What can be cooked from cottage cheese? Yes, anything! From first courses and salads to snacks and desserts. Cottage cheese is truly a universal, very tasty and healthy product. It is characterized by a rich composition containing vitamins and minerals (phosphorus, iron, calcium), protein and amino acids, lactose and carbon dioxide. Nutritionists recommend the inclusion of cottage cheese dishes on the menu for people with diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems. The beneficial substances contained in the product are well absorbed by the body, and the frequent use of cottage cheese dishes increases the level of hemoglobin, strengthens bone tissue and teeth.

Expired cottage cheese pancakes

Cottage cheese is a very delicate dairy product that cannot be stored for a long time. If your cottage cheese has been lying for several days already, you notice an uncharacteristic sour smell and a distorted taste for it, do not rush to throw the product away. Bake cheese cakes!

You will need these products:

  • cottage cheese (any: fresh, spoiled, expired, sour) - a pound;
  • raisins (it is better to take from dark grape varieties, it has a more saturated taste) - 50 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar or sweet powder - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • premium flour - a glass;
  • vegetable oil (we will fry on it).

Sour the product with a fork to remove lumps. Add the other ingredients to the mixture and mix everything. Form cottage cheese pancakes from the mass, roll them in flour and fry in vegetable oil until a delicious crust appears.

During frying, cheesecakes should not float in oil.If you overdo it and pour it more, the cakes will turn out to be too fat. You just need to lightly grease the pan so that they do not stick.

Kefir Pie Recipe

Kefir cottage cheese pie will help out when there is a desire to quickly cook something for dessert or you need to feed the kids.

You will need a third kilo of fresh cottage cheese:

  • 3 large eggs;
  • a glass of kefir of any fat content;
  • a glass of premium c flour and granulated sugar;
  • an Apple;
  • any baking powder;
  • vanillin, cinnamon.

Eggs with sweet sand should be carefully grated, add kefir, soda and vanilla sugar. Salt and add the sifted flour. Knead everything and put into the dough a mashed apple. Then pour the finished base into a mold, which we immediately put in the oven. Baking time - 30 minutes.

Whipped lazy dumplings

Lazy dumplings is a simple but beloved by many dish that is not difficult to make even on the busiest day. From pre-frozen workpieces, you can build a hot and healthy breakfast in 5 minutes.

The following ingredients are needed:

  • home-made cottage cheese of high fat content - half a kilo;
  • sugar - a couple of spoons;
  • flour - half a glass;
  • egg;
  • some salt.

Cooking like this:

  1. Beat the egg, salt and add to the pre-ground dairy product. Pour sugar, mix everything and knead the dough.
  2. To form a “sausage” from it, which should be cut into small pieces 1.5–2 cm wide with a wet knife. Any form of dumplings can be given.
  3. They can be frozen or cooked right away. To do this, boil water and salt it. Put the dumplings and take out when they pop up.

Ready lazy dumplings are served with sour cream, jam or honey.

Curd cottage cheese casserole

Recipes from expired cottage cheese - an excellent lifesaver, when the product, according to the label, can no longer be used, but it is a pity to throw it away.

To prepare a delicious cottage cheese casserole, prepare 0.5 kg of dairy product, 3 tbsp. l sour cream, as much sugar, a piece of butter, semolina and an egg. You can add berries, fruits and vanilla.

  1. The first step is to wipe the dairy product through a sieve. You can also grind it in a meat grinder or use a blender. Add oil to the resulting mass.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar in a separate container, send them to the mass from the previous step, pour semolina, vanillin, cinnamon and salt there.
  3. Knead the finished mixture, add dried fruits or berries and put in a baking dish. Top with sour cream.
  4. Send the future casserole in a hot oven and bake for half an hour.

Remove the finished dessert from the mold, cool and pour over condensed milk. The sour taste of the "spoiled" cottage cheese was completely neutralized.

Cake with soft cottage cheese

Want to cook yummy from soft cottage cheese? Try baking a chocolate cake. If everything is done correctly, it will turn out to be tasty, wonderful smelling and, which is also very useful, useful.

Prepare such a food set for 200 grams of cottage cheese:

  • chocolate (black, natural, not in tiles) - 120 g;
  • one egg;
  • half a cup of regular sugar;
  • vanilla - to taste;
  • flour - an incomplete glass;
  • some soda (vinegar or lemon juice).

Cooking like this:

  1. We drown chocolate in one container with butter.
  2. Beat the egg with sugar and pour into the bowl with chocolate.
  3. Pour flour, soda and vanilla sugar into the bulk.
  4. From the remaining ingredients we make the filling.
  5. Pour the dough with the filling into the form in layers. Bake the cake for 30 minutes.

Delicate donuts in a slow cooker

Donuts cooked in a slow cooker are amazingly delicious. They are prepared easily and simply. You will need 400 grams of cottage cheese (by the way, you can take a dairy product not of the first freshness), 4 tbsp. l sugar and twice as much flour. To make the dough lush, do not forget about the baking powder. Prepare an egg, a little salt and vegetable oil.

  1. Break the egg, grind with sugar and salt. Add baking powder.
  2. Stir the cottage cheese thoroughly, grind to remove lumps, add flour and egg-sugar mass.
  3. From the resulting test, form lumps with a diameter of not more than 1.5 cm.
  4. Donuts are cooked in a slow cooker in the "Deep Fry" mode.

Put the prepared portions on a paper towel (it absorbs all the fat), then transfer them to the dish and, if desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Note! During cooking, donuts increase in size, so do not make them large. Also, you do not need to impose a full bowl of blanks so that they do not stick together.

Puff pastry with cottage cheese

To prepare this gentle dessert you will need:

  • 500 g puff pastry;
  • 300 g of cottage cheese;
  • one egg;
  • 3 tbsp. l Sahara.

First you need to defrost the dough, and then prepare the filling.

  1. Mix the cottage cheese with sugar and yolk, while breaking the lumps.
  2. We cut the dough into rectangles and grease them with whipped protein.
  3. We spread in the center of the blanks a spoonful of cottage cheese and close the rectangles, connecting the edges and fixing them with a fork.
  4. Lubricate the layers with protein foam and gently spread on a baking sheet, which immediately put in the oven for 15 minutes.

Cupcake, you lick your fingers

Cupcake is the perfect complement to tea or coffee.

To prepare it, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • cottage cheese (it is better to take fresh) - 600 g;
  • butter - 260 g;
  • granulated sugar - 250 g;
  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanillin.

Getting started:

  1. Separate from the yolks and whisk the whites to make a lush foam.
  2. In a separate container, beat the butter with salt, sugar and vanilla. Gradually add the yolks, then the cottage cheese, and then gently and the flour with baking powder.
  3. We lay out the finished dough and send it to bake in a preheated oven.
  4. We bake dessert for 90 minutes, after which we take out the fragrant cake and sprinkle with powder.

Cottage Cheese Cookies

Tasty, satisfying cookies, familiar to many from childhood, turn out to be very easy to prepare.

To make such a dessert, prepare:

  • 300 g of dairy product;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 250 g of flour;
  • one egg,
  • granulated sugar
  • baking powder.

The cooking process is very simple:

  1. Mix the cottage cheese with softened butter, add the egg and flour with baking powder.
  2. From the dough we cut out the cakes and roll them in sugar on both sides.
  3. We fold each piece once in half and one more time in half –– we got improvised “paws”.
  4. We spread our future cookies on a baking sheet and send it to the preheated oven. Leave to bake for 20 minutes.

Cheesecake without baking

You do not need much time and effort to prepare your favorite dessert. From simple ingredients in an hour and a half, you can cook a delicious cheesecake, which your loved ones will definitely appreciate.

So, the list of ingredients:

  • shortbread cookies - 300 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • cream - 20 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • gelatin - 20 g.

Armed with everything necessary, proceed:

  1. First, fill the gelatin with warm water and temporarily leave it alone.
  2. Grind cookies and combine with butter.
  3. We compact the resulting mass on the bottom of the mold and send it for 30 minutes. in the fridge.
  4. During this time, bring the gelatin to a boil. Beat the cream with sugar and add the cottage cheese, past the “torture” with a meat grinder. Gently pour the gelatin into the resulting mass and mix it thoroughly.
  5. We spread the curd composition on the dough from shortbread cookies, which have already frozen in the refrigerator, and send the dessert back to the cold for another 3-4 hours.

Royal cheesecake

Royal cheesecake - a delicious pie that cooks quickly and easily. He will help out if you are waiting for guests or just want some “goodies” for tea. Try to make such pastries, and you will definitely like it.

  1. Mix in a container a glass of sour cream, 0.5 teaspoon of soda and 2 cups flour.
  2. Add 200 g of butter to this mixture and grind the resulting composition into crumbs - the dough is ready.
  3. In a blender, grind 300 g of cottage cheese with half a glass of sugar and the same amount of sour cream.
  4. We spread half the dough into a mold, pour the curd mass on top, on top of which we distribute the second part of the dough.
  5. Bake a cheesecake for 30 minutes.

The finished pie will only have to cool and pour chocolate if such a desire arises. Royal cheesecake is one of the best dishes that can be prepared from cottage cheese and sour cream.

Juices with cottage cheese in the oven

Want to bake curly pies with cottage cheese at home? This is not so difficult.

First you need to prepare the ingredients:

  • wet cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 7 tbsp. l .;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • oil - 70 g;
  • flour - 300 g;
  • semolina - 1 - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanillin;
  • baking powder.

Cooking like this:

  1. Cottage cheese is passed through a meat grinder, pour sugar to it, a spoonful of semolina and sour cream. There we send the protein of one egg, vanillin and mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Now we are starting to prepare the dough. Beat 1 egg with 100 g sour cream and 3 tbsp. l Sahara. We send butter there and pour in flour with baking powder. Knead the dough and roll it.
  3. From the resulting base we cut out circles, put the filling in the middle of each and add the juices. You do not need to pinch them.
  4. We shift the pies onto a baking sheet, grease with yolk and bake until golden brown at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Glazed curds at home

Glazed curds are a favorite treat of kids and adults with sweet tooth. Now you can cook this dish at home.

You will need:

  • 350 g of cottage cheese;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • vanillin.

Prepare the icing from 30 g butter and 60 g chocolate.

  1. Grind the milk product and knead the lumps.
  2. Add granulated sugar, butter and vanilla. Beat well.
  3. Food foil is cut into squares.
  4. We form cheese from the curd mass, wrap them in foil and send them to the freezer.
  5. In the meantime, we drown chocolate and butter.
  6. We get the cheese from the freezer, dip them into the icing, put it on a platter and send it to the refrigerator to solidify.

Quick appetizer with herbs

If you are interested in simple and quick recipes for delicious snacks, this dish is for you. It is best to make such an appetizer in pita bread.

  1. Wipe 250 g of cottage cheese through a full, mix with 50 g of soft oil and add chopped greens with garlic. Salt and pepper the resulting composition.
  2. We spread the mass with a thin layer on a sheet of pita bread, which we immediately twist into a roll and cut into small pieces.
  3. We put the rolls on a dish and beautifully decorated.

Curd and milk souffle

Souffle is a great addition to various cakes, and sometimes an independent dessert.

To cook it, you will need these products:

  • moderately moist cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • milk (preferably homemade) - 250 ml;
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking like this:

  1. First, grind the cottage cheese with a blender.
  2. The resulting mass is mixed with milk, sugar, eggs and sour cream. Beat everything until smooth.
  3. We dilute gelatin in warm water and pour it into the curd mass through a sieve.
  4. We distribute half of the mixture into the bowls, and add cocoa to the other half and pour it too.
  5. Souffle sent to the refrigerator.

After a couple of hours, you can get a dessert and enjoy the amazing taste of a gentle cottage cheese and milk souffle. Bon Appetit!