Probably everyone once had to survive the poisoning. This condition of the body is characterized by weakness, disturbances in the work of the digestive tract, vomiting, nausea and a general deterioration in well-being. Therefore, even when the body has already got rid of the toxic substance, the patient is recommended to adhere to a sparing diet, since the digestive organs are still weakened. Therefore, many are interested in what you can eat after poisoning.
Material Content:
General nutrition after food poisoning
The purpose of the diet is to facilitate the healing process, saturate the body with nutrients without rude effects on the mucous membranes. To eliminate unwanted mechanical effects, the food should be mashed, pulverized or grated through a fine sieve. In no case should nutrition overload the gastrointestinal tract, because all forces should be concentrated on the removal of toxic substances.
General recommendations are as follows:
- In the first 24 hours, it's better to just go hungry. In order to prevent dehydration, you need to drink a lot.
- All food must be boiled and have a soft porridge-like texture so that the mucous membrane of the digestive tract is not exposed to rough mechanical impact.
- On the second and next days you need to eat a little, but often - at least once every 3 hours.
- Dishes should be pleasantly warm - in no case scorching hot or icy. It is very irritating to the mucous membranes.
- The best cooking options are steaming, boiling, stewing.
You can fully return to normal nutrition after about 1 week, since the recovery process is long.Since the menu is not too nutritious, and the body is weakened, the victim during recovery should observe bed rest at least in the first days. The body should direct all forces precisely to recovery, and any physical activity can cause dizziness and even loss of consciousness.
Recommended Adult Products
Many are interested in what you can eat after food poisoning for an adult. The most popular diet is called BRAT.
Each letter of this abbreviation indicates the name of a particular product in English:
- B is a banana;
- R is rice;
- A - applesauce;
- T - toasts.
This menu is recommended to adhere to for any digestive disorders. These products prevent diarrhea and relieve irritation.
Allowed Products:
- mashed potatoes on the water;
- oatmeal and buckwheat;
- grated boiled carrot;
- vegetable or chicken stock;
- Steamed fish;
- viscous and liquid rice on water;
- low-fat dietary meat in the form of souffle.
It is better to take cereals not from whole grains, but from processed and chopped (“done”). In the first 3 days, cereals should be viscous and it is better to grind them through a strainer or grind to a puree state.
But even allowed food can be taken only in minimal quantities - a couple of spoons. The body is still not able to digest a large amount of food.
After 3-4 days, fermented milk products, cereals, fruits must be included in the diet, which will help restore intestinal microflora.
What can I eat after poisoning a child
In children, poisoning occurs more often in comparison with adults and not so much because of poor-quality food, but because of a violation of hygiene rules and poking fingers in the mouth. Moms are often interested in what can a child eat after poisoning. If the baby, except for feeding, is still breastfeeding, then the menu should be made only by a doctor.
The first day the child needs to offer only a plentiful drink.
Then, if he feels tolerable and hungry, you can offer light meals:
- baked apples;
- rice porrige;
- vegetable broth;
- noodles soup;
- mashed potatoes on the water;
- chicken broth;
- cauliflower;
- chicken breast.
Rice is always recommended for poisoning. It absorbs all toxins well, and its broth gently envelops the irritated walls of the mucosa.
Drinking after poisoning
Drinking mode is the main condition for quick recovery. On the first day, it is better to drink just water or saline pharmacy solutions.
The best drinks:
- weak green tea;
- dried fruit jelly without sweeteners;
- rosehip broth;
- mineral or chilled boiled water;
- strong rice broth;
- herbal decoctions (mint, sage, chamomile, calendula). You can brew individually or in combination.
But coffee, cocoa, all juices, hot chocolate, tea, Coca-Cola and alcohol are not worth drinking. Sweetened drinks, milk only irritate the gastric mucosa.
If the victim feels really bad, he needs to put ice cubes in his mouth and ask him to constantly suck them. This will help prevent dehydration.
Prohibited Products
Not all products can be consumed by people who have suffered poisoning.
Prohibited Products:
- smoked meats;
- eggs (too heavy food);
- sausages;
- honey;
- fat;
- whole fruits and vegetables that have not undergone heat treatment;
- any sweets;
- whole milk;
- canned food;
- muffin;
- beans, peas, beans (provoke flatulence);
- cell and pearl barley (too coarse);
- all fatty, heavy, salty and fried foods.
As you can see, prohibited foods include those that cause flatulence and are too aggressive for a weakened stomach.
What to eat after alcohol poisoning
After alcohol poisoning, many suffer from a hangover syndrome, during which it is necessary to maintain at least a little body strength. In the first 24 hours you need to generally refrain from eating, drink a lot and take adsorbents.With heaviness in the stomach, it is advisable to induce vomiting to release it from unnecessary contents. It is also recommended to drink a laxative to cleanse the intestines.
Allowed products on the second day:
- crackers;
- cookies "Maria" or "Zoological";
- buckwheat and rice on the water;
- steam meat and fish cakes;
- fruit and vegetable mousses.
But if the aversion to food persists, you do not need to force yourself to eat by force, which means that the stomach is not yet ready for work.
On the third or fourth day in the menu you can gradually add such dishes:
- cottage cheese casserole;
- meat broth;
- vegetable decoctions;
- boiled potatoes;
- braised liver;
- light salads of vegetables and seafood.
These products will help to quickly fill in the lack of useful elements.
Recovery diet after poisoning and vomiting
After poisoning and vomiting, the selection of the menu should be approached especially carefully so as not to harm the already damaged digestive system. To stop the attacks of vomiting, the patient is given salted water. She is drunk often, but little by little in sips.
Allowed meals:
- half a portion of liquid mashed potatoes without milk and sour cream;
- half a glass of light meat broth;
- a little liquid rice or buckwheat porridge on the water without milk and salt;
- homemade crackers with tea (without sweetener).
You can take food only if there is no aversion to it, otherwise it will simply end with another bout of vomiting. When your well-being improves, you can gradually introduce other foods to diversify and strengthen your strength.
How to introduce new products
New dishes should be entered on the menu with caution and gradually. No more than 2 new foods are allowed in one day, with portions being small. If your health does not worsen, then the body has reacted normally to the proposed food, and the next day the portion can be increased.
To restore the intestinal microflora, after recovery, doctors recommend taking a course of probiotics and enzyme preparations to improve digestion.
To prevent poisoning, you must follow these precautions:
- adhere to cleanliness and all sanitary standards during cooking;
- Do not use expired products;
- prevent pets in the kitchen and dining room;
- use different kitchen appliances for cutting meat, fish and bread;
- store food in closed containers in a cool place, while raw should lie separately from ready-made ones;
- wash canned lids with hot water and dishwashing detergent;
- subject suspicious food to thorough heat treatment at high temperatures;
- Always try to use only quality food and water.
Compliance with these simple rules will help to avoid such an unpleasant condition as poisoning.