diarrhea or constipation, decreased effectiveness of other drugs. Many of them are prohibited for the treatment of pregnant women, nursing mothers, children.

It should be understood that pills for heartburn do not cure the cause of the development of this condition, they are not able to prevent reflux and repeated attacks.

In addition, frequent and long-term use leads to a violation of mineral metabolism.

Antisecretory drugs or proton pump inhibitors

Antisecretory drugs or proton pump blockers inhibit the production (secretion) of stomach acid itself, while creating a thin protective film that protects the gastric mucosa from acid aggression. Unlike antacids, the medicine for heartburn, which inhibits the production of hydrochloric acid, acts for a long time - 10 - 16 hours, but the therapeutic effect becomes noticeable only after 1 - 2 hours after administration.

The main groups:

  • Omeprazole (Orthanol, Ultop, Helol, Omez, Gastrozole, Losek);
  • Lansoprazole (Lantsid);
  • a more modern analogue of Rabeprazole (Bereta, Lanzap, Barol, Ontime, Zulbeks, Noflux, Khairabesol);
  • Medications of the latest generation with a high therapeutic effect Pariet and Esomeprazole.

The drug Esomeprazole (Emanera, Nexium) is able to relieve the occurrence of heartburn for a long time after a 5-day course of treatment.

The advantages of Pariet include a quick therapeutic result (1 - 2 days), persistence of antisecretory action and the absence of a rebound reaction (increased abnormal manifestations after drug withdrawal).

The proton pump blockers are taken once a day.

H2-histamine blockers

Histamine H2 receptor blockers also belong to a number of drugs that suppress the secretion of hydrochloric acid. At the same time, they protect the mucosa from the formation of ulcers, reduce the volume of gastric juice.

Due to its low price and pronounced effect, Ranitidine (Zantak, Ranisan, Atzilok) is most widely used.

A more progressive drug is Famotidine (Kvamatel, Letsedil, Ulfamid, Famosan), whose activity is 3 to 20 times higher than that of Ranitidine.

The duration of action of H2-histamine blockers is 10 to 12 hours, which allows the use of a single dose per day.

Prokinetics or stimulants of gastrointestinal motility

Using prokinetics in combination with antacids, blockers of H2-histamine receptors and a proton pump, you can achieve a much more pronounced result in the fight against heartburn.

Such drugs as Domperidone, Passasix, Motilak, Motilium do not directly affect the acidity level, but:

  • increase the tone of the lower sphincter of the esophagus, preventing aggressive acid and pepsin from entering the esophagus;
  • normalize the process of contractions of the stomach, contributing to the physiological transport of food to the intestine;
  • reduce nausea by providing an antiemetic effect.

Treatment with folk remedies

The following home recipes are considered quite effective in the development of heartburn:

  1. Flax seed infusion. A tablespoon of seeds pour half a glass of boiling water and insist 3 hours. Drink mucous infusion at night.
  2. Potato and carrot juice. Squeeze half a cup from each vegetable, mix and drink throughout the day.
  3. A decoction of calendula flowers. Take a tablespoon of dried flowers for half a liter of water. Boil for 5 to 7 minutes. Drink 3 times a day.
  4. Infusion of Ivan-tea. Dry raw materials (15 grams) are poured with 250 ml of boiling water. Keep the mixture in a water bath for 20 minutes. After cooling, drink a tablespoon three times a day.
  5. Rice broth. Boil rice without salt (20 grams in 2 cups of water) and drink a decoction during the day.
  6. Infusion of chamomile and hypericum. Take 1 teaspoon of raw materials, brew in 300 ml of boiling water. After 3 hours of infusion, take all day in portions in a third of a glass of warm infusion.

You should be very selective about traditional medicine recipes for heartburn.

Unfortunately, many recommended herbs and substances, contrary to popular belief, do not help, but increase heartburn. In a certain respect, this applies to such a popular tool as baking soda.

The medicine for heartburn in the form of soda diluted in water (a teaspoon in half a glass) will quickly remove the burning sensation. But its effect is usually short-lived, and after 30 to 40 minutes the burning sensation resumes.

In addition, the funds that are undesirable for use with high acidity and heartburn include: calamus root, rose hips, honey, sea buckthorn berries, chicory, plantain, apple cider vinegar, ginger, wormwood. They excite the activity of the stomach, enhance the production of gastric juice, stimulating the cells in which hydrochloric acid is produced.

It is interesting: chicory kvass at home

It will not help with burning mint and lemon balm in the stomach. These medicinal herbs relieve nausea and spasmodic pains, but relax the muscle ring of the lower sphincter, which helps the acidic contents to enter the esophagus through it.

Causes and treatment of heartburn during pregnancy

Heartburn is diagnosed in 60 - 75% of women expecting a child at any gestational age, but it is especially common after 4 months of pregnancy.

The main causes of burning in the epigastric region in pregnant women:

  • progesterone activity, which enhances the relaxation of the lower sphincter;
  • the growth of the uterus, squeezing the stomach, which is not able to hold the usual amount of food, quickly overflows and pushes the acidic food lump back into the esophagus.

The choice of medicine during this period is determined by safety for the pregnant patient and the fetus.

Antacids are indicated for pregnant women only in rare cases, one-time and with large intervals in admission, to exclude the possibility of accumulation of compounds that adversely affect the fetus.

The fact is that any antacids contain magnesium, calcium or aluminum.

Magnesium is dangerous, especially in the last months of pregnancy, since it can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus and provoke premature birth.

Aluminum has the ability to replace calcium, which is so necessary for the bone formation of a developing fetus.

On the other hand, Rennie’s famous and seemingly harmless preparation contains too much calcium, which can lead to early ossification of the baby’s cranial structures and serious problems during delivery.

Vicalin, which contains bismuth nitrate, is prohibited for the treatment of pregnant women.

It is important to remember that H2 blockers (Ranitidine, etc.) are also not used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.

Taking proton pump inhibitors (Omeprazole, etc.) in the first three months of gestation more than doubles the risk of developing heart defects in the baby. So, the risk category of these drugs according to the FDA (US Office for the Control over the Quality of Medicines) is C (dangerous).

Therefore, in pregnant patients, taking Omeprazole is possible only for health reasons and only after 3 months of pregnancy.

So how to suppress heartburn during pregnancy, if everything is forbidden?

The help of such antacids as Rennie, Fosfalugel, Maaloks, can be resorted to after consulting a doctor. The main thing is not often, but sporadically, since in studies on pregnant female animals, scientists did not find a clear negative effect on the baby and the course of pregnancy.

Soda is also allowed to be taken as an exception, in the absence of other means, when heartburn is very intense.

The same recommendations apply to Domperidone (Motilium), which is used only if its administration is justified by the expected therapeutic benefits for the mother and minimal negative consequences for the fetus.

Alternative treatment during this period should also be treated with extreme caution, since many herbs and substances are not only sources of strong allergens, but also biochemical complexes that can lead to miscarriage, pregnancy termination, and early childbirth.

Given the above, only dietary nutrition while waiting for the baby is the only safe way to eliminate heartburn.

And, of course, compliance with preventive measures will either prevent the onset of the symptom, or significantly mitigate its manifestation.

The effects of heartburn

Long-term exposure of the acid to the mucous membrane of the esophagus can trigger a number of pathological changes and lead to the development of such abnormal conditions as:

  • ulceration of the gastric mucosa and lower esophagus;
  • esophagitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus;
  • structural change in tissue (metaplasia) in the lower sphincter and a high probability of its malignant transformation (esophageal adenocarcinoma).

These are very serious pathologies, often leading to disability and death of the patient.

Preventive actions

To prevent heartburn attacks and the development of serious diseases, first of all, it is necessary:

  • eliminate the cause of its appearance - that is, diagnose and cure the underlying disease;
  • if possible, exclude or limit the factors provoking the appearance and intensification of the symptom.

Basic preventive measures:

  1. Do not take large portions of food, especially before going to bed at night.
  2. Follow the recommended diet.
  3. After eating, it is advisable to sit, stand, walk, as this helps to accelerate the evacuation of the food lump from the stomach.
  4. Do not allow squeezing the abdomen with corsets, jeans belts, belts.
  5. Avoid bending forward (even sitting at the table), excesses (if you need to lift something, you should squat).
  6. Limit exercises related to abdominal tension.
  7. Do not lift or carry weights, including grocery bags.
  8. Avoid constipation. Remember - any straining and tension of the abdomen increases the pressure inside the abdominal cavity, which means it facilitates the casting of acidic food into the esophagus.
  9. Do not lie down horizontally - the upper body should be elevated 30 - 40 degrees.
  10. Exclude medications with acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), limit the intake of No-shpa, Diclofenac (Voltaren), drugs for arthritis and arthrosis.
  11. Briefly use chewing gum after meals for 3 to 4 minutes: copious saliva during chewing reduces the amount of acid released.
  12. Do not stop taking the prescribed medications if the burning sensation temporarily subsides in order to prevent relapse.

Diet and proper nutrition

The main goal of the diet recommended for heartburn:

  • exclude the use of dishes that enhance the production of acid;
  • choose the foods necessary for a complete diet.

The basic rules of the diet:

  1. There should be 5 - 7 times a day, in small portions - this prevents the production of a large amount of acid. Do not swallow food in large pieces.
  2. To exclude the use of dishes “dry” - it is better to drink food with water to reduce the concentration of stomach acid.
  3. Drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day (if there are no contraindications), but do not drink more than a third of a glass in one gulp.


  • skim milk in a cool and warm form;
  • boiled meat: beef, chicken without skin, lean pork, veal;
  • eggs, low-fat dairy products, boiled and baked fish;
  • stewed, baked vegetables without oil;
  • natural jelly, stewed fruit, weak tea;
  • non-acidic fruits, better baked, including apples;
  • cereals, pasta;
  • white dried bread;
  • light vegetable, cereal, meat broths, fruit soups with starch;
  • butter, sunflower as an additive in ready-made dishes;
  • Fresh juices: potato, cucumber, carrot.

Prohibited Products:

  • onions and green onions, garlic, spices;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise, prepared sauces;
  • canned food, pickles, smoked products, marinades;
  • strong and fatty broths from meat, fish, mushrooms;
  • mushrooms, fried meat, fish, vegetables;
  • tomatoes and tomato juice;
  • high-fat dairy products, including ice cream: first they suppress burning, then re-secretion of acid in the stomach occurs.
  • alcohol, strong tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, cranberry juice, canned and undiluted fresh juices;
  • sugar (minimum);
  • brown bread, pastries, pastries with fat cream, donuts, cookies on margarine;
  • chocolate, especially bitter;
  • citrus fruits, sour berries and fruits.

Compliance with a well-thought-out diet helps eliminate the underlying disease that causes heartburn, relieves “burning” and soreness in the esophagus for a long time.