Have you ever wondered what the name Anna means, confidently entering the top 10 most popular female names, not only in Russia, but around the world? Indeed, the name is international. In Germany, France, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Azerbaijan, and many other countries there are variations and forms. Let’s try to figure out the etymology and find out what character traits a girl will have, which her parents call Anne, Ana, Hanna, Annie, or “in our way” - Anya, Anechka, Anyutka.
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The origin of the female name Anna
By tradition, it came to the Russian language from Greece, but its roots lead us to Ancient Judea. The modern variation of the name Hannah (as it is pronounced in Hebrew) comes from the Hebrew Hannah, which translates as "grace, blessing, favor."
“God favors me, he favors me” - this is how the Jews interpret the meaning of the name Anna.
In Orthodoxy, however, it appeared as a result of the Latin translation of the Vulgate - Holy Scripture, based on the writings of Jerome Stridon. Since then it belongs to the category of biblical. The name with the strongest energy is mentioned 13 times in the book of Samuel.
Its owners are characterized by sacrifice, they tirelessly fight for the truth and are distinguished by a sense of heightened justice - in history these qualities are proved and confirmed by the greatest representatives of this name:
- Anna the Righteous - the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the grandmother of Jesus Christ - a devout and pious parishioner, who only at an advanced age was given the opportunity to conceive a child. All her life she stoically endured the ridicule of others, who considered childlessness to be a serious vice, and did not cease to pray to God for the child. Today, believers all over the world come to the face of St. Anne with prayers for healing from infertility and other ailments.
- The noble Princess Anna Novgorodskaya (she received this name by taking monastic tonsure) - the wife of Prince Yaroslav the Wise. Even during his life, legends circulated about her piety and virtues. Today it is generally accepted that she, along with Princess Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, are at the origins of Russian female holiness.
In addition, this noble name was carried by many royal persons, for example, the French Queen Anna of Breton, the Empress Anna Ioannovna from the Romanov family, etc.
Some researchers are inclined to connect the origin of the name with Anu - the Sumerian god of heaven, the strongest and most ancient, who led the host of gods. But this is only a hypothesis that has no scientific basis.
What does the name mean for the girl
Onomaste scientists have long proved that the name chosen at the birth of the baby largely affects his future fate and character. Therefore, it is important for parents who want to name their daughter Anyuta to understand how the name Anna will turn out for the girl at different stages of her life.
Early age
Anechka is a calm, sweet little girl who has demonstrated independence since infancy and strives to become the most important mother's assistant. Having broken her knee, Anya will endure the pain steadily, not allowing others to see a single tear of it. Having met a homeless little animal on the street, she without hesitation will bring her home to surround her with attention and care.
Already from childhood, the girl shows a love of reading and shows her family natural artistic talents. Parents should pay close attention to this ability, because with the right approach and timely efforts, the girl’s artistry can be developed to a serious level.
Anyuta loves when the attention of loved ones is entirely devoted to her! And despite the fact that her name is translated “grace”, she should not be persistent in her early childhood. This personal quality will accompany the girl all his future life.
Endurance and remarkable willpower, the ability to console one's neighbor and kindness, artistry and perseverance - this is what the name Anna means to a girl.
School years
Any sciences are given to Anya easily, she grasps everything on the fly. Calm, reasonable, fair - the girl without any problems gains authority among peers and sympathy among teachers. Children love her for her responsiveness and willingness to help in any situation. Unfortunately, these qualities are often used with self-interest, and Anyuta’s betrayal is very long and painful, relentlessly trying to find the cause and “root of evil” in herself.
At school age, Anna clearly demonstrates the ability to defend her own opinion. In this matter, she is uncompromising, sometimes even stubborn, hence the frequent conflict situations with others. At the same time, the constant desire to restore justice will become for Annushka a good helper in the search for real, time-tested friends.
A young girl seeks to be individual, not like the others, which causes interest in the male and envious hostility in the female. When choosing fans, her tendency to self-sacrifice is already beginning to appear, she is able to give preference to a bully or a loser, firmly believing that she can change him, re-educate and turn into an "ideal" man. Having suffered a fiasco, Anya does not abandon her chosen one, perceiving him next to herself as “her cross”.
In her youth, intuition begins to work fine for the girl, onomasts are inclined to believe that she is even capable of clairvoyance.Is it really? - the question remains open. And here is what the girl seeks to be the queen in everything, no one doubts - the growing Anna meticulously selects a circle of friends, takes a leading position in the company of friends, scrupulously monitors her appearance, does not allow herself to miss in any area of life. Anya meticulously “studies” the actions and behavior of others. It would be good for parents to encourage her analytic and psychological abilities and help develop them professionally.
Mature age
“And he will stop the galloping horse, and enter the burning hut” - it is precisely this imprint that the female name Anna imposes on her mature owner. She does not give up on difficulties; she enthusiastically grabs hold of the most complex cases, quickly losing all interest in them. The reason is not at all frivolity, simply an adult Anya is impressed with any project only at the implementation stage, but not at the final stage.
Countless fans and a constant need for male attention - this is how you can describe the relationship of a mature Anna with a male gender. She loves sex, but does not accept intimate relationships, not having romantic feelings for a man.
A pleasant conversationalist, an excellent hostess, a woman with a strong will, emotional, rational and able to hide her true feelings - this is what the meaning of the name Anna may turn out to be.
The nature and fate associated with the name
Anya is a harmonious name that evokes positive associations with something kind and bright. A literal analysis in combination with an astrological factor indicate a complex interweaving of qualities and character traits in the girl who was named Anechka.
Among the main ones:
- self-sufficiency: Anna is a true introvert, not amenable to other people's opinion and influence;
- justice;
- exactingness to oneself and others;
- kindness;
- good faith;
- balance and the ability to perfectly control your emotional background.
If we talk about negative character traitsthat are found in owners of the female name Anna is pride, revenge, authority, sometimes capriciousness and cynicism.
The fate of the bearer of this name is quite complicated. She tries in vain to find her vocation - the inability to complete what she started to finish and fast, but fleeting, passion for all kinds of hobbies provoke constant disappointment in herself and the world around her. At the same time, the owner of the name Anya takes life too seriously, therefore she is not able to fully enjoy the gifts of fate.
Annushka's Siberian health is no different. Bronchitis, malfunctioning of the HCC, disturbances in the activity of the cardiovascular system, brittle bones and frequent fractures are weak points that it is important for parents to pay attention to. Anne is often prone to fullness, so the diet in their life is not the last.
Family and Children
A woman with this name has a well-developed maternal principle, she is practically an exemplary, but also an overly demanding mother. Whatever heights her child reaches, in an endless race for the ideal, Anya will still be dissatisfied with the results.
A similar situation is observed in the relationship. Her marriage simply must be strong, reliable, so that, as they say, "lived happily ever after, and died in one day." The slightest mistake of the spouse - treason or a simple flirt with another in front of Anna's eyes - everything, consider that the family is destroyed.
In general, the husband and children, and subsequently grandchildren, for Annushka are the subject of tireless love, care and guardianship. It can be compared with a nimble workaholic bird, tirelessly howling its nest.
Profession and career
Despite a high level of intelligence and an excellent ability for analytics, owners of the name Anya rarely choose work related to mental activity. They are more impressed with the opportunity to help people, share experience and knowledge with them, give warmth and care.That is why most often Anne becomes a physician, teacher, social worker, psychologist, veterinarian. Creative professions are also suitable for them - journalist, artist, designer, actress - innate artistry allows you to completely realize yourself in this area.
Whatever specialty Anna chooses as a result, she will work conscientiously, will surely achieve success and respect of her colleagues in this field. But the earned money will be spent entirely on his loved ones, constantly denying himself something.
When Anna celebrates a birthday
According to the church calendar, Annushka's Angel Day is celebrated up to 20 times a year. The most revered of them are the days of memory of the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. They fall on August 7 and September 22.
Determining the date of your name day is simple: should be found in the Orthodox calendar the day of remembrance of the namesake saint, closest after your birthday. This will be Angel’s personal day, and that righteous Anna, whose memory is revered on this day, will become a heavenly patroness (for example, the prophetess Anna, the martyr Anna Gotfskaya, the righteous Anna, etc.). Other days of memory of this particular saint are considered to be "small name-days."
Patronymic Compatibility
Specialists call this name unique, because it sounds soft and beautiful in combination with almost any middle name. The most popular options are Anna Alekseevna, Andreevna, Aleksandrovna, Pavlovna, Borisovna, Vladimirovna, Denisovna, Sergeevna.
What masculine names will have a happy family life
Researchers came to the conclusion that Ani's most vivid feelings and stable relations can be with the owners of rare male names - Eric, Robert, Abraham, Elizar.
Stormy novels await Anna with Alexei, Mikhail, Arkady, Maxim.
Anute promises a happy and lasting family life with an alliance with:
- Eugene. A man with this name is monogamous, who is sensitive to family values, so a warm, trusting atmosphere will reign in the house. This is exactly what Ana needs, which most of all in a man appreciates fidelity and a reliable shoulder.
- Konstantin. This marriage is considered almost perfect. Kostya does not limit his wife’s freedom, perfectly combines social roles, and lays down the function of earner with pleasure.
- Alexey. A man in such an alliance is an unspoken leader and an excellent diplomat who can circumvent all the “sharp corners”, which is why such a marriage is very strong.
- Oleg. Partners completely trust each other, putting loyalty and honesty at the head of the family.
- Vladimir. The foundation of such a union is love, fidelity, mutual understanding, similarity of life views, when human relations prevail over material values.
Representatives of the stronger sex, called Sergey, Leo, George, Alexander, Stanislav, Annushka, should be avoided - they do not promise her anything good.
Talismans and charms for girls with the name Anna
Symbols recommended by astrologers for Annie as security talismans:
- The stones are opal and ruby. The first symbolizes compassion, the second - gives energy.
- Animals - lynx and hare.
- A tree is a mountain ash.
- A flower is an aster.
- The berry is blueberry.
- Metal is copper.
Happy day for Anyuta is Wednesday, a good time of the year is summer. The planet that protects it is Proserpine, the space patron is the stubborn and inventive Uranus, the element is fire, the zodiac sign is Virgo, the talisman number is 5.
Summing up, it is worth mentioning the energy of the name. Although Anna can not be called a very strong personality, but no other can compare with her in perseverance. Little can upset Anin's internal balance. Her middle name is stability, it is she who helps the girl to endure any life troubles without problems.