Pregnant women are more susceptible to various diseases, as their immunity is weakened. During this period, it is important to be extremely careful about your health. But no one is safe from colds, and almost every expectant mother at least once notes symptoms of malaise. Today we learn that it is possible for pregnant women to cough, consider a number of permitted medications and natural remedies.
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The danger of coughing during pregnancy
Few people manage to endure a baby without ever being sick. Especially often cough bothers. This symptom in itself is not so bad, because it is by coughing that the body mechanically releases the bronchi and larynx from dust, mucus, viruses and allergens. But he still needs to be treated. Coughing is not a disease - just a symptom. The condition indicates that SARS or an allergy begins to develop, so you need to see a doctor.
It is necessary to treat cough during pregnancy, because infections and the symptoms themselves pointing to them are terrible.
At each stage of gestation, coughing is dangerous in its own way:
- In the first trimester (from 1 to 14 weeks), any cough is terrible, it leads to tension of the abdominal muscles, the uterus comes in tone, which can cause a miscarriage. A prolonged cough leads to a malfunction in the blood supply to the placenta. The baby receives little oxygen, the result of this may be hypoxia. A wet cough often causes reflex vomiting, which dehydrates the body, which leads to a lack of useful elements. Particularly wary is the cough, in which wheezing is clearly audible.This condition may indicate whooping cough, in which the fetus begins to develop abnormally. If such a symptom is detected, you should immediately contact your obstetrician, he will prescribe tests. Most often, when detecting pertussis in the early stages, the doctor will insist on terminating the pregnancy.
- Second trimester (15 - 26 weeks). A prolonged dry cough leads to fetoplacental insufficiency, and this affects the weight gain of the baby. In this period, the nervous system begins to develop, and the lack of oxygen in the mother’s body, which provokes a prolonged cough, violates its correct formation.
- Third trimester (27 - 42 weeks). During this period, a cough is considered less dangerous, because the child’s organs are already formed, he is little threatened. But still, the cough provokes the detachment of the placenta, the discharge of water, and this leads to premature birth. Another symptom violates the production of milk, which today, although not vital (there are artificial mixtures), but is still very important for the proper development, growth and health of the baby.
As soon as you notice a suspicious sore throat, accompanied by the need to cough, immediately go to see your doctor.
In no case should you self-medicate, and even taking the most harmless folk remedies requires consultation with a therapist for a women's consultation, because the herbs not only cause allergies, but some of them are dangerous for the child.
Next, we learn the features of therapy at each period, and we will analyze what pregnant women can drink from coughing.
Features of the treatment of the expectant mother
At each stage, the body of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus have their own characteristics. Medicines are not welcome for treatment from the first to the last day of bearing a child, but you need to be prepared that it is not possible to avoid the use of synthetic drugs every time. Consider the differences in eliminating cough at different stages of pregnancy.
1 trimester
Until the 14th week, the crumbs have the rudiments of the spine and neural tube; during this period, any exposure to chemicals is extremely undesirable. That is why, up to 4 months, doctors prescribe only herbal medicines. Before prescribing therapy, the doctor will direct the patient for tests to determine the cause of the condition.
It can be one of the following:
- allergy;
- viral and bacterial diseases;
- consequence of hypothermia of the larynx;
- smoking;
- stressful conditions.
Once the cause is found, you need to proceed to eliminate the symptom. There are tons of safe ways to get rid of a cough. For example, at the very beginning of pregnancy, the simplest procedures are suitable - inhalations with soda and salt. If such treatment did not help, then the doctor will prescribe medications of natural origin: Mukaltin, cough syrup from the root of marshmallow and licorice, herbal preparations, infusion from the uterus, Bronchicum, Herbion and the like.
To maintain the immunity of the pregnant woman and to strengthen it, it is necessary to include a vitamin-mineral complex in therapy.
The doctor may prescribe the following remedies:
- "Bifidophilus Flora Force";
- "Mammavit";
- "Drive."
In a separate case, if herbal medicines do not help overcome cough, the doctor will prescribe the synthetic drug Libexin.
2 trimester
At this time, the fetus acquires its own protective system, it significantly expands the possibilities of therapy. But the child is still very sensitive. If the cough is caused by allergens, then after evaluating the benefits and harms, the doctor will prescribe Azelastine and Suprastin. In the case when the condition indicates bronchitis or pneumonia, an antibiotic and an antiviral agent are necessarily included in the therapy.
The cough itself can be eliminated by the following drugs:
- plant-based syrups "Herbion", "Pertussin";
- tablets "Bronchipret" and "Mukaltin";
- syrups with codeine, for example, "Sinecode."
Alternative medicine can also be used as concomitant therapy: tea with raspberry jam, honey and lemon (of course, if there is no allergy), herbal infusions, warmed milk.
Inhalations, warming up, hot foot baths and mustard plasters - procedures prohibited from the second trimester. Heat exposure can cause uterine bleeding, which will jeopardize the further bearing of the baby.
3 trimester
At this time, treatment is much similar to that carried out on the 2nd trimester. Starting from week 27, the baby is already well protected, and in conjunction with natural medicines, some synthetic ones are already allowed.
Suitable drugs:
- plant origin: "Mukaltin", "Herbion", funds based on marshmallow, plantain, eucalyptus;
- synthetic preparations: Omnitus (syrup only), Bromhexine, Libexin, Ambroxol Vramed.
Be wary of folk remedies that tone the uterus, because it threatens with premature birth. Do not apply in the third trimester of honey, inhalation, hot baths.
At any time you can not use:
- “ACC”;
- "Broncholitin";
- "Codterpin";
- "Flux";
- Ascoril;
- "Glycodin";
- "Travisil";
- "Antigrippin-ANVI."
Of the herbs, the following are dangerous for pregnancy:
- ginseng;
- St. John's wort (not applicable if cesarean is prescribed, as it reduces sensitivity to analgesics, and anesthesia will be ineffective);
- sage (in large doses);
- echinacea;
- anise;
- oregano;
- pine buds;
- elecampane;
- violet;
- rosemary;
- ivy;
- eleutherococcus.
When buying herbal preparations, carefully study the composition. The above plants should not be present in them.
The reasons for the origin of wet and dry cough are different, so you need to carefully choose drugs. One that is designed for dry, not suitable for wet, and vice versa. Consider medications suitable for each case.
Dry Cough Medications
A cough in which mucus does not go away is called dry. It can be caused by allergens, dust and viruses.
The approved drugs for its treatment are the following:
- "Doctor Tyss" - suitable cough tablets for pregnant women at any time. They need to be resorbed, and the components that make up will destroy germs and viruses. They are used for tonsillitis, colds.
- "Libexin" - tablets that are acceptable for use throughout pregnancy.
- "Herbion" from a dry cough - syrup, can be at any time.
- "The Falimint."
- The Bronchicum.
- Stoptussin.
In the first trimester, only Herbion and Libexin are suitable. The remaining drugs are prescribed only from 15 weeks.
Medication for wet cough
Do not confuse a wet cough with a dry cough, since sputum containing pathogenic microflora leaves it.
The task of tablets and syrups is to quickly remove mucus from the respiratory tract, preventing the microbes from spreading. If the infection goes down, dangerous pneumonia will develop.
The doctor, upon detecting such a symptom, will prescribe expectorant drugs, and they may be one of the following list:
- "Mukaltin." Herbal tablets. Apply at any time.
- "Herbion for wet cough." Safe syrup for the baby and mother during any period of pregnancy.
- The Bronchicum. Resorption tablets, can be used throughout the gestation.
- Tussin. Pharmaceuticals in the form of syrup, are prescribed from the second trimester.
- Licorice root syrup. We will admit to the reception at any time.
- "Dr. Mom." The medicine in the form of tablets and syrup, can be used from the second trimester.
Although the prescribed medications are safe, you should not start taking them without a doctor’s prescription. The nature of the cough is different, and it is only a symptom. It is necessary to treat it, and the reason.
Folk remedies during pregnancy
Recipes of traditional medicine are extremely useful in the fight against cough both in conjunction with drug therapy, and separately. Non-traditional remedies are good at the first symptoms of diseases, quickly getting rid of them.
If the cough has just begun to bother, you must immediately begin to take the following measures:
- Honey helps well in the first trimester. It must be added to tea, warm milk, rubbing the chest and back. From the second trimester until the end of pregnancy, honey is used only for grinding.
- A plentiful warm drink. Decoctions of herbs allowed during pregnancy will help: ginger, marshmallow, licorice, pharmacy chamomile, pine forest, raspberry and currant leaves, plantain, wild rose, lime blossom and so on. The way to prepare a drink is simple: you need 1 tbsp. l harvest or separate herbs brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 15 minutes, drink in 2 doses.
- A good and safe remedy for pregnant women is black radish juice. In the first trimester they drink a day for 3 doses a glass of juice (1/3 part), adding a little honey. From the second trimester, the dosage is the same, but already without honey.
- Gargling will help get rid of germs that live in the larynx and in the sky. Use soda and salt, chamomile, eucalyptus, plantain, calendula.
- Inhalations under a coverlet are permissible only in the 1st trimester, if the temperature is not elevated. From the second, as prescribed by a specialist, inhalation can be performed using a nebulizer. Add salt, soda or plant components to the water: chamomile, calendula, lime blossom, a series.
The above describes which herbs can not be used, and about unacceptable procedures during pregnancy. Be careful, treat with herbs and tablets, only as directed by a doctor or after consulting with him.
Preventative measures
If you noted that you froze walking along the street or waiting in line at the clinic, returning home immediately brew warm tea on the herbs, wrap yourself in a blanket and lie down. This will help keep you warm and minimize the risk of developing a cold.
Doctors recommend the following measures to prevent the appearance of cough and related symptoms of colds:
- Wash your hands, rinse your nose and gargle every time after visiting not only public places, but also walking.
- Wear a protective medical mask during a riot of colds and flu when visiting crowded places (store, clinic and so on).
- In the summer, going for a walk to places where it is dusty, also wear a mask - it will protect the airways from the penetration of foreign particles and allergens.
- Eat fully, take vitamins and minerals, walk more.
- Dishes for a pregnant woman should be individual.
- Dress for the weather. Wear warm clothes in the cold, do not wrap yourself in the summer.
- Give up bad habits - they weaken the immune system.
The prescribed procedures are not able to completely protect against colds and coughs, but nevertheless they will minimize the possibility of infection. If you suspect it for the first time, visit a doctor immediately. If you started to get sick in the evening, do not take medications, use the folk remedies prescribed in the publication. Pharmaceuticals will be prescribed by the attending physician. Do not depart from his recommendations, so as not to harm yourself and the unborn baby.