All garden plants and shrubs require proper and quality care. Daffodils are more popular among flowers. They decorate the garden with bright sunny inflorescences in the summer. When the end of flowering comes, daffodils have bloomed, what many do not know what to do next. Even in autumn, it is important to prepare them for the winter period. Bulb preparation and processing is important so that they do not lose their varietal properties.

How and when to dig daffodil bulbs after flowering?

After the daffodils have faded, it is necessary to care for them.

It consists of the following steps:

  1. You can not cut the foliage after flowering for 2 months. Through the leaves, sunlight enters the bulbs.
  2. After 2-3 months, when the foliage finally dries, carefully cut it and remove it from the main bush.
  3. With the onset of autumn, it is necessary to fertilize fertilizers that dissolve in water.
  4. Young plants on top are covered with a layer of humus or leaf turf, during the winter.

Young bulbs of flowers after a growing season should not be dug up. It is better to dig every 3 years so that the young bush gives the mother bush. Adult bulbs of 3 years of age are dug up after a growing season in late July, early August.

After the foliage dries, the bulb does not have a dormant period, they continue to breathe, grow and receive the necessary nutrients. The dug out planting material of daffodils also breathes, so with a transplant should not be pulled for more than 2 months.

Important! Do not remove yellowed and withered foliage so that it is easier to find a place for planting bulbs when transplanting.

The need for a procedure every year

Transplanting flowers is not recommended annually. Transplantation should be done no earlier than 3-5 years later, when the bulbs will be crowded. From the mother’s bulb, babies can form, depending on the variety and growing conditions, from 2 to 5 pieces in one growing season.

For additional planting material, it is allowed to dig bulbs after 3 years. With an annual transplant, they can weaken, cease to bloom for 2 years. In order to achieve strong and abundantly flowering plants, it is necessary to transplant no earlier than after 6 years. The main signs for transplantation will be small inflorescences, a slowdown in growth and the appearance of the disease and pests on the flowers.

An annual transplant is allowed if the bulbs become ill. After digging, they must be carefully examined, removed sick children and treated with a special solution.

Digging Precautions

The main precautions should be taken when digging planting material so as not to damage the bulbs with a sharp tool. And also after digging the material.

Precautions include:

  1. It is better to dig bulbs with a sharp spatula or garden fork, deepening them in the ground so as not to damage them, together with an earthen lump.
  2. After digging the foliage, cut off with a sharp knife, and the roots should not be trimmed until they are completely dry.
  3. Shake off material from the ground without separating from each other and place in storage.
  4. Do not leave them in an open sunny place so that they do not burn out from the sun.
  5. After they dry out a bit, separate from each other and remove excess soil with hands.
  6. Separate the daughter bulbs from the mother ones after they dry. In order not to spoil them.

If, when separating daughter children from the parent material, it is damaged, the place of the scrap can be sprinkled with wood ash. To avoid rot or deterioration during storage. Wounded babies treated with ash should be stored separately from whole heads.

Important! If the flowers grew over 6-7 years in one place, without transplantation, so as not to cut the bulbs, it is better to use a large shovel. Landings can grow and occupy a large area.

Bulb storage rules

The bulbs, after being removed from the soil, are left in the open air for 5-10 minutes to dry. It is better to choose a slightly shaded place, in order to avoid sunburn. If the weather is rainy, they are transferred to a closed room, with good ventilation for air ventilation.

After which they must be placed underground or in a cellar with an optimum temperature of 15-18 degrees, and a humidity of 60 percent. Before you lower the bulbs into the cellar, sort them by type and put them in wooden boxes or special pallets, you can shift the layers with paper. Do not store in closed bags, otherwise they will rot.

There should be vents underground so that fresh air can flow freely into it. If it is damp, you can place a fan to circulate air. Inspect the material daily for rot or disease. Remove rotten heads immediately so that infection does not go to healthy onions. It is not allowed to store them for a long time, the shelf life should be about a month.

Is treatment necessary?

Strong and healthy bulbs of daffodils do not require additional processing. To be sure and to avoid rot, planting material can be soaked for 10 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The cleaned heads of daffodils, before storage, can be poisoned from worms and other pests by a solution of the drug Karbofos. To do this, prepare a solution of 2 liters of pure water, add 2 ml. the drug. In the finished solution, place the material and soak for half an hour. After thoroughly dry them and send them to the storage room before planting.

Dates of planting in the ground

The best time for planting daffodils in the ground is autumn, late August, early September. During this period, the bulbs will have time to take root, and not start to grow.In each region, it is necessary to observe the time when frost sets in. You can independently calculate, 3 weeks before the first frosts, the most favorable time.

If planting occurred in late September, early October, you can cover the seedlings from above with a layer of dry foliage for the winter, tops not more than 15 cm. To be sure of the safety of the crops.

The place is better to choose a new one, where the rest of the earth. It is better not to plant it in the same place where daffodils grew. For 3 years, the soil is depleted, it may contain harmful microorganisms, the flowers will not grow well.

Dig a hole in accordance with the size of the bulb, about 20 cm. If fast flowering is required, deepen by 5-10 cm. It is laid on the bottom with a layer of sand, humus soil and 1 tablespoon of mineral fertilizer. Having formed a drainage layer, the bulb is placed in a pit and sprinkled with a layer of soil on top, slightly compacting it. It is important to maintain a distance between the material of at least 10-15 cm when planting. If different varieties of flowers are planted, pegs with inscriptions of the name of the variety can be deepened into the ground next to the heads.

Important! The bulb of the daffodil is poisonous, all work and contact with them should be done with rubber gloves.

Now there is a huge selection of varietal daffodils that will delight their master with colorful paints during flowering in early spring. Having given them proper care and observing all the rules of planting, the plant will be strong and healthy, not subject to diseases and pests.