Botulinum toxin injections are extremely popular in modern cosmetology as a procedure that helps restore youthfulness. There are several varieties of drugs of this type. Which is better - Botox or Dysport, and what is the difference between them?
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Comparative characteristics of Botox and Dysport
What is the difference between Dysport and Botox, what is better to choose to improve your appearance? To make the right choice, it is necessary to take into account factors such as the composition of the drugs used, the features of their action and price range.
Composition of drugs
Comparison of drugs is appropriate to start with a description of their composition.
Both one and the second consists of a protein that acts as a preservative. The disadvantage of this component is the ability of the protein to provoke the body's immune response in the form of edema in the injection zones. The composition of the preparations also includes human serum albumin.
Both medicines include an active neurotoxin called botulinum toxin. The latter is produced by the bacteria clostridium botulinum. It is he who helps to smooth the skin, “erase” creases and relax muscles, provoking their partial paralysis. In other words, both Botox and Dysport are essentially protein-based neuropathic poison.
Note! Botox is produced by the American concern Allergan, and Dysport is the brainchild of a French corporation called Beaufour Ipsen.
The composition of Dysport and Botox varies by the amount of botulinum toxin per unit of drug administered.So, one bottle of Dysport contains 12.5 ng of toxin, and Botox - 5 ng. The difference in the number of additional components is also noticeable - Botox manufacturers included sodium chloride in its composition, French manufacturers included lactose. The bottle of Dysport itself is larger, which is entirely justified, because this drug is required more than Botox. (1 unit of Botox is equivalent to 3-4 doses of Dysport).
Indications for use and dosage
Botulinum toxin injections are popular among patients of both sexes. This procedure is due to the presence of a number of indications:
- Noticeable facial wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead and nose.
- The need to correct the shape of the eyebrows.
- Elimination of hyperhidrosis (increased sweating) of the feet, palms, armpits.
Botox and Dysport injections have minimal age restrictions and are recommended for patients from 18 to 65 years old. These drugs, injected into the muscles, help smooth the skin of the face, eliminate tissue prolapse. Additionally, Dysport and Botox can be used to reduce the excessive activity of the masticatory muscles. Often, against the background of this feature, a person begins to gnash his teeth, and the chewing surface of the dental units is gradually erased.
Contraindications and side effects
Beauty injections bring with them not only good looks and aesthetic problems. Failure to comply with the technology of the procedure can result in a number of negative consequences.
Their risk can be reduced, given a number of contraindications to the introduction of Dysport and Botox:
- individual intolerance to injections (rare);
- muscle weakness;
- endocrine pathologies;
- clotting problems;
- chronic lung diseases;
- pregnancy, lactation;
- menstruation;
- dermatological diseases;
- recent surgery;
- chronic diseases in the acute stage.
Advice! Botox and Dysport injections are considered medical procedures, and therefore are prescribed and performed by a specialist after a detailed diagnosis of the patient.
If the injection technology is not followed and the existing contraindications are neglected, wrinkle injections can provoke a number of side effects:
- a feeling of stiffness in the face, a “frozen mask”;
- drooping eyelids;
- hematomas, edema;
- curvature of the nasal fold;
- eyebrow lift;
- allergic reactions;
- loss of muscle tone;
- inflammation of the lymph nodes;
- lack of effect;
- headaches and so on.
Such problems are often caused by the low qualification of the specialist cosmetologist or his lack of special education. These conditions usually last from a few days to several weeks. It should not be forgotten that Dysport is a drug with a high ability to penetrate not only into tissues undergoing injections, but also into areas near them. Given all this, you should very carefully choose a cosmetology clinic and a practicing specialist.
Price Comparison
The average cost of Disport is 100-150 rubles. per unit of the drug. The same amount of Botox will cost 200-300 rubles. Such low prices can create an idea of Dysport as a cheaper drug. However, for 1 unit. Botox accounts for 2-3 units. Disport that equalizes their value. As a rule, 100-150 units fall on one area of the face. Dysport (for people with large faces - more). The forehead area accounts for 40 units. Disoprta, between the eyebrows - 40 units. versus almost half the amount of Botox.
Which drug is more effective against wrinkles and hyperhidrosis
Hyperhidrosis is a condition of excessive sweating of the feet, armpits and other areas of the human body. This condition is often caused by genetic factors. Increased sweat often creates discomfort, especially for the fair sex. Unpleasant symptoms are not completely eliminated even by the use of specially designed products - deodorants.The latter, on the contrary, can trigger the opposite effect, clogging the pores of the skin and adding to the unpleasant odor even irritation and inflammation of the hair follicles.
Profuse sweating is often a real problem for a person, especially today, in the era of the need for frequent communication with people (for example, taking into account the specifics of work). The elimination of this feature has always been a rather laborious task. Drug treatment suggested surgical methods of radiation therapy, the use of tranquilizers. Particularly desperate patients decided on auto-training and hypnosis. All of the above methods were ineffective and short-term and, in addition, were accompanied by multiple side effects that adversely affect human health.
Today, the problem of excessive sweating is solved by microinjections of Dysport or Botox. The problem area is pierced with a thin needle, blocking the work of the sweat glands, and perspiration is significantly reduced. The result lasts 6-9 months.
As for the effectiveness of eliminating hyperhidrosis, experts give the palm to Dysport, although Botox is considered a very effective drug. But Dysport is able to penetrate not only the injection site, but also into nearby tissues. From the point of view of eliminating wrinkles, this is rather a minus, since the property provokes side effects - edema and hematomas. However, in the process of blocking the gonads, this feature is more an advantage than a disadvantage. Indeed, affecting a vast territory, Dysport will quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of excessive sweating.
Which is better - expert opinion
And what do specialists think about wrinkle injections?
After comparing Botox and Dysport, the doctors identified several facts:
- Botox first began to be used in the 80s of the 20th century, Dysport - in the 90s. Thus, Botox is a more proven drug.
- The degree of diffusion (the ability to penetrate the nearest tissues) of Dysport is 29%, and that of Botox is 19%.
- Both drugs have similar contraindications.
- The human body can neutralize the injected neurotoxin after a while. In this regard, Botox is better than Dysport, since the first contains a minimal amount of a complex of neurotoxins, whose duration of action is longer. Thus, Botox injections are less common.
Dysport and Botox are currently relevant drugs based on botulinum toxin. With their help, injections of beauty so popular nowadays are carried out, which contribute to the prolongation of youthful skin. In addition, botulinum toxin-containing injections help get rid of manifestations of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), which creates discomfort for many patients in cosmetic clinics.